How to Install and Configure LAMP Stack (Apache - MySQL/MariaDB - PHP ) on Ubuntu 23/22/20/18

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How to Install and Configure LAMP Stack (Apache - MySQL/MariaDB - PHP ) on Ubuntu 23/22/20/18
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📌 Code in this video: sudo apt install php libapache2-mod-php php-mysql php-mbstring -y
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In the web development world, LAMP is widely recognized as a powerful and popular toolset for building dynamic web applications. It is a collection of open-source software including Linux (Operating system), Apache (Web server), MySQL/MariaDB (Database Management System), and PHP (Programming language).
The LAMP stack provides a complete development environment for deploying web applications. Linux, an open-source and stable operating system, serves as the foundation for the other components of the stack. Apache is a widely used and robust web server that allows your web server to serve web pages and web applications. MySQL/MariaDB is a popular database management system that enables storage and management of application data. PHP is a powerful and flexible programming language used for building dynamic web pages and interacting with databases.
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📌 Code in this video: sudo apt install php libapache2-mod-php php-mysql php-mbstring -y
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In the web development world, LAMP is widely recognized as a powerful and popular toolset for building dynamic web applications. It is a collection of open-source software including Linux (Operating system), Apache (Web server), MySQL/MariaDB (Database Management System), and PHP (Programming language).
The LAMP stack provides a complete development environment for deploying web applications. Linux, an open-source and stable operating system, serves as the foundation for the other components of the stack. Apache is a widely used and robust web server that allows your web server to serve web pages and web applications. MySQL/MariaDB is a popular database management system that enables storage and management of application data. PHP is a powerful and flexible programming language used for building dynamic web pages and interacting with databases.
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