Azure FILE Share Explained with DEMO Step by step Tutorial

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Azure FILE Share Explained with DEMO Step by step Tutorial
Azure Files offers fully managed file shares in the cloud that are accessible via the industry standard Server Message Block (SMB) protocol or Network File System (NFS) protocol. Azure file shares can be mounted concurrently by cloud or on-premises deployments. Azure Files SMB file shares are accessible from Windows, Linux, and macOS clients. Azure Files NFS file shares are accessible from Linux or macOS clients. Additionally, Azure Files SMB file shares can be cached on Windows Servers with Azure File Sync for fast access near where the data is being used.

Why Azure Files is useful
Azure file shares can be used to:

Replace or supplement on-premises file servers:
Azure Files can be used to completely replace or supplement traditional on-premises file servers or NAS devices. Popular operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux can directly mount Azure file shares wherever they are in the world. Azure File SMB file shares can also be replicated with Azure File Sync to Windows Servers, either on-premises or in the cloud, for performance and distributed caching of the data where it's being used. With the recent release of Azure Files AD Authentication, Azure File SMB file shares can continue to work with AD hosted on-premises for access control.

"Lift and shift" applications:
Azure Files makes it easy to "lift and shift" applications to the cloud that expect a file share to store file application or user data. Azure Files enables both the "classic" lift and shift scenario, where both the application and its data are moved to Azure, and the "hybrid" lift and shift scenario, where the application data is moved to Azure Files, and the application continues to run on-premises.

Simplify cloud development:
Azure Files can also be used in numerous ways to simplify new cloud development projects. For example:

Shared application settings:
A common pattern for distributed applications is to have configuration files in a centralized location where they can be accessed from many application instances. Application instances can load their configuration through the File REST API, and humans can access them as needed by mounting the SMB share locally.

Diagnostic share:
An Azure file share is a convenient place for cloud applications to write their logs, metrics, and crash dumps. Logs can be written by the application instances via the File REST API, and developers can access them by mounting the file share on their local machine. This enables great flexibility, as developers can embrace cloud development without having to abandon any existing tooling they know and love.

When developers or administrators are working on VMs in the cloud, they often need a set of tools or utilities. Copying such utilities and tools to each VM can be a time consuming exercise. By mounting an Azure file share locally on the VMs, a developer and administrator can quickly access their tools and utilities, no copying required.

Azure file shares can be used as persistent volumes for stateful containers. Containers deliver "build once, run anywhere" capabilities that enable developers to accelerate innovation. For the containers that access raw data at every start, a shared file system is required to allow these containers to access the file system no matter which instance they run on.
Key benefits
Shared access. Azure file shares support the industry standard SMB and NFS protocols, meaning you can seamlessly replace your on-premises file shares with Azure file shares without worrying about application compatibility. Being able to share a file system across multiple machines, applications/instances is a significant advantage with Azure Files for applications that need shareability.
Fully managed. Azure file shares can be created without the need to manage hardware or an OS. This means you don't have to deal with patching the server OS with critical security upgrades or replacing faulty hard disks.
Scripting and tooling. PowerShell cmdlets and Azure CLI can be used to create, mount, and manage Azure file shares as part of the administration of Azure applications.You can create and manage Azure file shares using Azure portal and Azure Storage Explorer.
Resiliency. Azure Files has been built from the ground up to be always available. Replacing on-premises file shares with Azure Files means you no longer have to wake up to deal with local power outages or network issues.
Familiar programmability. Applications running in Azure can access data in the share via file system I/O APIs. Developers can therefore leverage their existing code and skills to migrate existing applications. In addition to System IO APIs, you can use Azure Storage Client Libraries or the Azure Storage REST API.
#PaddyMaddy #cloudComputing #azuretutorial
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I think you are missing a lot of information here. You can create a share but its going to fail unless you set up access. Without setting up access everything past the half way point in the video doesnt work.


This is missing most Azure file features. filesync; server endpoint, sync group, tiering policies. Dig further to underdstand and use very interresting features to expand your local drives or make your data rapidly availlable accross the microsoft wolrdwide Edge location network.


i am having issue when transferring a file to azure file share the issue is slowness when transferring a file or uploading a file to azure file share, any recommendation how to improve the speed when uploading to azure file share?


i want to authenticate via azure active directory and not a SAS. im stuck on this. I have created a VPN to bypass 445 and works but still cant authenticate to the drive this way. mentions incorrect username and password but ive added all the roles i can think of for my account and im the owner? Ill also get network password incorrect which i know is the SAS which i dont want to use.


how can i un mount the file share.Explorer is getting stuck and i dont know what to do


it is not bug actually it should behave that way as per log on mode.


Hi, thanks for the demo. I have use case every day ineed to copy the files from windows vm to azure storage . How to automate the process daily.


Great video, i have a question for you. Can a synchronized user on an azure ad joinded device access Azure File share ?


how can i set an alert of file share storage capacity if this file share exceeded the limit of 5 gb ?


how to put or access data file share with rest API ?


What is the solution to access the folder which is hosted in Azure VM from on premises without port 445 ?


Hi, thanks for content. But can u show how we can do these with multiple user environment? Like a typical window server where we can set permission for access (read/write). Where can we manage the user account?


Please tell me how to disconnect it. I have deleted from azure portal but it is in my windows. And because of this whenever my laptop is getting hang. If I try to open This PC my laptop get hanged. Please help me


Do you know if it is possible to connect to Windows and linux with the same script?


Hi how to give permissions and share file to other users in this way it is only for me?


it says wrong password for some reason


You are struggling so much to talk. Please talk with a normal accent.
