Python and 'the SOLID principles'

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by Jonathan Slenders

At: FOSDEM 2017

Python and "the SOLID principles". This is an introduction to the first fiveprinciples named by Robert C. Martin (uncle Bob). These principles are thefoundation of a good software architecture. We will have a look at how thisapplies to Python code. We will have a look at abstract base classes,dependency inversion and so on.

Python and "the SOLID principles". This is an introduction to the first fiveprinciples named by Robert C. Martin (uncle Bob). These principles are thefoundation of a good software architecture. We will have a look at how thisapplies to Python code. We will have a look at abstract base classes,dependency inversion and so on.

Room: UD2.120 (Chavanne)
Scheduled start: 2017-02-05 08:30:00
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Hello, just a reminder from Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture: The Single Responsibility Principle says: "One class should depend on only one Actor/role". There is a principle about building functions that do just one thing, but that is not a SOLID principle.
