P. Susan Jackson over een 145+ IQ - Talentissimo

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Een interview met P. Susan Jackson van het Daimon Institute. Zij werkt met exceptionally en profoundly gifted mensen van 0-99. In het interview vertelt ze meer over wat de hyperhoogbegaafde (IQ 145+) doelgroep bijzonder maakt en waarom het moeilijk is hun capaciteiten in te schatten: "We can't measure a three foot long organism with a one foot long ruler - we know we don't get full results".
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I have a 145+ iq. And never thought for a second I was special or gifted. Neither did my parents or friends. I grew up with, what I consider, a ‘normal’ childhood.

I would have hated growing up constantly told I was ‘gifted’.

My ‘genius’ (I laugh at that) came out naturally. I took up violin myself and play at an exceptional level. I participated in sports and got to near national levels. Education. Yes, I have sets of letters before and after my name. And profession. Yes, I am extremely accomplished for what society would consider to be successful.

For me. I was and am glad I was never treated as gifted. That would have made me question myself on why I failed at something.

145+. It’s just a number to me. I wouldn’t care if I was 45 or 245.


As the mother of four such children, I can absolutely agree with that!


It's really been a joy losing people/teachers mid-sentence because they couldn't follow the leaps in logic.


I have a daughter (now 29) who scored an extrapolated 172 on the Stanford-Binet LM (at age 6). I wanted to give her an education commensurate with her intelligence, but my wife did not support such efforts.


What are some of the behaviors of these kids? Or do they behave normal
