Finding Beauty in the Mundane of Motherhood // Day in the Life of a Homemaker & Mom of 4

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These are my favourite videos to watch. They aren't even necessarily edited in any special way, they are just REAL. The sounds, the food being made, the cleaning or the mess. It's all beautifully inspirational.


Hello, I am a mother of two, curently pregnant with my third baby, and wanted to say I love your vlogs sooo much. It gives me hope and strenght in this chapter of motherhood. I understand why you chose not to show your private life and your kids in here, internet can be ugly. But I want you to know that for me you show Gods grace trough your everyday life videos, you give inspiration and motivation to mothers like I❤ I am rewatching your old videos because it motivates me to be better and gives me joy in motherhood. Thank you ❤


What a beautiful video, Delilah <3 . Normally, I don t tend to comment on videos, but now I kinda felt the need to. I ve been following you on and off since before you gave birth to Theo, a little over five years now. Coming back to your channel now, after I haven't watched a video of yours in so long, I've realised how beautiful your life's journey has flourished. Yours, but also mine. You've been with me through highschool, university, and now young adult hood. And looking at you now I've discovered about myself how family oriented I've always been. Years ago, maybe as a kid, I always thought the biggest achievement i ll ever have will be an important job. Now I've discovered that that job is to be a partner, then a wife, then a mother. Thank you. Thank you for unconciously being with me through different stages of my life. Although my relationship with God has always been troubled, Im convinced He sent you my way for a good reason. Hugs all the way from Romania, Eastern Europe.


Leoppsky, I must say, less than a year ago I remember talking with my wife about careers—we hadn't yet become Christians—and it was always very difficult for her to find something she truly cared about. She is a very feminine and caring young woman. She never really cared too much about competitiveness within career fields and I could see it was taking a toll on her; however, she found your channel—a video of you giving birth to one of your children—and she was then certain of what she wanted to do—to build a home for our future family. Your channel truly inspires women, especially younger women, to come to embrace their caring, tender, and merciful nature. I'm very grateful for your channel for being so eye opening about something women have been lied to for so many years. So commonly do you see women being portrayed as men—competitive, strong, just, and very goal oriented—and it really is important that channels like your own exist. Thank you for helping not only my wife and myself better understand this lost truth, but countless other women who, I'm certain, have or have yet to experience this same gift. God bless you and your family.


I agree! I find these voice-over videos so peaceful and grounding and beautiful, I have been really enjoying you creating them and look forward to them!


When I look back in time to when my children were little what I remember fondly are the ordinary days. If I could get one day back it wouldn’t be the exciting days it would be an ordinary day, preferably a rainy day. All inside baking cookies and just being together.❤


These are my favorite kind of videos to watch for sure! I love to watch your days in your life, your routine. And my other favorite videos you make is cleaning, organizing, doing declutter and thrifty vintage decor. I LOVE IT 🥰


The ledge for your kids’ cups is genius!


Your videos are always such a good accountability source for me to be diligent and patient. Thank you for making them!

Also, you look GORGEOUS! That dress, and your hair are just 🤌✨


I saw you and your family at the lake, but I was too nervous to say hi and I didn't want to disrupt you guys! I hope you had fun, we also love going to that lake with our family!


love this kind of video so much. thank you ! your real, yet positive/grateful way of viewing life is very inspiring to watch.


Love it. ❤❤❤ Thank you for the reminder to be more present. Im a single mama of 2 and i get so overwhelmed with house chores. 😢

I can't believe how big William is now!! Love these peaceful, summertime vlogs <3


I love this style video you’re doing ❤️ as a mom of 3 it’s refreshing to watch something that doesn’t add a lot of extra noise to my day 😅 I know any mom can relate to that! I was watching all of your videos until the birth of my third a few months ago. This was a quiet and refreshing return to your channel. Thank you for reminding this fellow stay at home/homeschool mom to find the beauty in the mundane and the mess ❤️ the Lord continues to use you to remind me of the blessing of motherhood.


I love these style of videos as well 💜 Thank you for sharing a beautiful day in your life with us!


watching this for a second time because *cosy* 🥰


What a beautiful blessed day as a mother. ❤


Hi, just a tip if you have bug bites I find using a pimple patch the ones with hydro colloidal the mighty patches they help a lot with itchiness have a great weekend 😀


Youri always the inspiration I need to keep doing the valuable "mundane" work of motherhood 🥰 thank you for your content.


Wow Delilah it's always a joy when your videos come up. 
You are such an inspiration as a mum and wife. 
Best wishes from Germany😍 
