People Who Gained Real Superpowers After An Accident

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People Who Gained Real Superpowers After An Accident

Charlie from Top 10s counts down the #Top10 People Who Gained Real Superpowers After An Accident! Here are some lucky people who gained real life super powers after events! From lightning causing people to become geniuses, to a man who sees the world as math and fractals! #People #Superheroes

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Meaning we all have these power just have to unlock them


If I want to have a super brain, have sudden brain damage.



Here’s a list of powers that I need to have if I get a brain concussion:

1. Being interested math, science, and engineering.

2. being able to speak any language in the world, even the fictional ones like the skibidi language.

3.being able to control my emotions (because I have anger issues).

4. Being able to know anyone’s name even when they move and never see them again.

5. Being able to drive a commercial vehicle.

6. Calculate things I do, including every video I watch on YouTube.

7. Getting the ability to change my diet and the urge to workout.

that is all the super powers I will need to have if I need it I get a brain injury of any way.


I'd want to be able to manipulate time probably, but that's a bit more far-fetched than waking up from a coma and knowing random stuff, (like in the Matrix), so I don't know


Ben had studied Chinese briefly before he was injured. The documentary about him is very informative


If I could have any superpower I would want to be able to teleport anywhere in the world at any time I wanted, and be able to also teleport other people with me


Once you have any type of super human powers never tell a soul.


If I would have a superpower, I would have telekinesis. My parents have superpowers. My mom can see everything, my dad can teleport, and my older brother has supervision. My science teacher can see towards her back with her eyes without looking.


If I was to be left with a super power then it would be to heal the blind the deaf and the sick ..


every student has a super power to procrastinate homework till last minute and completing it when teacher is collecting it


I would want the ability to make anything I wish for happen but I wouldn't alter anybody, only the world itself like solve world hunger and make every great invention come through. Oh yes I would also allow humans to breathe anywhere that would be good for going on mars and underwater lol


0:54 Image those criminals watching him being a genius now


ik this isn’t an accident but one day i was watching Battle For B.F.D.I and i got hit by inspiration, i have no idea why but suddenly i wanted to start animating. When i started to animate i learned basic object show arm movements and after that i wanted to make my own show. so i wrote a script and now i can write majority of a script and animation a bit of an object show in an hour. i didnt even watch tutorials for it.

Another story is that i was trying to play piano when i was
young and couldn’t play mary
had a little lamb. few years later. my grand parents gave an old keyboard and i didn’t touch it for another 3 years. after that i started looking up tutorials and started lessons. I can now play simplified rush e without even having a full year of lessons

i view the fact i learn things that quick my super powers lol


Definitely the mathematics power, I love math so much but I suck so hard at it.


I have a super power that still puzzles me I can kinda glow my eyes more like opening your eyes in water without goggles but no one can see it but when I put it on I feel like I got a boost of energy


I had a stroke in 2010. It was a hemorrhagic brain stem stroke. When I woke up, I slowly began to lose my inhibitions and fears. I had bad OCD and that is almost completely gone. I am now outgoing and speak up for myself. I am a new person.


I want to teleport through time to see certain events that way I could solve court cases and make the decision of innocent or guilty


I used to have the ability to see 2D images in 3D. This happened after a couple of different injuries to my eyes, one of which involved misuse of 3D-vision glasses from a movie theater.
And this girl I know got super hearing after an injury to her inner ear. She's been diagnosed with hyperacusis, autophony, and several other problems.


I think becoming a math genius is cool, because than you got a passion for you and something, which is also important for the world too


My fav is feeling no pain and super speedy recovery
