4 Reading Mistakes You Need To Stop Making

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Here are the top mistakes I think people make when reading (although, I will of course say: there's no right or wrong way to do it)
To make your life easier:
0:00 Intro
0:51 Reading only one book at a time
2:47 Not Rereading
4:37 Pointless Note-taking
6:02 Not Speed-Reading

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Ironically, I read a lot. But I love to read a single book at a time. It keeps continuity better when you don't have to try to remember what was going on. I also don't speed read, just go at my own pace. Its takes fun out if you have to read it fast (unless it goes quickly because you're really enjoying it).


Now that I am in my 50s, I love going back and rereading books that I loved twenty, thirty, even forty years ago! It's wonderful experience. Some of the books that I reread are BETTER than I remember them.


I like how you articulated the reasons for reading more than one book at a time. I tell people you can keep track of multiple TV shows, so why not books? Just found your channel. Enjoying it very much!


Tip for people who lose focus on text:
Read narrower text like on your phone or close your text with a paper and reveal next few lwords as you read previous. I found that I get focus fatigue when I read a standart length line but when I read on my phone and constantly scroll slowly reading the top dissapearing line it keeps me very focused and captures my attention. Hope it helps!


i find that reading multiple books at once isn’t often necessary to me since i tend to only pick books that i find so interesting that im always in the mood for them


Re-reading is a great source of comfort as well. I love dipping in and out of the Discworld, picking a book and opening it at random and reading from that point is wonderful, particularly after a stressful day. There are a few books that I will re-visit time and again and not dip into. Mervyn Peake's incredible "Titus groan" is always on my Kindle, for example, and requires to be read "properly". I am also looking forward to re-reading "Piranesi"; in fact I am actively putting it off so that I can enjoy it again all the more.


I like the idea of books being mirrors in which we see a facet of ourselves reflected, and that also a different facet is reflected with each re-reading. I also like the idea of both us and books being different at different points in time, from the flux concept of Heraclitus, i.e. "One cannot step in to the same river twice, as the waters have changed and so has the person.".


I'm a spanish native speaker and I got to confess it's been so hard to understand everything you said because of the speed of your speech, however I take it as a challenge to me and that's why I keep watching your videos. greetings from Colombia!


This is brilliant advice. I can't count how many times I've been in the mood to read but not in the mood for the one book I've limited myself to. My world has opened up!


I used reading as escaping the reality some years ago and I am really struggeling to get back into the habit after 5 (?) years. Actually I always loved reading several books at a time but I kinda pressured myself to not do it because I thought it was the "wrong" way of enjoying books. So thank you for the reminder that this can actually be a big thing for people ^^


I love how you explain such little things in such a friendly sort of way that makes us comfortable to right our wrongs 😭❤️


that first advice about reading different books is sooo good to me right now, i used to ‘force’ myself to focus on only one book, cos i thought it would be more effective to read like that, but i’ll incorporate this advice from now on. thanks a lot


Instead of taking notes on some books, I'll go on a walk and just think about it in the big picture. One of the most life changing books for me was The Familiar Dark. As a 22M, being in the perspective of a middle aged single mother who lost her daughter was mind-blowing. It gave me a much deeper empathy for people I normally wouldn't be able to understand.


This video is EXTREMELY helpful! It clarified everything about how to approach reading! I am trying to read more, but I always find it difficult to start reading. The tip of having multiple books and speed reading will guarantee to help me! Thank you!


I just recently started reading after many attempts before and for me what’s working this time around was to delete social media and reading along with an audio book rather then just reading in my head. Having an audio book while I’m reading the text helps to pace me and keep focus and taking in what is being read. I’m currently half way through a book right now which I’m pretty proud of myself and happy I’m enjoying reading this time. I’m excited to see how many stories I’ll fall in love with through reading.


This is such good advice. I'm definitely going to try the speed-reading more because I do get stuck in the reading process and then have a problem with actually finishing any book.


I love that you speak so fast (in my opinion). It helps me to focus and pay more attention to what you are talking about, thank you😌✨✨


Lately I've found myself constantly taking notes when reading. Sometimes I do this because the book I'm reading is really dense with ideas, and it helps me process my interpretation of those ideas, but other times it's like I'm just compulsively saving information that needn't be saved. I'm really on the fence about whether note taking is advantageous to me because it heavily slows down the process but also enriches the amount of detail I glean from the book 😬


This is good stuff. I have been making many of these mistakes. I'm especially conscious of the first on your list; definitely a mistake I make. I'm so glad I stumbled across this.


I've just started reading a year ago and I'm already following two of the tips. ✌🏼But I have to say, these tips actually gave me insight about how I should study effectively and faster. I'm in the third year of high school, so I don't get much time to read many books other than what I already have as part of my academic curriculum but I hope I can read more in the coming years.
Thank you, Elizabeth
(Hoping what I wrote made sense ; English isn't my first language)
