How Can YOU Solve the World Water Crisis?

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World Water Day And Awareness of The World Water Crisis

Since 1993, World Water Day has helped bring awareness to water scarcity issues. The impact of the lack of clean water cannot be overstated. Many in our world do not have access to clean water or adequate sanitation. The combination of a rapidly increasing population and greater water consumption continues to produce water scarcity. World Water Day was established to help bring attention to the World Water crisis. Water awareness, or an awareness of this serious issue across the globe, is a key step in getting people involved in focusing on solutions to water problems.

Operation Blessing And The World Water Crisis

Operation Blessing, on World Water Day and throughout the year, is working to help people facing lack of clean water access or sanitation. Through the support and generosity of our partners, we have been able to help with water related projects including:

Water Systems For Communities
Chlorination Systems
Well Drilling
Desalination Systems
Water filtration
Rain catchment systems
Hand washing stations
Bathrooms and other sanitation facilities

These projects have helped transform communities all over the world. Nowhere is this more evident than in the lives of everyday men, women and children. From kids who now enjoy clean water within feet of their homes, to mothers who no longer have to walk long distances to retrieve dirty water every day, it is impossible to calculate the value of clean water. Here are a few of these stories and their lasting blessing.

Latin America: Fresh Water In Honduras

Jeslin’s face may not be what you think of when you picture World Water Day or a water crisis, but her water, but Jeslin is a young girl in Honduras who did not have access to clean water.

She often had to drink water that made her sick. Through the kindness of partners like you, we were able to provide a clean water project for Jeslin and everyone in her village. This clean water system helps ensure the people in her village do not suffer illnesses from contaminated water. Girls like Jeslin do not have to suffer from the lack of something as essential as a clean cup of water.

South America: Water For A Widow In Peru

Water Day is about a widow in Peru named Lucasa. Lucasa’s well has dried out. It was dug by her husband who has now passed. At her home in an arid and remote region in Peru, Lucasa was struggling. But Water Day is about not forgetting those who face a tomorrow without a reliable source of water. You have supplied her with a water project to funnel spring water through natural filters. Your giving allowed Operation Blessing to help women in Peru like Lucasa.

Asia: Water Wells In Thailand

Finding enough water was an issue that plagued a remote community in Ban Pongtueb, Thailand. Very few people have ever heard of this isolated community, which is the home of an 11-year-old Thai boy named Sasiprapa.

Sasiprapa had to bring his own water from home to guarantee it was safe. The water at his school was dirty and dangerous. The solution came in the form of a water well, a water well that provides clean water to the village and the school.

Get Involved On World Water Day

Time Stamp

00:00:03 You have probably heard of the World Water Crisis.

00:00:07 You have probably heard that 1 in 10 people in the world does not have access to clean drinking water.

00:00:12 Nearly half of worlds population is sick with a waterborne illness at any given time.

00:00:23 Sanji lives in Honduras and lives with the difficulties of water scarcity on a regular basis.

00:00:55 Sanji has to walk a mile to get drinking water. She must do this three times a day to meet the water needs of her family.

00:01:22 Sanji’s water source is contaminated containing mud, leaves, bacteria, and even insects. Sadly, the water makes the family sick.

00:01:46 What is the solution to the water crisis? That is where you come in.

00:01:53 Your partnership with Operation Blessing can make the difference.

00:01:54 With your support we can help provide clean water solutions to help counteract the negative impact of the World Water Crisis.

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How in christs sake does this only has 1k views...people really give a s**t do they...
