'TELL ME HOW HE DIED' by Dan Thiessen • Epic Music World | World's Most Emotional Music

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Title: Tell Me How He Died
Artist: Dan Thiessen
Label: Epic Music World
Album: Tell Me How He Died (Single)
Year: 2022
©℗: 2022 Epic Music World Label

📸 Awesome Image Artist: WLOP

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#EpicMusicWorld #WorldsMostEmotional #EmotionalMusic
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This feels like a sequel to "Tell her I wasn't scared."
Love it


"Tell me how he died."

"I'll tell you how he lived."


The more you listen to this, the more it reminds us that there were heroes we didn't know in ancient times. They are real secret heroes that no one knows or recognizes.


"He died a very long ago...but he's not really dead."
"What you mean?"
"Just look in front of you. The world he saved still have marks he lefted behind."
"So he can't be really dead."
"Exactly. He still live on the heart of the ones who believes."


"The most honest dream a man can have is to be remembered, for if a man's name and great deeds can outlive his body, he has truly lived a life worth living"


He died as he lived ... a caring and loving father ... a devoted husband ... a soldier who fought his country ... other will tell you how he died .. but me .. I will tell how lived and died.. for it was his wish..


"Tell me how he died."
With fire in his eyes and a smile on his face. He stood tall, never backing down, always pushing forward. He held the line and when all seemed lost he pulled countless men and women up from the muck and pushed them through the doors. He fought and fought until those great gates closed without a single foe getting through. He died on his feet laughing at the sky, because though he died the rest would live and we will go on because of him. He died a hero. He died a friend.


This is such a bittersweet and powerful piece! It’s got a slight air of melancholy, but at the same time there’s a strong desire to not let the one who gave their life have passed in vain and to ensure that history will remember their name! It’s perfect for the moment when the protagonist vows to not let the one who gave their life be forgotten and continue their legacy! What an inspired job, Dan!


_Under this rock lies the Dragonborn._
_Slayer of Alduin. Smiter of Harkon and Miraak. Hero of the Civil War. Dismantler of the Dominion. Tamer of Dragons. Champion of the Skyrim._
_A beloved Mentor, Master, Leader, Companion, Friend, Father and Husband._
_May his Memory never Fade. May his Thu'um forever Roar._


"Tell me how he died."
She looked up from the grave sight, from the headstone staring daggers back at her. She saw him looking back at her, a stranger she'd only seen in the funeral procession, one she didn't even know the name of. He was an odd looking fellow, decked in black and silver. He looked to be a warrior, a warrior with eyes older than time itself.

"Tell me how he died." He repeated, same as before.

She looked back down at the name of her brother scrawled there, eloquently and not enough. "Physically? Like how all the soldiers died. Swords, arrows, maybe a shield used for the opposite of its purpose. Either way, his body is gone now. Mentally?" She sighed, looking up. "I fear he died before that even. There wasn't any who could save him."

Her mind went back to finding her brother with another girl, how she immediately knew this was no mere friend. How she hadn't liked her eyes, the way she titled her head at her when she saw her.

She remembered the way she voiced this discomfort to him, how he admitted he saw it too. Assured her that his lover, who she'd come to think of as a Siren, meant no harm. Irony was a funny thing. Funny as it was deadly.

Such a terrible battle it had been. Two evenly matched fighters, one fueled by the rage of betrayal, the other by chilling indifference.
She remembered the killing blow, the horror, the aftermath. The way denial set in, her brother was better than that. Such a swing should never have pierced his defenses. One night, she realized he let her win. Even with the blood of the Sirens betrayal on the ground around them, he couldn't find it in him to fell her.

The Sirens eyes were cold, unfeeling as she considered her rose. She'd seen her look at his fallen form, ever unfeeling. She'd tossed the thing over her shoulder, it falling next to him. Forgotten with him. A sign of a task completed and a love betrayed.

In the end, it was true. He died like any other soldier. Just the felling sword came from friend, not foe.

"I'll tell you how he died." She looked at the man again, his knowing eyes, eyes far too old for someone as seemingly young as he, watching her carefully. "He died to his beating heart."


"And when he gets to Heaven,
To Saint Peter he will tell;
One more soldier reporting sir -
I've served my time in Hell."
-Medal of Honor


Normally I write stories. But this I think, deserves to be talked about, rather than turned into a story.

There are few things that have the level of camaraderie and fellowship that those who fight and die together.

But nothing will hollow out a man more, than bringing home his friends in the form of cheap metal with his name stamped into it. Instead of on his shoulder, or beside him, but all that remains is what can be read on that small piece of metal.

Having to be the one to knock on their door and deliver the news that the loved one... didn't make it. That they came home as a memory. The raw emotion of familial reaction as the realization that their son, brother, husband, nephew... wasn't coming home wash over them.

"How did he die" is a question nobody wants to answer. Lucky ones die quickly. But most deaths are not quick. They suffer. Most cry and beg, they have a life yet lived and much to accomplish still... some pass on their final words, while others beg for a mercy kill. But in the end... they all die horribly. But we never tell the family that. We paint them as heroes, to soften the pain. To them, at least, their loved ones died honorably.

But unless you've had to be in that position, you might think war is cool or awesome. But that's just Hollywood and video games. They don't show you the real and very ugly truth about it. Men who fight in wars die. Even if they go home and live physically... a small piece of themselves died out there, with their buddies.

Take care of your battle buddies. Semper Fi.


Hope you like this one! Big thanks as always to Kai for uploading it! If you want to support me to keep making these add it to your Spotify playlist, that helps a lot!

P.s. The sequel to this track called "I'll Tell You How He Lived" is coming soon... (in the meantime you can check out the tracks im currently uploading on my channel every week!)


Dan Thiessen never disappoints, great composition.


You are allowed to use this music in your videos (as all the "Epic Music World Label" music which always named in video and description if it belongs to the label) as long as you don't monetize them and you credit correctly ("Stream & Download The Track" links and "🎧 Video Details" section). If you plan to monetize the video, you'll need to buy a license (therefore contact me on my E-Mail adress). Please be aware that not all uploads on this channel are part of the Epic Music World label. Please check the description for the info (if it is not part of the EMW label you'll need to contact the artist and not me for the permission).

Description needed for this music:

Stream & Download The Track:

Title: Tell Me How He Died
Artist: Dan Thiessen
Label: Epic Music World
Album: Tell Me How He Died (Single)
Year: 2022
©℗: 2022 Epic Music World Label


4:00 makes me think of a lone firefighter, holding back a massive torrent of flame for his friends to escape with the people they’d saved, the building coming down around him, yet he stays to buy them time, fully aware of the consequences of the choice he’s made. Every second he can buy them is precious time for them to escape. Every moment in his life, has led to this, and the faces of all his friends and loved ones looking at him and smiling flash before his eyes, one after another. He knows he’ll never see them again. As he hears over the radio his friends are clear, he sees it. Through the smoke, a massive black dragon wreathed in smoke and flame and darkness draws itself up in front of him, staring down on him, grinning. The strain and exhaustion must be making him hallucinate, there’s no way its really there. Its the physical manifestation of all the demons he’s been fighting all his life, all the pain, sadness, doubt, feelings of inadequacy, failures…they’ve followed him here to his last moments, to intimidate him into failing himself and his friends, but this time hedoesn’t care. This is his fate, and he’ll rise to meet it. With a bellowing battle cry that would make his ancestors proud he charges straight for that dragons heart, the two locked in a final deadly embrace, as the rest of the building falls to ruin around them. This single beaming moment in destiny, where the firefighter finally found his rest.


Fantastic composition. Thanks for posting and Dan Thiessen of course.


Such a great piece ... Full of sweet bitter and sad emotions


Dan Thiessen é perfeito!!! Quantas emoções nessa melodia divina!


"Tell me how he died" The princess asked.

Her royal night looked at the grave Infront, his friend... His brothers grave.

"He held the line, with musket in one hand, and long sword in the other, he held the line. We were cowards, running from fate... but he met it with a smile. He died holding the line... He died knowing he would never get to see you... Or his unborn child. He died knowing there was no escape for him. He died to protect us all. He died, a stab though his heart, and yet in that final moment he had killed all of our enemies. He died with honor"

The woman smiled and casted the rose onto the grave. The grave of her lover... And of the father of her child.
