What the Flea Treatment Industry Doesn't Want Dog Owners to Know

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Flea problems are real, and they can quickly turn serious. But not every flea solution out there will be EFFECTIVE or GOOD for your pet and home. In this video, I talk about BIG truths about some of the bestselling flea remedies + why you should always consider safer, more affordable alternatives.
I’m also sharing what FINALLY (yes, we found OUR flea treatment) worked for our dogs! If you’re currently searching for the best flea treatments for dogs, watch this video.


👋 How to CONNECT...I love a good yarn about man's best friend 🐕


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I found a natural treatment that completely works. It's inexpensive and safe. It doesn't require chemicals for your home or pet. I can confirm that you wan't to treat the environment more than the dog, but I don't think flea bombs are healthy ingredients or that they are necessary. I do not profit to share this info. This year my little dogs got fleas from a groomer visit. I struggled for months, washing them weekly, combing, keeping hair short, and using natural coconut oil treatments. We vacuum weekly and did all furniture (no rugs, just hardwood). I was frustrated because it would seem they were gone, then come back again. Over and over we had this. I'm in a forum where people shared the coconut oil working for them and I couldn't understand why it didn't work for me. You put it on every day or two, just a tablespoon or so, heated up and worked through the hair. I was using a lot more and it still wasn't eliminating the problem. So I decided to focus on my home and not the dogs. I began vacuuming daily and removed all beds and plush toys. I have continued for 2 months now. The problem improved in a few weeks and has been eradicated with only weekly application of coconut oil. As odd as it seems, the dogs don't leave oily residue around the furniture and their coats seem to soak it up. But the secret was to vacuum daily because our hardwood has big cracks and the critters and eggs were likely getting in there. And in hard to reach areas I put diatomaceous earth down (food grade). It can also be put into cracks of furniture and on pet beds and outside on the yard for a natural flea dessicant that does not hurt dogs. So that is my suggestion for anyone with fleas now. Treat the home more vigorously than the dogs, use diatomite where needed in the environment, and use coconut oil on the dogs. The oil works, but it takes about 3 weeks to eliminate the life cycle. The adult fleas can't breathe with it on the dog, so they die rather quickly when they get on the dog (ziplock bag tests confirm this). We now do it weekly as a preventative and no problems. It's perfectly safe for the dogs even if they lick it and their skin and coats are healthy. Parents of multiple outside dogs recommended this on the fb forum I'm on for no dangerous chemical flea treatments. The forum was started because so many of us have treated out doggies with drops on the neck or chewables or flea shampoo and the dogs have gotten seizures or died. There are videos of the pups after treatment before death that will terrify any dog lover. This really works and no chemicals needed. Have a great day!


Canadian here who came back from Jamaica on January 25, unknowingly brought home noseeums frombeach towel. Woke up with new bites Feb 11. My cat got them, NO flea topical treatment kills them! YouTube brought me a coconut oil video on July 4th. Been putting that on my cat daily since then. Happy to say i can finally wear shorts in my home, after dressing like an eskimo since Feb. Vaccuming and Diatomaceous earth, kept it under control, but COCONUT OIL for the WIN!


Found a flea on my dog one day...both dogs got the bath, the carpets and all soft surfaces were steam cleaned, washed and dried, curtains washed and finally me. Never found another in my now, super clean house.


.. But what does the flea bomb do to YOU!


I have bombed my home 4 times since the start of spring. It is the end of June now and absolutely nothing has worked. Just heard of using Pinesol. Gotta try it. At least it's cheap. These hot hot days and all the rain in Texas has made the problem so much worse this year.


I used 4 boxes of borax& spread threw out the house, i have wooden floors. I left on for 5 days, then vacuumed up. At different times, with the boxes of borax. I also mopped with pinesol & also used amonia & water 1/2 . Lots of vacumming, sometimes 2 or 3 times a day..this took me 2 months to get rid of these fleas, very challenging. We flea bombed the house 4 times, & felt it really didnt work to get rid of them..


You are so I can't believe how they bit ME


I'm using the flea and tick for cows on my dogs the 30% you can buy it at the feed stores i use half ounce on a 32 ounce spray bottle mixed with water it works pretty good, you also need to spray where your dog spends most of the time that helps even more i also spray some of the solution around the edges inside of my house sometimes around inside of the windows you'll be amazed in summer time how flies end up dead even months after spraying those areas i do warn you it'll smell for a day or two but it sure is worth it hope it helps


Using to clean, the floors whth vinager whith some other soap, vacuum clean . Every week.


Best thing ive ever found to clear out fleas within the home is a homemade trap....little container like one of those aluminum pans from dollar tree....a tea light candle an some water an dawn soap...i cleared out almost an entire infestation in a couple of hours


I wish I could agree, but I’ve tried flea bombs in the past, and had no success. However, since I started using advantage, I’ve had zero flea problems.


Doggy Dan, So finally what product did you used since you said you found the solution in the discription?


The vet gave my dog flea med & she got very sick & broke out in a red rash all over her belly I stopped it immediately I still worry if she will be affected by that she is very small dog


I’m having more of a problem with ticks & fleas coming on my dogs from outside. My opinion, the pour on’s are garbage, as are flea collars. The fleas & ticks in FLORIDA just laugh & laugh at that stuff


We had a bad outbreak one year with two dogs and the young one going to daycare. The vet gave us permission to double a pour on brand and we got a professional company in and they sprayed a chemical around the edges of the house (inside.) It worked. I hate using pecticides and prefer natural treatments but i'd prefer what we did to chemical going everywhere with one of the bombs (we have used one ot two of these in the early days of being dog owners.) These pecticides eventually end up in the water our food. So i feel, they are to be used sparingly.


What is the name of the flea bomb you used, please?


I just get nervous about any and all products especially air born stuff. The products they now eat and it supposedly kills fleas and ticks. Our dog had cancer and couldn't use any products. just makes me wonder


I listened to the whole entire time but because you kept just repeating yourself over and over again about all this extra shit I missed what it was we were supposed to do. What canisters of what are you talking about? Flea bombs? Which brand?


You have to treat the fleas on the dog AND the fleas in the environment (inside and outside).


We've had fleas for a month now and we've spent hundreds of dollars and even got the pets treated from the vet and bought the flea bombs twice now from the vet and the spray from the vet and we still have them. I'm at my wits end.
