FASCIA PAIN: the role of fascia in pain, pain relief, re-wiring your brain & human optimization

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I’ve moved on from Mobility Mastery (self fascia release) in order to focus on teaching Kinetix, my method of root cause discovery for pain and dis-ease that involves partner fascia release as a “diagnostics” (and regeneration) tool. Kinetix is a complete scientific methodology that I teach to friends, partners and professionals alike inside The Kinetix Academy.
My other primary focus will be the launch and growth of a new podcast and Substack community called The Human Freedom Project.
Sometime in 2023 I will return to YouTube with HFP podcast episodes and content created to help you know and understand yourself as a whole organism made of body, soul and spirit. This content will feature the Kinetix methodology, pain science, fascia secrets I’ve learned from 15+ years in private practice, neuroscience and evolving beyond the brain, trauma and the body, and more! I’m excited to go on this new adventure with you.
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Imagine for a moment that the clothes you’re wearing right now shrunk 5 sizes. You’d be pretty unhappy right? I mean - it would be hard to breathe, move or do ANYTHING well.
If you’re walking around right now feeling achy, heavy, like a lead weight, OR if you’re in pain or recovering from an injury, then chances are your fascia - the connective tissue webbing that wraps everything in our bodies - is dehydrated, stuck to itself in knots and too small for you to move and live efficiently; not unlike how YOU would feel if your clothes suddenly shrunk.
What the heck is fascia?
Fascia wraps every nerve ending in the body, every muscle fibril, muscle fiber and muscle bundle and all that fascia turns into your tendons and ligaments; it wraps our bones and our organs…it’s EVERYWHERE.
Fascia is crucial for proper nerve communication, and because of its close relationship to the nervous system - fascia takes on the PHYSICAL SHAPE of our EMOTIONS, SENSATIONS and SUBCONSCIOUS feelings and patterns. This means we can re-wire the brain by changing the fascia, which requires recruiting the nervous system and clearing out of our past traumas, memories, tension and anything that got stuck in our bodies on even an emotional level but certainly physical.
We’re all born with fluid, healthy, supple fascia. This is why kids can fall so much, get injured and recover so fast (and that’s why we all ignore our bodies as we enter adulthood, until we get smacked in the head with pain, amiright?!)
When we’re kids, we’re SHAPING our soft tissue with our physical, mental and emotional habits. Those myelin sheaths are getting laid down and our fascial system is getting molded by the way we sit, stand, run and what we think and feel on a daily basis.
As we age - everything from overuse, underuse, trauma, stress, anxiety etc can creates a BUILD UP of tension within the fascial system that accumulates and eventually - this tension creates DYSFUNCTION.
When fascia is supple, fluid and elastic it acts like a giant spring, or SHOCK ABSORBER for our entire body. We SHOULD be able to jump, run, and do whatever we want and feel light and buoyant as we do.
Healthy fascia won’t hurt AT ALL when compression is applied. For example, I could put my FULL body weight on your IT BAND and it would not hurt. I pinky swear.
Unhealthy fascia HURTS when compression is applied, to varying degrees. If you get on a foam roller or someone steps on you, like me, and it hurts? That means the fascia is unhealthy.
What does fascia NEED to get or stay healthy?
SPACE. And nutrient rich blood. Space allows blood to flow. Blood nourishes every cell in our body, so our fascia, muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, organs etc stay healthy.
Fascia needs to be hydrated to allow our muscle fibers to GLIDE like they need to when we ask our bodies to move.
When we build up fascial adhesions or restriction, these knots and areas of density can stop blood from flowing, irritate a joint that’s no longer getting fresh blood to renew the bursa, pull on bones or joints, compress nerves and cause all kinds of pain and alignment issues.
Most pain in the body can be significantly relieved and often completely eliminated in as little as a few minutes with the right methods, and even decades of pain can be reversed in a matter of several hours or weeks by looking to the fascial and nervous systems to create change from the inside out.
Keywords: fascia pain, myofascial pain syndrome, soft tissue pain, muscle pain, aching muscles