The 6 Worst-Rated Fast Food Chains

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I don't consider it a spoiler to say Mcdonald's and Wendy's will definitely be on there 😆
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Written by: Josh Strider
Video Edited by:
& Josh Strider
Produced & commissioned by Josh Strider (Phantom Strider)
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I remember Starbucks not giving my mother her debit card back after ordering. The employee literally called my mom “dramatic” when she essentially tried to steal my mom’s debit card.


I worked Wendy's for 4 years. We were always understaffed. Oftentimes, I would be left on the counter without any help. Every time the door buzzed, I felt my blood pressure spike. It was an awful place to work.


I don't go to Wendy's very often, but I definitely do a couple times a year or so, and I've only ever visited one location, the one nearest to me. I've never experienced a wrong order, cold food, dirty eating areas, or rude staff. The only problem with it are the bizarre customers you get in there. Every time I go it seems one of the costumers threatens one of the cashiers for no reason. It's bizarre and I feel awful for the staff working there.


my wife worked at a mcdonald's for a VERY little while a few years ago and it was literally the worst job experience of her life. apparently her manager was an awful jerk who literally yelled at employees in front of customers...i'm glad my wife got outta there pretty quick. she's got a fairly high paying office job now and i'm so incredibly proud of her 💕

tbh the wendy's over where we live is actually quite nice! they've messed up a couple times but it's always a fast and pleasant experience, the employees are really nice


I actually did work at Wendy's for like six weeks at max, and I think that the reason for the problems listed for Wendy's is because of how they treat their staff. Literally the only way I would know what my schedule was was to text my boss. I know because I went in the office on one of my many days off that I had to figure out why I had so many days off and it was because I wasn't listed anywhere. It was almost as if they forgotten about me completely. I didn't get a single break on the rare occasions that I did work, it constantly felt like I was being rushed, and training is just a massive joke. I barely knew how to do anything my first day being out of training.


Fast food places really come and go. For a while McDonalds in my area was very poorly maintained. But as of 2 or 3 years ago the whole building was redone, the food taste better and everything is clean now. However at the same time, a TacoBell next to where I work has seemingly gone downhill. Me and my father will sometimes go there and we've noticed it's gotten very bad lately. What was once the friendliest place to eat has turned very bad with people struggling to take orders, food being poorly made or even cold right out the gate, and almost never getting food there right.

It's gotten so bad that now I only order tacos, and only to go so I can microwave them at home as a snack. Just last time I was there I waited about 35 minutes for a party pack of tacos to snack on over a couple days with the family as we do enjoy them. There was almost no one in the store, maybe 6 people, and 3 of them were up there saying they didn't get their full order or food they got was wrong. This wasn't a lunch rush or anything at all, just a casual afternoon between lunch and dinner. That said I still really like their breakfast foods, but I've learned to make my own as of late just because the quality is better, and often a lot cheaper too for some reason.

I think I've just always guessed that if a place does really well like the old Tacobell it gets flooded by people, and when that happens workers are put under a lot of stress. And then over time that can wear on people and it can really go to crap. just my theory cause I seen that happen twice now in my area, with this TacoBell, and with a Burger King nearby. I'm very glad I rarely eat fast food


Honestly didn't know Wendy's was so hated. They're my favorite fast food restaurant next to Five Guys because of the food, particularly the fries. While I've never had an experience with rude fast food workers, I could understand the chain being hated for poor customer service and wrong orders.


I was one of those Domino's workers for 2 years. It was absolute hell on Earth, customers would regularly abuse us when calling on the phone and the management was just as hostile.


I actually had a great experience on my local Wendy's near my college.

My grandmother and I always go through whenever I have time to spare.

Staff was a little under but they got the job done and my food is always correct heck they got ice and napkins.

And the staff's behavior is sometimes neutral but a little uplifting when my grandmother cheers them up with a joke or two. 😁👍


I recently walked into a familiar Wendys that still has the 2000s' decor and not the new kind others do, and when I went to order there were only two people staffed. One at the counter and one doing cleaning, and I swear the cleaning one was the one who took my order.
But in spite of all that, the burger and fries I asked for were absolutely fine, tasty and worth the money. I'll always go back no matter what others say.


I've had some wrong orders for Wendys in the past but not often enough to be concerned. No, what concerns me is how understaffed every location of both Wendys and Mcdonalds are. I only usually see under 6 people working at most locations. The smallest Wendys near me had 3 people but, to be fair, the working space itself was small there so...

I've never gotten rude employees, just ones who have to deal with a lot of orders and look kinda depressed.


A young man at a Starbucks in my state was trying to explain to a customer he'd fix their messed up order, but instead of being understanding, the customer THREW THE COFFEE IN HIS FACE! Poor kid.


I can't count the many times my family has order taco bell for delivery, and every single time, they either forget something or they cancel our order
McDonald's, on the other hand, the workers are always rushing, which I don't blame, but they're always giving attitude as well
All the other fast food chains on this list, we've rarely ever had a moment where we weren't satisfied


I can't say I've had many bad experiences at fast food places. Years ago, when Burger King was pushing their "Have it your way" campaign, I decided to try getting a custom "burger". I ordered a cheeseburger with just bread and cheese, nothing else. It seemed pretty simple to me, but I guess when the folk in the kitchen are used to making the same burgers over and over again, muscle memory takes over. The cashier was really nice about it. After they got it massively wrong 3 times in a row, she made it for me personally...and still got it wrong. I didn't have the heart to tell her she'd messed it up too, so I just called it good enough and thanked her.
I'm not a fan of Starbuck's coffee, at least not the way they prepare it. I'm not a fan of candy coffee (that's what I call it when they have all that syrup mixed in) and prefer my coffee plain. When I'd order plain coffee, it tasted brackish and burnt. So, when I'm with someone who wants to go to Starbucks, I just order tea. One thing Starbucks did that was very nice was they sent lots of their coffee to deployed locations during the 2nd Gulf War. It was better than the stuff available in the dining facilities and when brewed properly, it tastes pretty good.


Ngl, these ratings for customer service remind me of a very positive experience I’ve had with a Whataburger employee. My sister and I were waiting for a bit when this guy came by with our food, all smiles and had an upbeat attitude when giving our food. He even gave us compliments and waited if we had any complaints or if he missed anything. Another time we saw him again, I was with my mom and he was the same upbeat positive attitude. It’s kinda nice to see someone in a fast food job, especially when you know that it’s not too easy.


We must've gotten lucky with our local Wendy's. It's clean, they usually get the order right, and the majority of the people working there are fairly pleasant. Our only real issue with the places that our town is located pretty much in the middle of nowhere. there have been quite a few times when our local Wendy's ran out of things you wouldn't think they would. Seriously, stuff like straws.

Now if you want to talk about a problematic chain in my area Pizza Hut has given me food poisoning twice.(second Time around was a birthday party at work and I had no idea the pizza was from Pizza Hut due to the fact that managers already threw out the boxes.) Also, our franchise Burger King was shut down by the health department and turned into a Verizon. So if that tells you anything...


Phantomstrider in 2016: Cartoons, Tv-shows and Films.
Phantomstrider in 2022: Restruants


I up and quit fast good 3 years ago after starting weight loss, but I do remember back when I was in 4th grade me and the family stopped at McDonalds for lunch, and later on that day my dad started feeling very weird and sick. We took him to the doctor and apparently, he had food poisoning. And we've never been back there since.


I actually personally work at a McDonald's and enjoy it. I can totally see why people hate working there though, not including horrible management, lack of communication, and the Karens and Kevins. I also genuinely enjoy the food. Again, I can see why people don't enjoy the food. I love your videos, and I just wanted to give you some engagement while sharing a workers side of the story for McDonald's!^^


Hot take: I don’t care if my food is fresh or not.

I mean I’m not saying I’m gonna eat a burger that’s been sitting out in the open for like a week, but I’m fine with it not being recently made, like 2 or 3 minutes ago.

The only thing that really irks me is when they get my order wrong, missing items, wrong items, unwanted toppings, the works.
