Why Professional Plumbers NEVER Make This Pipe Threading Mistake?

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Not sure whether to use pipe thread sealant, pipe joint compound, or Teflon tape? In this video, we break down the differences, show you when and how to use each, and go over common mistakes to avoid. Don't let a small leak turn into a big problem! Watch now to get the right seal every time.
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Oatey 31231 Pipe Joint Compound, 8 oz, White:

Rectorseal 25631 4-Ounce No. 5 Pipe Thread Sealant:

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DAP 18715 4 Pack 10.1 oz. Extreme Stretch:

Dap 18275 10.1 fl oz; dynaflex 230 white:

DAP 18542 2 Pack 10.1 oz. Alex Flex Premium Molding and Trim Sealant:

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In this video, we break down the differences, show you when and how to use each, and go over common mistakes to avoid.


As a retired industrial millwright, I used mostly pipe dope for black iron, galvanized, copper threaded pipe and some schedule 80 threaded pvc. I used specialized dope on stainless, sometimes depending upon the gas or fluid being transferred . With today's poor quality of pipe and fittings, depending on the place of manufacturing origin it has become necessary to do some trial and error on your own evaluating the fit between the threads and then basing your decision off of that one most crucial element, unless of course you are cutting your own threads in raw stock. Please address the fit on plastic to metal in a future video to help others understand the difficulties involved in this transition such as installing plastic whole house water filters, etc and you are going from metal to a plastic or phenolic material. Also when using stainless steel to basically anything else because of the radical difference stainless has when threaded to other materials because of its hard threads compared to black iron or galvanized . Good overall video, thanks for sharing .


Pipe dope with the Teflon particles in it.


Great video! I will start using that. Thanks for the information.😀


That is so easy to understand. Thank you! Good teaching.❤


Include Tru-Blu in the comparison. It's been a nice Go-To product lately.


I'm an HVAC guy and I use both teflon tape which is applied first, and pipe dope applied to one spot at the end of the pipe. The pipe dope is carried around the joint when you screw it together. If you use both you will never have a leak ! (words of the master plumber who taught this) My Master Plumber friend rough's in commercial buildings; if he uses one or the other dope or tape he will always have one or more leaks and have to go back and chase leaks. He never has a leak using both. (this is both gas and water installations) Of course any of us can use one or the other properly and achieve a leak free joint however, if doing a lot of connections both is best.


HVAC guy here, 27 yrs. My own personal method is just dope (Blue Monster or Tru Blu) on 1/2” or smaller and tape (Blue Monster) and dope on 3/4” or larger. Four to five turns on the tape. In my area it is against code to use teflon tape on gas pipe. Also, some applications don’t allow use of tape such as low water cutoff sensors because it interferes with the conductivity of the sensor. Also, tape is not recommended for use on heating oil lines because of tape debris clogging pumps or nozzles.


work for a natural gas distribution company in the midwest all we use is pipe dope. as long as you apply enough dope and tighten the fitting properly you won't get a leak.


Good Video, I use Grip pipe sealant, on reused joints and gas lines, finding it better that Teflon pipe sealant, or Teflon Tape which we can't use unless specified for gas piping, NEED to be real careful with this, cause it is "Hard" to get off fingers, cabinets and anything else.


What can I use on my garden hoses, with aluminum to copper fittings? They just seem to weld themselves together! Grr!


I found some really good pipe dope that has kevlar added in _ good stuff


When using especially teflon tape, add some silicone grease or some other super slippery oil or grease on top before mounting, this should prevent the tape from trisping and just be shoved off. It needs to stay in between the threads. Zinc compound is a must for when doing plumber jobs. Plumbers never run out of jobs.


Local gas company uses dope. My plumber uses dope. I use dope - RS 5.


Never had a leak using dope alone in over 50 years. I started running a 300 machine in 1973 for gasoline piping. Pretty important sealing. Also, do NOT cover all of the threads. Start two threads back from the end. I see too many connections with a blob of dope INSIDE the pipe when I take them apart, because the application of the dope was excessive. The example you showed with the end cap being applied is not needed. No one teaches covering all of the threads. The sealing interference of the tapered threads isn't happening at the end. The end tends to distort toward the center line of the pipe because it isn't as strong as the pipe structure just a few threads back. That's where the magic happens. Nothing is gained by tape plus dope. It just makes people feel better. I'm 72 and still working. My piping now is on commercial roofs for natural gas. No leaks. HTH.


pro fitter will know what to use from long exprience


Infomercial for pipe dope. I will not subscribe to anyone embedding a product commercial in the video.
I pay a monthly fee for YouTube Premium so I don't see ads only to start watching a video and what do I see and product ad.


A proper thread will be and exact reverse of the opposite fitting, and in theory would not need any sealant of any type and is considered a gound joint. This exact threading or tapping is very rarely done, so you will need a little help. Pipe dope on metal threads of the pipe first and then tape over the pipe dope. Tape only on pvc / plastic threads.
