7 Days to Die Tutorial - Top 3 Best Base Building Locations | Base Guide

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My Guide to the Top 3 Locations to build a base in 7 Days to Die. These are locations I have used with success.
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Stadium/School: 1786N, 319W
Gravetown: 512S, 372W
Farm: 885N, 765E

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7 Days to Die has redefined the survival genre, with unrivaled crafting and world-building content. Set in a brutally unforgiving post-apocalyptic world overrun by the undead, 7 Days to Die is an open-world game that is a unique combination of first person shooter, survival horror, tower defense, and role-playing games. It presents combat, crafting, looting, mining, exploration, and character growth, in a way that has seen a rapturous response from fans worldwide. Play the definitive zombie survival sandbox RPG that came first. Navezgane awaits!
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My Top 3 base building locations in #7DaystoDie. Where do you like to setup your base?


I built in the church because I thought the Jesus would protect me. So far so good.


0:40 With the school having such a large perimeter to defend, I'd assume this would be an awful base. Mobs could be inside and you'd not even know it.


A little late to the party, but the hands-down best bases are the floating docks in the center of the forest lakes. There is ZERO chance of any zombie making its way onto the dock, so survival is the ONLY concern one has, and (being in the middle of a LAKE in a FOREST) it really isn't much of a concern once you know how to hunt.


I was in random gen, found an entire abandoned base in a town. It had a gun shop, med store, grocery store even. All surrounded by a big iron wall. I thought that was an amazing place for a base.


My favorite place to set up home is the Personal Island In middle of the Lake OR The Farm basement (build sub-basement as well) OR the Diersville top floor of the Hospital. My top 3.


My favorite first base is always the hospital. It's a great source of hard to find medical supplies, It's fairly safe up on the third floor, and there are plenty of things to scavange and loot during the first few nights without having to go outside and face zombies. It's a little weak on food, but scavanging diresvile kitchens can keep you alive till u find a toilet gun and start taking down deer. You don't even have to worry about 7 day or 14 day hordes as u can just run over to the lake just west of dirseville and hide out on the shack in the middle of the water without having to fight.


Thank you for not rambling on and on and on... it’s what deters me from watching some guide/tutorial videos on YouTube. To the point and informational. Thanks, dude!


I like the caves (even though they aren't deep underground enough for my liking) and one of the fancy homes in the area with the three together. The one I like most though is the gas station near the frozen biome.


I always passed by this farm and never thought about how great and strategic this place is ! thanks. one of the advantages of farm is also being so close to river.


I like the caves, especially the one east of the school to start out. I also like the bomb shelters, although after I have at least the workbench perk. Also, I must say I REALLY enjoy your tutorials. They are succinct and well described. Kudos sir!


🎶Underneath the ground,
It’s a different story,
It’s the base I know,
It’s mah territory 🎶


So weird, I just started the game and made my base on the roof of the school on your #3 pick then came across this vid. Apparently I unknowingly made a good decision lol. I am sure it gets tougher, but I didn't hear too much action on the first horde night up there.


First few weeks water camp as long as no heat (camp fire or forge in it). My favorite so far has been Cell Tower near farm. In firest biome and decent fortification with good base to build off. Plus large tower to setup for sniping/scouting. I can easily see Dyerville from top.


i build my bases in a cementary. it already has stone walls around it with iron bars en quite a lot of room its really easy to defend


If you don't mind being underground, the bomb shelter west of Gravestowne just outside of the Motel is a good place to hunker down, too. Or Red Mesa down south/southwest in the desert biome is a great place to set up shop. It goes underground six levels and is built with reinforced concrete!


I built my base in the attic of one of the stone buses NW of Diersville. I put my garden in the roof which is flat and plenty of space for growing a few essentials. My forge is in the attic of the house across the street. So far so good


Old video I know, but I like that the roads by the farm actually look like something you would see out in the country when you pass by a farm.


I love the small house southwest of the trader in the forest biome near the water because it already has a forge which is a big advantage in A17. The farmhouse is definitely my second favorite though. I usually extend the front porch all the way out to the mail box with iron bars and spikes and use that for the blood moon while the house is the base for crafting. It’s also fairly easy to upgrade due to its small size.


That factory is a horrible place because it is in the wasteland biome
