I was laid off & can't find work (as a software engineer) (Longer Rant)

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I already made a brief video detailing this situation (that you all loved!) so I’m once again opening up about my being laid off as a software engineer but with way more detail. I take you through my ups and downs, the challenges I've faced in finding new opportunities, but also in general as I debate continuing in this field. I also detail my (ideal) vision for a future in software engineering... but nothing is set in stone

Here’s what I’ll be discussing:

The Layoff: Details on how and why I was laid off, and my initial reactions.

Job Search Struggles: The difficulties I've encountered in the current job market, the hurdles of finding work and interviewing.

My Technical Strengths: Highlighting some of my skills, expertise, and the projects I’ve successfully completed.

Past Work: A deep dive into some of the work I've done so far, including key projects and accomplishments.

Future Goals: The kind of work I’m passionate about and aspire to do moving forward.

Industry Gripes: Honest insights into what I don’t like about the tech industry and how it could improve.

This video is not just about the challenges but also about perseverance, hope, and the pursuit of meaningful work. I hope my story resonates with you and maybe even helps those in similar situations.

👍 Like this video if you find my journey relatable or insightful!

💬 Join the conversation: Share your experiences or advice in the comments below. How have you navigated career challenges?

Thank you for watching and supporting my channel. Your encouragement keeps me going!

#SoftwareEngineer #LaidOff #JobSearch #TechIndustry #CareerJourney #PersonalGrowth
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Once again thank you all for the comments and thoughts. I'll try to go through as many of them as I can. Some of you have already said some really nice and or practical things and I appreciate it! Idk if I'm glad to be connecting with so many people over this unfortunate situation, but I am glad to be connecting with you all

EDIT: I'll be making a follow-up video to respond to some of the comments!


nobody asks an experience accountant to do an hours worth of tax-planning on the spot with eyes watching, nobody asks a heart surgeon to crack open a chest during a live Interview ... why do software engineers put up with this nonsense ?!


They need to get rid of:
-Cover letters
-Unpaid take home assignments
-Nonsense theoretical questions


I enjoy writing code, but I can't stand the industry.


They will destroy you in the interview. You could be the most brilliant programmer, but when they put you in front of that whiteboard...they will say things like, "Technically, your answer is correct. But it wasn't the answer we were looking for." The interview is a way for the current employees to blow off steam by roasting a potential candidate.


I was going through a divorce and lost my job in the early 2000's. It was the first time I didn't get a job right away, it almost took me 6 months and I was months away from living in my car. Scary time for me. I managed to get a job at a startup in LA and it went for almost a year and then I got back in a normal full time job. I had one interview in San Jose and the head hunters stopped calling after I failed one interview. I was lucky the economy came back but it could have been a depression that lasted longer. All I can say is this is the best thing in one way, you will save money after you get back one your feet. I remember a guy that worked at HP and was asked in a interview what the cost was for a electronic component and he failed the question and didn't get the gig. He was living in a barn on a friends farm for almost a year. He got back on his feet too. hang in there.


Yeah coding interviews absolutely suck for anyone other than recent graduates. They always ask you some question that someone would realistically spend a day coming up with a solution that will work forever, but they want you solve the problem in 15 minutes while being watched.


I feel 'ya. Back in 2012 I was laid off after 22 years as a Senior Software Engineer. I was laid off on a Friday and by Monday, my job appeared on the company job listings at half the salary I was getting. I spent a year applying for jobs with no luck. Finally, I just decided that it was time to call myself retired.


Software engineering is an extremely scary, unstable industry… I’ve had +30 jobs over the past 20 years, with dozens of “vacations” in between to recover between “jobs”. Been reinventing myself every 2-3 years to stay on top of the new techs. Extremely exhausting as you get older. Only escape route is to set up some sort of passive income/investment and move to become a “manager” ASAP and then just try to survive. Why so many no longer even dare to start a family. No stability anymore, no matter your skill level


Yeah Apple laid off our team two years ago and I still can't find work. Now live in my parents basement at age 34, lost everything, wife left me, and can't provide for my kid. Car repo'd last week. Zero money in my bank account and can't transport anywhere. Life kinda sucks. I will own a mistake I made with a margin call too. Lost about 200K in savings thinking I could cover the call with my salary. And for those who say this is bs.. wake up. Layoffs have been soaring since 2022. First big tech now the rest. Banks are failing and you are the problem if you think that things are roses right now.


I have been in this field for over 20 years. I can’t even recall one time where we used any of these algorithms. When we interview, we don’t give tests. We just go through a candidates experience, why they like doing what they’re doing, etc. these software interview questions today are a load of shit.


Quit my job over a year ago in one of those, "quit and get a nice severance or possibly get laid off later" situations. 12 year long career, been everything from a frontend web developer to a platform engineer. After a few months of looking for jobs, and 2 incredibly insulting interviews where the interviews arrived late and insisted I was a junior despite my experience (being a woman in tech is very fun), I started doing freelancing. Work is slow, and truthfully, I'm living mostly off my savings. I am debating swapping out of tech entirely. I taught myself how to code 20 years ago when I was 13. Tech has been my life's passion. The market right now is just insanely demoralizing.


I’m in the UK and have been out of work for 11 months. I’ve never seen the market this bad for developers. Good luck to you.


It's a goddamn insult! I ran C++ libraries at a Microsoft, then later a Principal in MSR. Been CEO of multiple startups. Then went to do some contract at Tom Tom and they start giving me questions on the Pythagoras theorem. I'm completely done with this industry. I don't need it. I have been doing advanced crap since the 70s and kept on top of the field. Everything from distributed database design to advanced graphics engines and AI. Get out of here with this low level interview crap. Whatever. Now I make music and have fun. Screw those people. I'm with you brother. Take it easy. It's their loss not yours. ❤❤❤


The sad reality is that since 2021 the number of laid off went from 151, 000 to a total of 500, 000 over 4 years. Structural unemployment is the great transformation coming to the tech field. The new book, The Bubble That Broke the Bank argues that hi-tech is one of the first victims of real estate crashes.


Sorry for what you are going through mate. Many company have unrealistic scenarios when it comes to interviews. They google some hard question and bring some concepts that nobody uses or cares about in real life.


IT hiring is like dating apps for the average male.


I e been working at a job for over a year and I’m moving to a new team. They just gave me an assignment Thursday, they want done by Monday. Expecting me to work over the weekend to build a fully functional web store with login and register, shopping cart, use web sockets, make it scalable, write tests, allow for product search and more. I’m not getting a raise or a new title. This is a placement test for a company I’ve worked at for a year plus. When asked, they basically want me to do something while they set up my accounts for this new team. Not review code, documentation, or shadow a team member. They want me to do a dam evaluation test….

Best part though, all this crap is on the internet so I’m literally going to copy someone else’s work and modify it to have less features so I get placed at a lower position so I have less responsibility. Because why look like a genius when I get the same pay as a fool.


The problem with software vs other jobs is that there's infinite ways to do things and the rate of change is fast.
If you are a doctor, knowledge changes but the human body is still the same.
If you are a physicist, chemist, traditional engineer, the laws of the physical world doesn't change.
If you are a lawyer, most of the legal system stays the same, some laws changes but not at a breakneck speed and the language stays the same.
If you are a software engineer...Hardware change, cloud tech changes, new tech everyday, new programming languages and tooling all the time, stuff done differently in every company. Sure some basics like how computers work and general control flow stays the same but everything else keeps changing


Tech is a cesspit from top to bottom and across different branches. Get out while you stil can. You're still young enough to make a total switch.
