Are There Mansions in Heaven?

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What is heaven going to be like?

This is a question most of us have asked at one point or another. People have been asking about it for centuries. We’re curious what things will be like once we die. And sometimes, we even look to scripture to find out. We scan the verses looking for clues, for hints about the things that await in the life to come.

For instance, in John’s gospel, Jesus himself says,
“In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” (John 14:2-3)

Sweet! We all get mansions! It’s going to be like one glorious, heavenly version of cribs!

…isn’t it?
Or…is it?

Well, this week, we’re going to explore what Jesus really means when he talks about heavenly mansions, and who will actually receive this, in this episode of Misreading Scripture.


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Misreading Scripture is a series that takes common scriptures and helps you to see them with a new set of eyes. Many of these are scriptures we have been innocently misinterpreting. And once we gain insight into the culture and context of the passage, all of a sudden it becomes clear in an entirely new way.

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I don't need a mansion, I need my father.


I just trust Him for whatever gifts He wants to bestow on us, His children. I dont really deserve anything. Just being in His presence is gift enough. I also want my family and friends there. Looking forward to knowing all my brothers and sisters in Christ.


@BrandonRobbinsMinistry I always find it helpful to realize that Jesus relationship with us is like a marriage in Israel (in ancient times, at least). Whenever a man and woman get engaged, the man goes back to his father's house and the woman goes back to her father's house. The woman purifies herself and gets prepared for when her husband will come to get her. But no one knows when that will be including the groom. It is his father who will tell him when it is time to go get his bride and bring her back to his house. The father has to prepare the household to receive an additional person. The family is being extended. Whenever he has finished the preparations, he tells his son to go get his bride. She doesn't know until she hears the procession outside with all of the announcements and noise (in the good sense of the word).

There is much more to the analogy but the point here is the same as you made--the Father is making room for additional family members and when He is ready, He will tell the Son (Jesus) it is time to get His bride (the church, as they say).


To be honest with you I don't care if I get a mansion. As long as I get a quiet spot. Where I can lay my head and not worry about a damn thing. I'm happy.


I think one of the things I look forward to the most being with Him in heaven is finally feeling and being safe.


me too.I dont need mansion, I need my father too i need JESUS!LORD have mercy on me


God bless you Brandon. Thank you for a very enlightening homily.


The talk of houses reminded me of a woman I know - a highly proud to be atheist. She recently "relished" telling me what a wonderful chat she had with her very smart 6 year old grandson who told her that friends in school told him about heaven and he thought he might like to go, too. She asked why he wanted to go, what was going to be there for him. His answer - as much candy as he wanted. Her response? It was a step by step question with yes answers from him, starting with "if you can have candy, will you have a body, mouth, throat to enjoy it? Does that mean that you'll have a stomach and that you'll digest it? Where will it go in your body? will it leave your body like food does now? Will you have a house? Will the house have a toilet? Will you have to clean your own toilet? Does that sound like something you want to do??? She chuckled and said that by the end they were both laughing and she had her wonderfully atheistic grandson back again. This is what happens when the concept of heaven is reduced to a life like we can imagine on earth. Very sad.


It always helps to understand the gospel through original meaning.


Thank you Brandon....I knew it has always been about relationship when Jesus spoke...but never considered this verse to be one of them. Thank you for digging deeper.


I agree with 100% of what you are teaching in this video. To me it makes even more sense when we apply this teaching to what hell will be like. Hell will be a separation from God we will not have that Heavenly relationship with God we were be as it is said out in darkness separated for eternity from God and that truly must be a torturous place.


The chambers within his heart, many rooms.


Great teaching on something that has confused many...we always make it about material things..God focuses on the spiritual


Oh my goodness. Well I just burst into abundant, grateful tears! Thank you, Brandon, for faithfully leading your viewers back to the beautiful truth of God's word and not man's assumptions, dogmas, or preferred interpretations.
I grew up in such a cold, hard, performative, fatalistic faith. To learn in middle age that God designed me with intention and delight and not as a disappointing mistake fated to fail, that He loves me warmly and not based on my groveling piety... I cannot tell you what it has meant to have those chains fall off. He is not a cold or distant diety, playing with men's fates, but a creative and affectionate Father.
Thank you is a small phrase for the enormous gratitude I feel toward you, and to God for directing my path to discover your instruction. But thank you, sincerely, from my heart 💛


LOVE that you said we can’t honestly read the Bible with our 21st century brain. All the New Testament writers quoted from Old Testament scriptures. I’d love to see you do a study on the Greek word “mello” meaning “about to be” used 110 times in the New Testament.


Thank you, Brandon, for pointing out the emphasis on relationships. It sounds like you could interpret this to mean “in God’s household/family there is room for all kinds of people who want to live with Jesus by trusting in Him.” It reminds me of Galatians 3:28 in the New Living Translation
“There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.”


Translation should be rooms not mansions. Grooms in Jesus time built a room onto his parents house before getting married. Families lived together.
Edit: Meaning there’s room for everyone.


Thank you pastor Robbins! I love your videos!


As a middle aged dude with .several chronic issues, this gets me even more excited about eternity.

Thank you for sharing this. It makes so much sense. Context is everything.


John 14.2 is paraphrasing what young jewish men would resite when offering a marriage proposal at the girls home at midnight which was a custom of the Jews... If excepted the young Jewish men would then run home and build an extention off his fathers house to bring his bride there after the wedding....Christ is making an illustration of the bond between Him and his church is like a betrothal in spirit.
