The Old Hag

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This is so freaky!! I've heard that if you say; 'In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to leave', the spirit HAS to leave, they have no choice, because God is stronger than the spirits. I think I'd have a heart attack if that ever happened to me. I've had other scary things happen, but nothing like this. Hopefully since you made this video a long time ago this isn't an issue anymore! But if it is you should Vlog about it because I'd be curious to know! 


your not suppose to sleep on your back or stomach because that's easy access! sleeping on your right side is good because your heart side is up. just pray contiuosully in your headdd !


I have never experience this and don't ever want to! My husband and friends have though.


pray pray pray....God is your only saviour


omg yes it has happen to me too but thank God only 2 or 3 times in my life!!!!its the worst feeling but even worst is when you are all alone in the house and you can not go back to sleep i feel like this i wear my necklace cross and i everything feels better after this !!!!


I was 13 when I saw her. I haven't seen her since, but I still get sleep paralysis to this day. (and I have seen other crazy things, not just her) She appeared to be 2 dimensional. As if she had been painted onto the wall. Staring right in my eyes. She didn't move, she just stared at me. If you get sleep paralysis, close your eyes, don't try to move as it only makes the vibrations grow stronger. Just relax, breathe, and wait. It's hard to relax When you're going through it, just try, AND KEEP THOSE EYES CLOSED!!! When you feel like you are ready to try and move, start small. Just a finger or a toe. It just happened to me again 2 nights ago and it tried to happen again last night but I felt it coming on, so I said fuck this shit. Sat up in bed and watched YouTube for an hour. Good luck out there everyone.


this is not the video to watch at 4am :/


i think where ever your staying you need to get the house prayed up, maybe every house you live in have a priest come bless it and light a white candle for peace and light.


Dulce swear i love you u are the cutest thing ever your story, what your discribing is called "sleep paralysis  ..its a situation that when u sleep sometimes your mind is waking up before ur body is..sounds crazy i know..but its the nerve system that's still is a sleep  ( i was creeping myself out lol i heard something moving dyum) anyways it happens usualy when a person sleeps on their back instead of on the side or on the belly...when this paralysis happens ur bascily half a sleep and half awake so that causes u to picture things that are not there its all illusion...umm...and then u picture someone stands next to you or someone touching you or someone's watching you...and u can't move ur eyes or your body u wanna call someone and move but u can't ..that situation is causing u to panic and get into you freak out even more...ur mind is playing tricks on you basicley...thats what it is..some coltuers are saying its ghosts or monsters, the devil or your own soul devourers (excuse my bad english ).... :)


I've been visited by the old hag. It was terrifying. I was completely paralysed and became aware of an evil presence. I saw her at the foot of the bed and I kept trying to move and shout to warn my girlfriend, but I couldn't even get the words out. The hag got closer and closer, but thankfully my gf snapped me out of it before it went any further.

I never heard of the old hag syndrome until telling my mate and he asked if I'd seen her. Freaked me out to see others have seen her for centuries.


Ha! I know What you're talk about! It's happened to me one too many times and also a lot of my family members. We refer to it as 'pesadilla', I've not heard of 'the old hag' or the witch but Ya, It's terrifying! I've woken up screaming "God!" before.


I was up all night with my lil' sister, and we had just watched ghost hunters! and we didn't want our parents to know that we were up, and i heard footsteps and its an old house so you can feel it vibrate to. and i said "shh, pretend your sleeping" and so we both were lying there and she heard them to and then i had to go to the bathroom so i looked around the corner and there was nothing!!! everybody was sleeping! it was so creepy!! and since then every little sound creeps me out at night!!!


I have the experiences also I just had an encounter this morning! My husband was lying right next to me I was paralyzed! The Bible says the harder type comes out only by FASTING & PRAYING. Read the Bible out loud before bed and speak the Word of God in the atmosphere. This is what I will start before bed, pray for me and I will be praying for you.


My father's side of the family, ending with my grandpa, has a long history of practising witchcraft, And also, my sister's first son (half sister, as we have a different father), who died in his twenties, was a satan worshipper. When in his company, I experienced something that changed my life in a way, a powerful force! It wiped off any scepticism I might have had, although it propably had the opposite effect than what he intended, as I started "rooting for the other team", instead of Satan...


I talked to my doctor about's actually a medical issue... try sleeping to your left side, and having a regular sleep cycle. but When you sleep, your body "paralyzes" itself. This is to keep you from moving in your sleep so you don't hurt yourself. With sleep paralysis, your body paralyzes you before you actually fall asleep or keeps you paralyzed once you wake up.


I'm Muslim, and this happened with me a few times....i still remember the first time it happened, but I recite the Quran before i go to sleep . You're Christian, so pray directly to God everytime before you go to protect yourself before you sleep so nothing happens.


It's been happening to me since I was a little kid. In my 20's and early 30's it happened a couple times a week. I've never figured out what triggers it but I learned when it happens, you're basically semi-conscious, in between being asleep and wake. Over time I learned I could snap myself out of it by saying to myself "this is a dream" and trying to force myself to wake up. Once I learned to do it, it didn't happen as often. But I still get it now and then. Hope that helps a bit :)


Sleep paralysis can occur when you have disruppted sleep patterns, unfamilar sleeping places etc. So from the situations you'v explained, it's not suprising you got sleep paralysis. When I last got it I'd been having very messed up sleeping patterns because of college. The best thing to do is relax, tell yourself it's just your mind playing tricks on you, and slowly try to move your body, starting at your toes and slowly moving upwards. Naps during the day are a really common cause too!


Dulcee! ur hair looks soo gorgeous heree!!<33


down, only felt something evil attempt to approach me. I'm 15 now and these things are happening less often. last one I had was 2 nights ago.

the scary thing about this is that it's hereditary. I spoke to my mom about this once, she said she had an even worse experience when she was in Greece. she did something which she wouldn't speak about with me, in Greece, which stopped her episodes forever. I feel like she's passed it to me, seeing as it never happens to my brother. this is truly some s
