Natal Mercury Square Mars- Combative Communication

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How the square from Mercury to Mars in the birth chart influences communication and our style of speaking and sharing our ideas.

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OMFG I've overlooked this aspect but now it's perfect timing. I'm tired of this sh*t!!! lmao AND NO I AM NOT ARGUING EVERY TIME I EXPRESS MYSELF. I'm just super passionate 😂😭😫


Learning more about this aspect has been so eye opening. I have always thought others were so domineering towards me, trying to control how I spoke and what I think. I have always been so confused when people think I'm being confrontational and aggressive. Now I'm able to see that my delivery can be incredibly harsh sometimes and they were reflecting back to me what they felt they were receiving from me. I'm really trying to learn to slow down, to think before I speak, to step away to process when emotions are high so that my intent and impact are more aligned.


I have this square in Mercury in Gemini and Mars in Virgo. I have a real problem with popping off at family members. They deserve it but my delivery makes me the bad guy, not them...


My dad talked this way, I think that's where I got my combative communication style from. This is eye opening.


It sounds like these people could make very good lawyers and teachers!


My chart is literally all squares and a couple of trines so I am used to the feeling defeated and confused, but my Mercury (Virgo) square Mars (Sagittarius) is the aspect I hate the most due to its ability to completely alienate me from others, and the only way I know how to stop it is to force myself to be quiet most of the time, or communicate in writing so I have time to correct and tone down. But when I have to communicate verbally and on the spot, forget about it. I have no time to step back and evaluate. I don’t see “maturity” kicking in at any point - unless “maturity” means simply not caring to communicate anymore.


I don't think I'm like this anymore, but definitely in high school I was like this with my peers. I would say things I believed but also knew would rile them up. I wouldn't back down from a debate that was probably way too heated lol.


Shoutout to everyone with this placement. I really respect your approach even if it can be impulsive and harsh at times. 🤝


Hahaha. This is the only square I have in my chart. It’s probably why
I’m super blunt/honest, and always call people out on their bullshit. They don’t like it, but, hey; truth hurts sometimes. I don’t always tell people what they want to hear, but I tell them what they should or need to know, usually what others are too afraid too, and they USUALLY thank me. It’s only some people who are too immature or ridiculously defensive where it becomes an issue. I never argue out of emotion, it’s always very factual/logic based, so I win every argument because I don’t say things that aren’t true, which is something I’ve noticed 99 percent of others do. Like they will argue their ASSUMPTIONS or OPINIONS as facts, without any real substance/proof to back it up or hold any weight. Like you can say someone is this and that all you want, but without any proof it’s just something that sounds good to say lol. I can easily pick holes/find flaws in the others thinking too or when they contradict themselves etc. and it’s fun/funny for me sometimes🤣. I usually just take what they say themselves, expose their faulty thinking back to them, and watch them keep digging a deeper hole for themselves the more they talk. People are SO predicable with their retorts, as it’s always an irrational/emotionally based thing, and logic will always beat emotion, so I can’t even remember the last time I lost any argument, because I won’t refute it or disagree if I don’t KNOW I’m right first and that my logic is 100 percent impervious (my Virgo moon). This is why this aspect can make a great lawyer I think.

I’m a sun in Aquarius, moon in Virgo, mercury in Capricorn conjunct Venus and Pallas in the 9th house, square mars in libra :) mercury is conjunct my MC and my asc ruler Venus as well. I have a huge stellium of sun, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Venus and mercury in my 9th house.

With my mars in libra, I never START an argument first or intentionally, but I damn well will finish it if someone comes at me unjustified/unfairly when I myself had no bad intent, and I make sure they regret it every time as they were in the wrong to begin with. My anger/savageness is always justified and for good reason, I think that’s every Mars in Libra, we get mad about things everyone should be mad about lol. It’s never ego (Leo) or out of competition (Aries), not out of emotion and some perceived personal slight or hurt feelings (water signs), it’s simple objective truths like injustice/unfairness, right vs wrong.
If I don’t agree with you cuz you were simply wrong and I told you, and it wasn’t any deeper than that, no ill intent, but now your ego can’t handle it, so you decide to now be petty and personally attack me with some bs; I consider that wrong and that’s the only time I will consciously argue with someone. Then it’s on lol. But luckily I don’t meet too many garbage people like that lol so it doesn’t really cause me any issues 🤷‍♀️.

Maybe this aspect would manifest a lot differently depending on the Mars sign. I think mars in Leo or Aries or any water mars would be a nightmare since for them, it’s more of an ego/personal gratifying thing or irrational/hurt feelings (emotion/water) thing.
For me with my air dominance in my chart and no water signs, I’m extremely objective/rational and it’s not an emotional/ego thing. It’s never actually personal, until someone makes it. THEN, I’ll have fun with it lol. Other than that, I’m super chill and don’t have any issues with anyone. I don’t look for fights and like I said, 90 percent of the time have no issues with anyone. Just idiots and/or immature jerks, but who doesn’t lol


Thank you! This will help me! I like hearing both the positive & negative


I have this aspect right to the exact degree 29 leo/scorpio useless to say that i've been in trouble because of my big mouth... Not so much now i'm much more patient and choose my battles carefully, i used to feel stressed all the time and thought at one stage that my mind was going to blow up and that i was going crazy, i couldn't sleep it was quite an experience, so i started writing and the mind quieted down. Nowadays i'm more aware of the chit chattering going on up there and i try to invest my mental energy into creative and constructive stuff.


I wish more astrologers made it clear that it’s perception and that aspects are not a sentence, it really helps.


wow this opened my eyes big time im 25 so i learned this the hard way but the way you put it clears it up for me alot.. I have mars in 16°Gem in 12th and, mercury in 16° Virgo in 4th.. soooo ya a strategy to be persuasive instead of being a juggernaut in conversations will help me gain more for myself and others in communication. Thank you :)


I thought I was like this because of my Aquarius stellium and my “god complex” lol. I can be a know-it-all for sure and hate hearing others opinions when they are trying to debunk mine. I have mercury in Capricorn and Mars in libra.


I have this aspect i love this aspect


Ugh. A friend of mine has this aspect as well as: Mercury square Pluto, Mercury square Jupiter, and Mercury inconjunct Neptune. Just trying to have a casual conversation became exhausting within like 5 minutes.

I wish I could show her this, but I KNOW she'd get pissed off haha. Her Mercury is in Cancer too so I guess that adds extra emotionalism :/


All my life I've been told WHY do you yell when you speak man? Now I know why :D


You’re amazing. Thank you<3 sending love your way!


this is probably my #1 problem in relationships of all types. I have the semi-square but it's a POTENT one.


I feel like you described my life struggle. mercury in taurus sitting in the first house square Mars in Aquarius sitting in the 11th house... I have been told so many times it's not what I'm saying it's how I'm saying. Hahaha
