Heaven, What No Eye Has Seen!

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Teaching from the Bible
This video examines what Heaven may look like and what experiences we may expect there. We explore biblical references of rewards, treasures, and dwellings and Heaven itself that is promised to believers in Heaven upon our deaths.
Studying scriptural passages, we define what heavenly mansions might resemble based on analogies made by Jesus Christ and the vision of Heaven and the New Jerusalem revealed to John in the Book of Revelation. Concepts discussed cover everything from lavish palaces of gold, streets of gold and precious stones to abodes for our perfected spiritual bodies.
Examining referenced verses surrounding heavens, this video deals with real yet philosophical questions about the Kingdom of God, death, and what comes after. While all believers will receive rewards and treasure, not all will receive the equal portions. Does the way we live on earth as believers determine our divine lodgings and rewards?
Our study examines faith, our investment of our talents in the kingdom, righteousness and mentions of heavenly dwellings.
This video invites Christians to visualize and imagine the splendor described in scripture of the wonders and promises of our heavenly mansions. Eternal life in paradise is contemplated through a biblical analysis of key Bible passages.
Viewers are encouraged to interpret descriptions and form understandings of what the ultimate reward might resemble based on their study of the bible. Discussion in this video hopes to provide an understanding of the possible paradise that awaits believers. While we used available imagery to paint a picture of what heaven may be like, the bible is clear in First Corinthians 2:9-10 when it says, “eye has not seen, hear has not heard, nor has it entered into man's imagination the things God has prepared for those who love him.”
EPIC Cinematic #heaven #dailydevotional
Welcome to Redeemer's Hand Ministries, a channel dedicated to daily Christian inspiration, teaching, motivation and prayers and devotions. Our mission is to provide Christian based content to educate, inspire, and motivate the body of Christ.
We produce new content weekly.
Thank you for supporting us. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and may His love, grace and peace be with you all.
Christian Motivational and Inspirational Videos
This video examines what Heaven may look like and what experiences we may expect there. We explore biblical references of rewards, treasures, and dwellings and Heaven itself that is promised to believers in Heaven upon our deaths.
Studying scriptural passages, we define what heavenly mansions might resemble based on analogies made by Jesus Christ and the vision of Heaven and the New Jerusalem revealed to John in the Book of Revelation. Concepts discussed cover everything from lavish palaces of gold, streets of gold and precious stones to abodes for our perfected spiritual bodies.
Examining referenced verses surrounding heavens, this video deals with real yet philosophical questions about the Kingdom of God, death, and what comes after. While all believers will receive rewards and treasure, not all will receive the equal portions. Does the way we live on earth as believers determine our divine lodgings and rewards?
Our study examines faith, our investment of our talents in the kingdom, righteousness and mentions of heavenly dwellings.
This video invites Christians to visualize and imagine the splendor described in scripture of the wonders and promises of our heavenly mansions. Eternal life in paradise is contemplated through a biblical analysis of key Bible passages.
Viewers are encouraged to interpret descriptions and form understandings of what the ultimate reward might resemble based on their study of the bible. Discussion in this video hopes to provide an understanding of the possible paradise that awaits believers. While we used available imagery to paint a picture of what heaven may be like, the bible is clear in First Corinthians 2:9-10 when it says, “eye has not seen, hear has not heard, nor has it entered into man's imagination the things God has prepared for those who love him.”
EPIC Cinematic #heaven #dailydevotional
Welcome to Redeemer's Hand Ministries, a channel dedicated to daily Christian inspiration, teaching, motivation and prayers and devotions. Our mission is to provide Christian based content to educate, inspire, and motivate the body of Christ.
We produce new content weekly.
Thank you for supporting us. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and may His love, grace and peace be with you all.
Christian Motivational and Inspirational Videos