iPhone 14 Plus & The Problem with Benchmarks!

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iPhone 14 Plus is here. But let's talk about something else...

iPhone 14 Plus provided by Apple for review.

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"Best battery life ever in an iPhone..." charged through a decade-old cable that maxes out at 20W. Isn't this the real problem?


I love how Marques makes a car analogy for us to understand phones better, only for me to understand cars better thanks to them being compared to phones


I absolutely adore this phone! Ive had the 12 mini for a little over a year and a half and the battery health was at 81%. My phone wouldnt even last me a school day which is 8:35-3:35. It was laggy, the battery sucked, and the screen was too small imo. Im a girl and i have bigger hands so i love bigger screens. That being said, i wanted one of the 14 series and i was stuck between the 14 pro max, 13 pro max, and 14 plus. In the end, i chose the 14 plus. I didnt care for all the extra pro features and gimmicks. My 14 plus has everything i want and need in a phone: bigger screen for cheaper price, BEST battery life (used my phone from 6:30 am all the way to 9pm and my phone wasnt even below 20%. Havent had to charge it once. My 12 mini could never!!) and a great camera! The 14 plus is a great phone with great features AND colors (i got purple and it’s beautiful) and i think if you dont want/need all the extra weight (cuz this 14 plus is SUPER LIGHT!!) and the extra features and gimmicks of the pro phones and you want a GREAT FREAKING BATTERY, get the 14 10/10!!!!


One of the primary issues with today's marketing is the the lack of ingenuity in order to promote cash grabs. Nowadays it's more about the amount of sales instead of the amount of real satisfaction. Thanks for touching on this, it says a lot.

Edit: I am NOT saying all products are designed to swindle nor do I mean sales were never the point from day one. Yet in some areas with certain circumstances it seems like less bang for your buck is a result of some corporations.


@2:00 I felt that. I remember how big of a leap forward the iPhone 4 was over its predecessor and miss seeing that in modern phones.


I upgraded from a iPhone 12 to a 14 plus and I couldn’t be happier. The larger screen and the super long battery life have been awesome.


I think you should make a monthly series about random updates on things you previously reviewed.
talking about battery life, software bugs, long term usage,
because you learn many other things about tech after a longer period of time


I’m kinda over the big phone thing; I am happy with the standard size iPhone, or maybe even the discontinued Mini size. The Plus sizes just feel too big in my pocket.


I’m happy he pointed out the special processors in SoCs. It’s a reason why increases in CPU and even GPU performance isn’t as important as it used to be before these processors took over much of their work. I’ve been trying to explain this to people for some time. Most benchmarks don’t take this into account.


Also, I must agree about the battery drain. It's VERY weird. My personal iPhone 11 will drain worse and It'll be hot to the touch at times when charging but I'm not surprised since it's older and my battery is drained. But my work phone is a Brand new 12, and it's battery has been taking a hit since I updated. Which is surprising since I average less than 10m screen time per day on it


These smaller incremental improvements have lead me to upgrade much less frequently. I had my 7 Plus until the 12 Pro Max came out, and I'm sticking with that for at least another generation at this point.


Love mine, 12 hours Sot with mixed use including gaming and still 20% left. Very light in the hand, better then my normal 13 pro.


Carplay issue is not just an iOS 16 bug, it started on my iPhone as well after the 15.7 update.


I think there’s a bug with the iOS weather widgets that causes high drain if you have them displayed on the always on display. I removed it from my Lock Screen and now I’m getting great battery life, even with always on display turned on.


Loved your blind car comparison.
It shows an interesting point of view of the use of benchmarks even on phones!


Battery life problem would be the most concerning to me as well! Clearly iOS 16 related.


Completely agree with the year-on-year updates becoming less relevant. I’ve had my XS Max for 4 years. Got a 13 Pro Max a couple weeks ago and I expect to use it for the next 4-6 years, unless something breaks.


Been contemplating on upgrading from my current 12 mini to a 14 pro max for awhile. But in the end, I've decided to the 14 plus instead. Just as MKBHD mentioned, benchmarks are getting less significant for the average consumer like us, but rather, which specific features of the phone matters most to us. To me, battery life is the main issue I'm having with my current 12 mini, which is why 14 plus would make more sense as compared to the pro max. Thanks for this video, informative as always.


I knew that benchmark analogy was gonna be something bulky and powerful versus a real track machine 😂 Excellent way of describing it!


As a car and tech enthusiast, that was the BEST benchmark analogy I've ever seen in my life. Bravo! 4:20...
