8 Strange Things ONLY Spiritually Gifted People Experience

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8 Strange Things ONLY Spiritually Gifted People Experience

Imagine a world where the ordinary is just the surface of existence, this is the lived reality for those who are spiritually gifted. However, despite this, many individuals live their entire lives without realizing that they are spiritually gifted. You must avoid this at all costs, in order to do so, learn to recognize the signs so that you can realize what you are truly capable of. You see, there are 8 strange things that are experienced by spiritually gifted individuals, the first one being vivid dreams and visions. Let me ask you this, have you ever woken up from a dream that felt more real than reality itself? A dream so vivid and profound that it seemed to carry a message from beyond?
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If you ever listen to anything while reading comments, let it be this - go to borlest and read the book whispers of manifestation, then come back and thank me


You described my personality and supernatural gifts. I was target by narcissistic, toxic, envy, jealous people that hated my beauty, confidence, independence, artistical talents and tried to destroy me for being seeing like a star. I was awaked that I am an earth Angel. I just ask God to bring at least someone as good as me able to love me without trying to destroy me. I deserve to be happy.


I love you all. I wish we could come together in our own little town. I pray nothing but good life for you all.


Intuition is when you feel you know without any reason to know. Never fails me.


Unfortunately spiritual giftedness comes with so much loneliness. Because you see through people and situations, it’s hard to find someone you can trust enough to get close, unless you choose to not live an authentic life.


No one loves me people hate me and envy me...but i always remain alone and forever strong...we are very strong people ❤


It's overwhelming when you pick up other people's energy. I love it but hate it at the same time


I love reading the comments in videos like this because it reminds me of the exterme love i have for all of you! These comments give me hope in humanity to be able to ascend in time and start taking care of one another and earth better. I love you all so much and send so many miracles, blessings, love, money and light.


The most important spiritual growth doesn't happens during meditation..but during those exact moments of anger, jealousy, Anxiety and fear, where you have the choice to change those reactions❤..


I was once asked in the grocery store, " are you a woman of God? " I answered yes and was told that I glowed and that was how they knew! I write devotional and many times words and sentences just seem to come to me and I write them down as I receive them, and put what I get unto the devotional. I have also had a near death experience that has opened me up to many deeply spiritual events. I have seen the Holy Spirit surround the church choir when we sing a beautiful anthem! It is like a pale blue haze that descends over the choir. I also saw Jesus standing at the front of the church during communion, reaching out to bless everyone. I am a lonely type of oetson, because many do not believe me, but people in trouble or despair or grief, come to me for comfort from something they can feel when they are near me. I take no credit for this, it is entirely from God as He uses me for His purposes. I am so blessed!


Thank you Jesus, for your gift of spiritual discernment so i can see through the flesh and into the spirit realm, Amen...Hallelujah ❤


yes the loneliness is daunting, but I began to view it as another growth challenge. I decided that I should be able to be very comfortable in my own skin and happy. Prayer, visualization, and determination have worked. Once I became happy - I then started to meet others like me. I have far healthier relationships - I'm no longer needy,


My mother is spiritually gifted and I inherited it from her, that's why I am not surprised that I am musically inclined


You just described my life since I was a small child. I have always felt, “set apart”, might be the best way to describe it! This explained a great deal for me.


The worst thing about this, is that my vivid dreams are premonitions from a strange get undeniable future far ahead of mankind, it's small snippets of it. But I know it will happen and that I won't be witness them in many lifetimes.

I know now that I'm older that reality is stranger than friction


1. Vivid dreams
2. Intuition
3. Seeing aura
4. Empathy
5. Call of mission
6. Thirst for knowledge
7. Out of place
8. Timelessness


Also picking up the frequency of a place and its environment just by walking through it.


Sadly, I am an ungifted soul, but that has not stopped me from devoting myself to informing ignorance and promoting goodness. Even though it has separated me from normal life and separated me from most of the world around me, I feel driven in these evil times to do my work. Maybe God sees me...


God is real. He created the heavens and the earth. it is a gift...from God.


1. Vivid Dreams and Visions :33
2. Heightening of Intuition 5:13
3. Seeing Aura's 12:41
4. Empathy
5. Call of Mission 16:44
6. Thirst for Knowledge 19:54
7. Feeling Out of Place/Alienation 22:32
8. Timelessness 24:39
