Gas vs Battery Operated Handheld Blower - Lawn Care & Landscaping - Review

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Gas vs Battery Operated Handheld Blower - BET YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHO WINS!!!

Best Garden Bed Edger ECHO

Milwaukee Battery Operated Hedge Shears

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Man Keith. This video got me in trouble 😂. I’m laying in bed next to my wife who is taking a nap, giggling my ass off at them jive ass moves you got during the music and she rolls over and says “what the fuck are you watching??? Bitches twerking or something?” 😂😂😂😂. Love the video man.


Been using gas powered blowers forever but thought I'd give electric a shot. I thought my old Echo ES-210 was a little under powered for my needs; so I picked up two different cordless brands to see which one I liked better. They come close to the CFM but fall way behind in the MPH/actual speed force of the air coming out by nearly half. So wet leaves or getting debris out of the lawn and nearly impossible. It seams they try to make up for the slower air by just putting a shorter/larger tube on them. I tried using for my front yard and the battery(4.0ah) on both only last around 8-10 minutes each. I generally need around 15 minutes with my Echo and only a spit of fuel. These combined didn't come close to cleaning what I could have with the Echo. Needless to say, they BLOW and both are getting returned. I didn't even think they were good enough to just sweep the shop.


One is loud but you can run for a few jobs without worry. the other is quiet but have to keep the charging in mind more often. When the batteries last all day, goodbye petrol forever


“Developing the new habit” thank you! Something I tell people all the time. Battery technology is getting better every year


Hey man I love your videos, I’m only 19 and I’ve been working a landscape job since I was 15 I seen some of your videos and I went out and got some lawns and started doing side jobs. Just completed my first landscape job took me 17 hours and I made $600 profit, same amount I make on an 80 hour check at my normal jo, best part the neighbors loved it and want me to do their yard as well. Your videos put a spark in me and now I’m addicted to the grind!


I agree! The turf tracer is a beast of a mower. I just bought a used 2008 60" Turf Tracer, Hydro Driven, with the floating deck, sulky and ECS Handles for $2000. Money very well spent.


I have both. Although comparing my actual 2 is like apples to oranges. The battery one is a homeowner grade ryobi. Just use it to blow off our patio. It is light weight, cheap, quieter and easy for my with to start/use. Also have a ryobi drill and radio Can't say about durability. Only had it for 2 months but no problems so far. Petrol blower is a still bg86. Had it for 3years and no issues. Use it more as i mow 8 lawns as a side gig and also gets used to clean up leaves after hedgetrimming and a few times a year to clean a lot of gum leaves in my own yard from the neighbours gum trees. It is fairly loud, but has a lot longer run time and lots more power. Cost me $370. To get a (same power) battery blower bga 86 would would cost $449 just for the tool no battery or charger. I'm not willing to pay that vs $170 for the ryobi with a charger and battery and other tools.


Ha ya know back 4 yrs ago I would’ve laughed at someone saying batt powered equipment is life but after recently using echos new 56v line of batt powered tools, I’ll admit it, I’ve been convinced. 🔥😎


I do landscaping, and i've got about 7 commercial grade blowers.6 backpacks, and 1 handheld. I've also got one Electric Kobalt leaf blower. so for work I would never use electric. I've tried various and they just don't have enough power and I know myself... I'd forget to charge one and it would suck.

That said I love my electric blower because If i get back from the dump and have some small debris in my truck bed, I'll grab it because it's lightweight, and I don't have the pump/prime or pull start it.

Electric blowers have a use, but if you are trying to get serious work done you gotta go with gas.


Imagine what the neighbors thought if they were looking out the window when you had both blowers blowing a pile of mulch lmao good stuff


When it comes to electric - ego ( in my opinion) has the best. I have used the ego hedge trimmer, blower and chainsaw and cannot complain. The chainsaw and trimmer have paid for themselves ten fold. I’ve tried other electric products but always come back to ego. Also always remember to bring your charger and have one battery always charging, waiting to be swapped.


I 100% agree handheld blowers are great for little touchups


Love the video and the edit. Brought tears to my eyes 😂 keep up the hood work


BRO, you need to do more reviews this one was even better than the Milwaukee hedge trimmer video! Damn this was really entertaining


Dude. I dont do landscaping or anything like that but by far .. one of the best review videos I seen in a while. Dope.


You are the man. You have taught me alot and it has helped my business grow tremendously. I would like to meet you someday along with Eric. Just live a state below you.


Watching them both work, I will concur with your analysis. Nice review!


I love my battery powered gear from kobalt. 80v pushmower, trimmer, hedge trimmer and leafblower. use them on all my properties. guys laugh at me all the time as i laugh all the way to the bank. good video!


I just picked up the Milwaukee trimmer and blower, I love them and I was sick of breathing in the exhaust all day.


If neck and neck then clearly Battery wins hands down. Just bought a petrol. I live in Africa so that is what they use. Battery options here are really toys.
