Common Chord Progressions Every Beginner Should Know

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Here are three simple chord progressions that all beginners should know how to play on the piano. I go over some very basic theory explaining how to construct each one, and demonstrate each one in the key of C major.

Number 1:
I - IV - V progression. This is very popular and can be heard in a countless amount of pop, rock and blues songs. In the key of C, the chords would be: C, F, G.

Number 2:
I - V - vi - IV progression. This is the most popular chord progress of all time and appears in hundreds of famous pop songs. In the key of C, the chords would be: C, G, Am, F.

Number 3:
I - vi - ii - V progression. This is another very common chord progression found in many pop, rock and blues songs. In the key of C, the chords would be: C, Am, Dm, G.

I recommend practicing these in a few different keys to help internalize the progressions and also to allow you to play along to even more songs!

If you have any questions, leave them in the comment box below.

PianoPig is an online platform for piano lessons in HD, covering scales, chords, soloing and more. For beginner, intermediate and advanced players.

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Hope you enjoy the video! What are your guys favourite chord progressions?


Music is magical,
but it’s also logical.


The chord progressions are important, the second important thing are the chord inversions


After playing violin for 10 years - i finally understand chord progressions. THANK


Your technique of teaching is very good. The use of hands on keys, measure and notes and coloured notes simultaneously make relearning simple. Students want to hear you play longer portions of complete songs during the videos to give us hope. and encouragement. Without that connection beginners lose comprehension.
Practice is still key. Knowing what to practice is crucial for adults. I find myself learning something every time I sit down at the piano lately.Thank you piano puaa


"Just use 1-4-5 it's simple !" *proceeds to use out of scale embellishments"


I love teaching myself how to play music you’re always reaching new levels and then you find some gold like this and it opens up a new level... may not be the best tactic for learning but I love it! Thank you sir you explained this perfectly!


I like your slowed down approach and I've learned a lot in the few minutes I was here. At 73 years pf age, it's getting more and more difficult to learn all the time. You have a new subscriber, and I thank you very much for your video.


Thank you for the video. After hours of not understanding the progression explained on other sites you finally made me understand that the idea is to combine the individual notes of the chord however you like and with different variations - you were the first one I found to explain this important piece of information. I thought you'd have to play the exact same chords, but that didn't make sense. Now I get it! Thanks!


I've always loved music. Learned to read music in high school and always dreamed of playing and writing it. However I never understood the 'mystery' of how songs are written and told myself it's only people with a real gift that can do that. However after studying the circle of fifths I found this video and after hearing the progressions and seeing the patterns it finally 'clicked' for me. Wow! Thanks for this great video and explanation that even I can understand! Subscribed.


Thank you so much Simon!! for these tutorials!! They are helping me a lot! You explains clean and simple! Well done keep going!!


A video I can follow and watch again to really get it into my head and fingers. Easy to follow and easy to listen and understand. Five star ⭐️


wow thank you so much. I actually took lessons for some years and was out of practice, I just picked it back up but I couldn't understand the progressions, this video was very helpful.


You give so much usable and practical info in such a short time. I'm a beginner, 3 months in and still trudging through the fundamentals which I know are the dues you have to pay. But your videos give me a glimpse at what's possible not very far from now.
Thanks for what you do. Really helpful.


Thank you a million! This is a big help to me learning to play piano by the chords! I’ll keep looking for more of your teachings! ❤️👍


I appreciate your teaching style and would like to get the most out of it. Can you recommend [for a beginner] a series of your tutorials and the sequence in which to watch them? So far the few I have watch and used as guides have been great.


Well done. Very clear and concise instructions. I appreciate some theory to understand how progressions and song melodies are created.
Now subscribed. Thank you for sharing...


Utterly Impressed!! Amazing video. I'm going to practice these chords now.


You're great teacher, making hard things simple. Great, love it.


Excellent short course. Thank you the demonstrating the progressions in a clear concise learning format. Appreciate the information.
