How To Handle Windows And Frames In Selenium❓| Selenium WebDriver Tutorial | LambdaTest

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Are you starting your journey with Selenium WebDriver? Watch this video to learn how to handle Windows and Frames in Selenium WebDriver while performing Selenium automation testing.

📍 This video talks about the following: 👇
🚩 What is a Window in Selenium?
A Window is an object in Selenium that represents a window or tab in a browser. A window can be opened, closed, and switched between using Selenium commands.
🚩 What is Window Handle in Selenium?
A window handle is a unique identifier of a browser window. When a new browser window opens, it gets a handle by which you can access that window again in Selenium WebDriver.
🚩 Methods used for window handling in Selenium
There are several ways to handle windows in Selenium WebDriver:
➡ getWindowHandle(): Through this method, we can get the current window's unique ID, which will be used to identify it within this driver instance. It will be returned as a string value by this method.
➡ getWindowHandles(): The IDs of all the windows opened by the WebDriver can be retrieved using this method. Its return type is Set.
➡ switchTo(): Switching between windows can be done using the switchTo() method.
🚩 Switch Window Commands For Frames & iFrames in Selenium
Here are the Switch Window commands you'll require for switching frame or iFrame in Selenium:
➡ SwitchTo Frame
A frame is a component of a web page or web browser window that displays content separate from the web container.
➡ SwitchTo DefaultContent
When the page contains iFrames, this command selects either the first frame or the main document.
➡ SwitchTo ParentFrame
The parent frame of the currently selected frame is selected using this command.

Vɪᴅᴇᴏ Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀꜱ 👀
0:00 Introduction
0:04 Modules
0:22 What is Window Handling?
3:22 How to handle multiple windows with Selenium?
3:56 The GetWindowHandle command
7:30 How to use the GetWindowHandles command?
18:17 What is Frame?
21:29 Ways to interact with frames
28:43 How to handle Nested Frame?
30:36 How to switch back from Nested to Parent frame?
32:18 How to use the defaultContent function?
33:26 Understanding the Frame concept
34:33 How to run windows and frames through the LambdaTest platform?
39:00 Conclusion

📌Also, learn 📃
🔸 What is the use of window handles?
🔸 How does Selenium handle windows and frames?
🔸 How do you handle frames in Selenium?



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Thanks Koushik..very nice session

This is first time seeing., using ArrayList<> (); we can handling switch the windows…👍


Buety of teaching ♥️.
Non cs people also understand easily, thanks🤝.


It's effortless and informative. I'm expecting more videos on Selenium testing on your channel😊


Great explanation🤩 Can you also please upload a video on how to handle the window authentication popup in Selenium?


Thanks for the lovely explanation! Do you have videos on Specflow on your channel? If so, please do share the link🤗


Your explanation is crisp and very understandable. Good job👌 Do you also have videos on CDP in Selenium 4? If so, please do share the link. It'd be a great help!


Thanks, Koushik.. this is a very informative session 🙂, and I hope you will add the Rest API selenium concept to your upcoming videos.😇


Which iOS is supported by browser.switchToFrame, have a problems with iOS 12
