Beauty and the Beast- Aria Scene

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Watch this clip with Audra McDonald singing Aria.

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I LOVE how this scene sets up the Prince. At the start of the movie, his looks are WAY too important to him. (Just look at the ridiculous make-up and powered wig.) Secondly, this is a debutante ball, so he's only invited women who are as rich and high-class as him. Also, despite being literally surrounded by dozens of beautiful women, he remains detached to all of them. (Confirming the Enchantress's statement that he has no love in his heart.) Finally, his outfit is dark blue; almost black. That's what makes the final scene all the more wonderful; it's clear that he's changed. He's learned to embrace his natural looks, fallen in love with a kind-hearted, lower-class woman, and now wears a light blue outfit. This is just the start of his transformation from an unkind brat to a true Prince Charming.


I love how at the beginning of the film, Prince Adam/The Beast wears darker clothing to symbolize his dark and cold heart, but once he meets Belle his dressing style and shade of colors gradually become lighter. In the end, he wears an outfit of lighter blue shades, symbolizing his changed and kinder heart.


I love how this scene is filmed. Especially how you can see the princes's arrogance as he looks at the crowd while sitting down on the throne.


In my opinion, this is the best scene in the entire film, and one of the top scenes in our contemporary musical movies.


Oh how I wish Audra could have sang Beauty and the Beast at the very end. The small part she did sing was amazing.


Audra McDonald, Madame Garderobe's actress, should sing at the opera.


i firmly hold that this is the most beautiful scene in the movie for how it’s dark and gleaming at once. there’s plenty of pale coloring in the floors and the girls’ gowns, but the colors are only lit by candles and gold reflections in an otherwise very dark, repressive space. it’s beauty made intimidating, frightening, and i think that’s a really amazing way to illustrate the prince’s character at the outset of the film


This one of my favorite scenes in the movie the dance is truly beautiful. I wish I could throw party's like theese


THANK YOU. I've wanted someone to upload this whole scene for a long time!!! It's one of my favorites because it has my two favorite characters in it, Madame Garderobe and Maestro Cadenza! <3 <3


Audra Ann McDonald, A beautiful African-American German lady who has the most gracious and sensational operatic voice ever since Montserrat Caballe, is absolutely stunning and remarkable as Madame DeGarderobe. Even though she sang for 40 seconds, I truly and genuinely felt like I was there in front of her. It is truly such a shame how they gave her the littlest role possible but so exceptional through the whole scene that she not only outdid herself but shined bright throughout the whole Aria scene. Talent like Miss McDonald’s only comes along once in a lifetime and I was so blessed to be born this generation and hear such a remarkable and extraordinary operatic voice from such a remarkable an extraordinary woman. Audra McDonald is receiving my highest esteem and gratitude in applause and approval and most lavish ovations. Bravo, Audra Ann McDonald. Like the late Judy Garland and Amy Winehouse the world will never forget you. May you live such a long life and prosper generously. Thank you so much Miss McDonald. May God bless you for eternity.


0:37- Okay, did anyone else notice that FrouFrou matches BOTH of his parents there (His coat/outfit/whatever you want to call it looks like Garderobe's dress (I assume she made it out of the left over material) and his cravat is a bigger, frouffier- pun intended!- version of Cadenza's)?! Seriously, how adorable is THAT?!


Oh, Audra.... best singer in the movie by far.


Fun Fact: If one listens to the melody and the rhythm of “Aria” closely, it sounds analogous to “Days In The Sun”.


Audra McDonald singing always makes my day better


This is one of my favourite scenes in film. The music, the set, the filming, the acting. Everything is just so exquisite and beautiful. This is the scene which made me truly appreciate Dan stevens as an incredible actor. Sure, I've watched him in Downton abbey and he was outstanding but I just love how he plays with his character so well in this scene.
When being impressed by an actor, for me, it's mainly how they physically portray the character and their movements, which you can tell have been clearly thought about. I love how he wears a slight smile and smirk when he sits in the throne. And how he sits is quite casual and comfortable. He's lounging and it shows how he clearly loves this extravagant lifestyle and he loves that everyone is bowing down to him. But his hands are holding the armrests of the chair, showing the control that he holds over everyone.
I have to admit, the amount of times that I've rewinded this scene just to see how he lifts himself out of the chair, is too many to count. For me, it shows arrogance and he is above everyone. I can't help but be draw to how he holds his head. It's not laziness and I don't really know how to describe it but I love it.
Dan plays with the fact that all of the attention is on him and that's what I love about him. All eyes are on him as he descends the stairs. Then as soon as he gets to the bottom, everyone starts to dance. All eyes are no longer on him but he soon joins in. The slight bob that he does with his body, as he joins the dance, is exaggerated more than the others. For me, this shows an arrogance and how he's been in this situation so many times and how he enjoys it. It really portrays him as being overconfident and that he believes that he is good at dancing.
Even though he's now on the same level (signalling loss of power), he soon integrates himself throughout the group, making people notice him. The thing that he so very craves. However, he flicks through the different ladies so quickly, his attention for each individual lady lasting for so little time. This shows the blatant disregard for the women and how he just wants the best and he wants every beautiful thing that he desires. He wants the life of luxury and power. It really does show that lack of love and care that he has for others.
And too make sure that he has everyone's attention again, when on the same level, he makes his way to the centre of the ballroom. Everyone faces him and are basically dancing to and for him. They want to please him and be noticed by him but he just wants everyone's eyes to be on him. The pace of the dance and the tempo of the music rapidly increase when he is in the centre. For me, this increases the passion and also the need and slight desperation of the dancers and how the want to be noticed individually. I think it also increases the arrogance of the man. The tempo also increases to make way for the turning point of the story for the prince, which is when he gets turned into a beast.
Honestly, this is the scene that has made me really admire and love Dan stevens as an actor, as well as the production and effort that has gone into this film.

Disclaimer: these are my opinions and how I infer this scene. No one has to agree, this is just how I view it.


Let's all agree that Audra McDonald is a goddess in this scene


Yeah, great job on the movie's part for having Audra McDonald, currently one of the greatest singers alive, and not using her as much as possible.


Audra mcdonald was a perfect fit to play this role. Audra is a legend her voice is amazing her voice is natural and clean amazing vocalist love her beauty and beast live action was good


I love the prince's costume and make up


Audra McDonald was the best part of this damned movie
