HAPPINESS EXPERT: These types of friends cause loneliness!

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Visit our profile to watch the full interview with Dr. Arthur Brooks, who is the world's top happiness expert and a professor at Harvard.
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This hits pretty solid. Friends that are around from what you transact to them and add to their life - the beauty - the cool cats - and the virtue - I love you to your core because your you.


Friendship of virtue requires an extremely high level of maturity and intelligence. It's the next major step on human evolution. At the moment the majority of the population in the world, without factoring culture, is not intelligent enough to be able to do this at a conscious level.


Level one "If that's all you have you're going to be hopelessly lonely". Says who ? Since my wife died ten years ago, that's all I have. I'm not "hopelessly lonely". In fact I am very busy, I meet people when I want to socialise, I meet people in many unexpected ways.
Don't listen to idiots like this, you don't need a soul mate to be content with yourself, just be the best YOU, you can be, and feel good about yourself.


Nope don’t believe in so called friends. I am friendly but not familiar . The more I get to know human nature, the more I adore myDogs.!
