5 Data Engineering Projects Ideas To Put On Your Resume

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Dice's 2020 tech jobs report cites Data Engineering as the fastest growing job in 2020. Increasing by a staggering 50%, while Data Science roles only increased by 10%.

You can rest assured that the influx of data engineering will not regress anytime soon. To bolster this supposition, the International Data Group (IDG) predicts that the five year compound growth rate (CAGR) of data utilization from 2021 to 2024 will outweigh the total data creation spanning the entirety of the last thirty years. Yes, you heard that correctly, thirty years, dating back far before the origins of both FaceBook, YouTube and Amazon.

We have established that data engineering is a well-paying position, in one of the fastest-growing tech fields, with relatively low competition. What is not to love?

So let's add a few data engineering project ideas to your resume.

If you want to learn more about data engineering, check out Googles Data Engineering Course

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What Skills Do Data Engineers Need?

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Projects Included In Video


Scraping Rental Prices

Github Data Analytics

Crawling For Inflation
All signs point towards an auspicious future for data engineering.

Thanks to Clint for putting together this list of project:

However, merely graduating from a relative field alone will not qualify you for a data engineering position.

You'll need related real-world experience to fine-tune your hard skills. Concerning your future job search, one of the best ways to develop and convey these skills is through akin data engineering portfolio projects.

In this video, we will review five potential project ideas with data sources. Before we cover the projects, you need to know the skills you should include in potential projects. For that, we will explore the most in-demand skillsets for data engineers.

Check out my Medium here:

If you need data consulting help, then reach out to our team here:

Also, if you want to read more about real-time tools check them out here

0:00 Intro
4:37 Project #1 Hashtag Cashtag Project
7:45 Project #2 Scraping Rental Prices Into Druid
9:45 Project #3 Github Analytics
11:30 Project #4 Crawling For Inflation
12:59 Project #5 Scraping PredictIt

So what is your current data engineering project ideas?
Рекомендации по теме

This guy is the frontrunner of data engineering on YouTube. Thanks for being the voice of the data engineering community!


I find you one of the best resources of Data engineering on YouTube ! Keep continue your effort 👍


Thank you for sharing your knowledge of data engineering. This video couldn’t have came at a better time. After I’ve finished taking AWS training, Docker training, and Kubernetes training, I plan to start working on portfolio projects. This will be a great resource. Thanks again!


Good to see a copy of Slow Money on the video. I was involved with that organization/movement for a while.


awesome! This kind of material i am looking for!


On the hero's journey there is always a tutor. This guy is my tutor on my journey as a data engineer hahaha. Greetings from Brazil!


New sub...thanks much appreciated. Great work.


Hi my friend! Could u please sugest a good azure data engineer end to end project?


Would you consider a workday report developer creating reports for a fresh Workday HCM deployment to be a data engineer? My actual title is "programmer analyst". In my day to day, I am often gathering requirements from various high level stakeholders, interpreting vague instructions, and asking the right questions to get the information I need to create reports. I am the only Workday HCM reporting expert for an organization of over 30, 000 employees. Other coding parts of my job are reading deprecated SQL scripts to recreate the reports in Workday HCM. I am trying to get an idea of what my skill set translates to in the tech industry as a whole, as my title of "programmer analyst" is fairly ambiguous. It makes comparing my salary more difficult as I don't know what types of other titles correlate to my experience and current position. Personally, I would consider myself to be a data engineer (I have created a relational database from scratch in a previous job, experienced with tSQL as well), but I don't want to miscategorize my skillset. I do feel that "data engineer" is a good fit.

Any replies or insight would be very appreciated! Thanks all.


Greeting !! . Thanks for the nice comilation .


I like ur contents. Could u come out some tutorial video software application with git hub (save time)then teach us the data pipeline (emphasizes) ~


How can you do any of the projects if you don't have access to cloud technologies like AWS?


Hi! I'm new in data engineering. Can you explain why the Flask using in architecture "Access layer"? is it using for what? Custom Front-end app? P.S. Access layer means all about BI or User friendly apps for building some dashboards


Hi am planning for masters in USA so which masters degree would be better for data engineering


You look greater in this video than in those of recent ones.


It doesn't make sense to code just to show off


Wonderful video. Just wanted your opinion, I have a bachelor's in CS and I work as a Data engineer in an MNC. Is it still required to do a Master's in Data science from a university to up my knowledge and get more income ?
