Who Is the Final Authority of the Church?

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The early Church never taught that scripture is the final authority. How could it be as it relies on the readers understandings of scripture. Even the reformers could not agree and they used the same scriptures to refute each other.
I think that Irenaeaus stated it quite eloquently in his writing "Against Heresies".

"It is incumbent to obey the presbyters who are in the Church—those who, as I have shown, possess the succession from the apostles; those who, together with the succession of the episcopate, have received the infallible charism of truth, according to the good pleasure of the Father. But [it is also incumbent] to hold in suspicion others who depart from the primitive succession, and assemble themselves together in any place whatsoever, either as heretics of perverse minds, or as schismatics puffed up and self-pleasing, or again as hypocrites, acting thus for the sake of lucre and vainglory. For all these have fallen from the truth".
- Ireneaus of Lyons, Against Heresies, 4:26:2, 180 AD


This video addresses the difference between the Bible and tradition. The final authority of the Church is Scripture.


Christ is The Authority of the church, even as he is The Ruler and Sustainer of his creation


I experienced in a night vision. When my dream was sweet unto me.

And the angel took me by hand. And showed me all things that were. That are. And will be.

Because the lord said to me.. “before I fashioned you In the womb of your mother, I knew you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made and no weapon formed shall prosper against you.”

And sAid I, “ah. But I am but a babe. I cannot speak.”

And the lord said unto me “ say NoT that you are a babe. But speak these things unto them that I will show unto you.”

And behold. The heavens were rolled away as if they were a scroll.

And I sat in darkness. Outter darkness. And I knew I was surrounded by those that believed not in the Lord. “Jesus is a lie” they whispered.

. Then suddenly I was lifted into a new place, and in this place they glorified the Host of Heaven. Saying Glory Glory! For our Lord is Righteous! And doth Judge ! And he hath brought judgement unto all! Glory! Halleluyah! They sang.


I think we have to be careful about that too. Reformation did not begin out of no where, and we have to admit it has certain continuity of church teachings that goes back to Augustine, Ambrose, Jerome, Athanasius, and many other church fathers. Too many heretic movements began with Sola Scriptura in South Korea in recent decades..


Authority is the wrong word, unless you are talking about the Catholic church then it would be the pope.
