Top 5 Interview Questions To Ask In A Job Interview

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In this video join Jeff and Mike "The Interview Guys" and special guest Pete as they break down the top 5 questions to ask at an interview. This really is a fantastic opportunity for you to make a connection with the organization or company you're interviewing with.
For your convenience, here is a transcript of the video. This will make it easier to take notes...
Hi everyone, I'm Jeff, and the guy sleeping by the window is Mike, but you probably know us as the interview guys! The reason why Mike is so tired is because we've been flying around the world teaching job seekers everywhere our proven strategies for getting offers from job interviews.
Beside me is our friend Pete. Say hi Pete.
Hi everyone.
We've brought Pete along for the ride, because he is a hiring manager at a Fortune 500 company and always has a lot of great "behind the scenes" information about job interviews. Pete, can you wake up Mike?
No problem. Hey Mike...Mike wake up...MIKE!!!
MIKE (jumps up startled, out of it)
No mom I don't want to have a bath!!! (awkward pause as he figures out he was dreaming)
Uh, Mike...hi...I think you were dreaming...
Oh...oops...hope I didn't say anything weird...
JEFF, we just landed in Egypt. We've got to get to the pyramids for today's lesson. Are you ready?
Sure, let's go.
We've been getting a lot of our students asking us about the importance of preparing questions to ask the interviewer.
That's right Mike. Having some questions to ask during the interview is not only important,but absolutely essential! What can you tell the students Pete?
I can't tell you how many people come into the interview thinking they're just going to rattle off some answers about themselves. The most important thing for a job seeker to remember is that it's not about you, it's about them.
In other words, the interview is actually about how you can help your future employer succeed. It's also a great time to find out what their requirements and hopes are, and trying to align your experience and accomplishments with what it is that they put high value in.
So Pete, where does having questions to ask fit in?
It's pretty simple. By preparing some targeted questions to ask, you're showing the interviewer that you are somebody who is genuinely interested in the company. And the more interest you show in the company, the more responsive they are going to be to you.
Okay, so taking this into consideration, we thought we'd share with you our Top 5 Questions To Ask In An Interview.
The first question on our list is "What qualities do your top performing employees have in common?" The answer to this question will give you a pretty good idea of what it is you need to do do be successful in your position, and will show the interviewer
that you have a desire to be among those top performers.
Question number two on our top 5 list is "What would I have to do in order to exceed expectations in the short term, perhaps in the next 30-60 days?" This question let's your interviewer know that you want to be successful from day one, and are open
to direction. Not to mention that you are ready to take a little initiative and value being well prepared!
Number three in the list is one that hiring managers love to get asked, and that is "If I was to start tomorrow, what would be my number one priority?" The answer to this question will give you more insight into the current state of the position, while the question shows that you're invested and interested in learning how you can start things off with a bang.
Question number 4 is "Are there opportunities for furthering education or professional training?" This question will show the interviewer that you are a forward-thinking individual who is willing to grow.
And finally, the last question on the list is "I know this company puts a lot of value in (blank), so what would you say is the most important aspect of your culture?" This question serves two excellent purposes, in that it shows that you have done some research into what the company prides itself on and shows the interviewer that you are interested in their culture dynamic and eager to fit in.
And we've written a Special Report that will show you exactly
how to craft perfect interview answers to any interview question.