Debunking fun Ancap lies [Reply to Shane Killian]

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This video is a reply to a video made by an ancap youtuber named "Shane Killian".


Hello everybody, I hope you are having an above average day. You may know my video on the death toll of capitalism. It was made in October of last year and it was among my very first videos. Looking back at it I could do a better job today, though I still agree with the conclusion that capitalism kills roughly 15.5 Million people a year, if you want to know how I arrived at this number go ahead and watch it.
Recently as I was reading the comments, which I always do by the way, I read every single comment I get no matter what video it’s on, YouTube has a very handy page that shows all comments form all videos and I got this comment:

At first, I wasn’t sure about how to react to that, so I decided to go and watch the video. Let’s ignore the economic freedom argument for now, we’ll get back to that. So, I click the link, watch the video and it’s this. It’s titled “Death by capitalism…NOT” and, basically all it is, is a cartoon character floating in front of a stock video of a fire with a partially angry man yelling at the video he is replying to. Kind of like what I did before writing scripts.
It starts off with a very funny, scene? I guess. About the character entering hell and going through someone else’s stuff. In the end card you learn that this video was guest hosted on a channel named “HoodieDemon”, unfortunately that channel no longer exists so it appears to have been reuploaded to this channel. While we are at it, let’s have a look at who we are dealing with.
The channel is called “Shane Killian” and the channel trailer informs me that there are two types of characters on this channel making videos. One for information type videos and one for replies, the one for replies is this cartoon character we saw in the video we were looking at. From this we know that this is the actual channel that video was produced by and not one guest hosting it.
My first move was to check out if this channel really is an ancap as the commenters had said. The channel trailer suggested it was going to be sort of educational videos and mentioned nothing about the host’s politics. The channel description didn’t help either, but it does state a few rules which sounds like a good idea. I wanted to write down a few rules for my comment section as well, but I wasn’t too sure where to write them and I may just do the same. Also please remember the rules, they may become important when we continue watching his video. No mention of him being an ancap anywhere though. [This is where I ran out of characters to write the description]
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I was an ancap 3 years ago and I watched this guy. I don't know exactly how my views changed so extremely but I'm glad it happened


Viki: "i have no arab vewers"
Me: *sad arab noises*


It is funny how the meme:
"Communism in theory, " "Communism in practice... *disaster*, "
Applies basically to capitalism in the first place XD


I have a hard time believing anyone who watches Killian takes him seriously. Anyone who does should, after watching _this_ video, be very mad at him for how dishonest and manipulative he is.


Ancaps: "Communism is an ideology based on oppression"
Also Ancaps: *Regularly joke about murdering political opponents*


Shrödinger's capitalism: Whether America and third world countries are capitalist changes every time it's used on one of their counterarguments.


Right wing libertarians think that authoritarianism doesn't exist outside of the state.


Ah yes, shane killian, i used to follow him loosely back in my ancap days due to his "say it like it is" schtick. Looking at him now, my god was my taste that cringey???


The idea ancaps have about 'capitalism' is hilariously delisional.
These people are all like 'there are taxes on the videogames I buy, therefore taxes are bad, all taxes come from government, therefore, all government are socialism UwU'


I cannot believe 3-D printing killed all those people


I unironically laughed at "What do drone strikes have to do with capitalism"


I love the longer videos of yours, cause such a long time span allows you to get into much more detail than if you compressed a 50 minute video into 20 or less minutes


As a Chilean, the Helicopter joke is quite frustrating. :/


On the point about the profit motive brought up around 53 minutes in, the community support efforts as a result of coronavirus and government negligence with regards to the crisis are a proof of how the "people only work for profit" model of human behavior fails.
Making masks is not really the most fun way to spend your time, it's a really repetitive sewing project and you personally don't need more than one, but people are still volunteering their time and elastic and fabric (bought with their money) in order to give masks to healthcare workers and community members. Technically, they are making negative money off of this project since they bought those supplies themself.
Another example in the same vein is people volunteering to go buy groceries for old or immuno-compromised members of their communities. There's no guarantee that the people you are buying for will pay you any more than compensation for the cost for their food, but people are still doing it! In fact, they are putting themselves at higher risk of catching coronavirus with no profit motive at all.
When the tide goes out, we all see who's been skinny dipping, and it's strange how fast a mass crisis shows how capitalism is a failing economic system...


Hi, Viki! What’s your thoughts on and experience with pre-Marxist socialism?


Libertarians: “Socialism is when government does stuff”

Ancaps: “Socialism is when government”


That guy is such an immature tool. I watched one of his videos in response to Libertarian Socialist Rants and told him in the comment section that all his arguments were proved wrong by the dude he was responding to. He didnt have anything to say other than "Nuh Uh" in all caps.


If people don't die of starvation in the US, it's because they will spend whatever money they have on food first, then rent, then utility bills. Because of this, the poor in the US are much more likely to die of exposure than starvation

That's not a defence of capitalism. That's an incredibly shallow façade


"for which the source is a 3d Printer." I love this. Thanks so much for the video!


All I learned is that there is a 3D printer we need to stop.
