What To Do With A High Performer that is High Drama at Work

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1) Why might being "low drama" add more value at work?
2) Make a list of what the organization needs from you and your current role. Then make a list of what you are currently focusing most of your time on. Are they aligned?
3) What ways have you seen emotional expensiveness coming up in the workplace?

Find your drama quotient here! Click the link below:

In this video, Cy talks about the idea that the being low drama is the new 'smart.' She breaks down the New Employee Value Equation and explains why just because someone is a high performer or with high technical skills it doesn't mean that they can be high drama.

This drama piece will end up taking away more value than they are contributing.

So if you are wondering what to do with a very high performing employee that is high in drama - here are some tips!

Also if you are wondering:
What to do with highly technical employees that are high in drama?
How to handle difficult employees?
A way to address drama with high performers
How to handle tough employees that are high in drama?
What to do with emotional employees that do good work?

This video and the download would be an amazing resource for you!

Join the Reality-Based Network here to start cutting the cost of drama in your organization and life:

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Cy is set to destory the entire market of company-wide performance coaching. It's not a performance issue, it's a "that person creates drama, just get them out" issue. Well done!!!


This is so good! I’m gonna use this for evaluation


Top performers are usually exceptional at what they do! And, they do get snapped up by competitors. 3 to 4 seems insignificant but it is significant to business profits and industry expertise. Professions like medicine (surgery) and law- clients want the best of the best, not someone who is mediocre that gets along great in a team that gets to go up against these top performers. Clients obviously aren't privy to drama within compaies. I would rather train and manage these top perfomers for my company because the value is extraordinary!! Develop relationships with them, bring them into your vision - you'll be surprised how great it will be for your business.


Excellent..Could not have better said it better myself..Wonderfully refreshing..Breakdown that wall!!


0:34 l agree at that point. I recall Sir Alex Ferguson, a football manager for Manchester United who sometime lecture in the Harvard Business School on Management, said that "..you got to have a balance of superstars and your "steady quite professionals who get the job done".

The player that was his first choice was Steve Irwin, a defender who is quite gets his job very well. Whereas one of his Superstars was David Beckham. However Beckham had an ego issue and caused "darma" amoung the team ( because of celebrity ststus & his famous wife) which caused Ferguson to get rid of him.


Leaders have value leave fragrance around & spread fragrance surrounding authority even for all.


What you deliver is incredible. Thank you!


so true and the younger generation is so much better at this


Th8s is awesome i agree with theres drama at every job! But i am staying away and out of it and doing my job and help each other out in housekeeping and be a team! Works alot betger for everybody and makes our jobs alot easier and we all get along like adults its not high school its a job and the residents amd coworkers and bosses and hire ups all see this and ots better on all of us and our department


Drama always done by people who have low performance.
Motto Low performance:' What would i do if i didn't play drama and it would be toxic in workplace? 😄😜


Wow lovely presentation, it’s great stuff to hear. It helps me think about my performance as a worker and growing so when I move on I’ll take these values I learned and be a professional that organizations need. I have a lot to think about. Is there a place where we can ask questions and your opinion ?


What about a toxic culture and a person cannot leave so as consequence are they blow up steam against a stupid bureautic system then what suppose that person do?


#LeavetheDramatoMama, Cy. #realitybasedleadership #ditchthedrama #noego


I agree, but sometimes a complacent culture needs a little spice


This video is so weird because I get everything she is saying, but she looks just like 90% of all the terrible dramatic people I've ever encountered at work 😆 But yeah, her message is spot on, but it's like she's talking about herself!
