Using ViewPort 3D in WPF | (3D Graphics, the easier way)

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Hi everyone, Will here.

In this video I briefly demonstrate the utilisation of the ViewPort3D namespace.
I just want to address that in the video, I may have made some mistakes referring to Managed Direct 3D - which is a deprecated API for utilising DX in a managed environment, such as C#.

To be a little more accurate, I'm utilising the ViewPort3D Namespace, but you can do a bit of research into what API(s) it sits above in more depth, if you want- I want to focus more on what can be done with this technology, rather than focus too much on its origins.

So, the question may be- 'why'?

Well, many reasons.

From my point-of-view, there are many use-cases were a RAD model may be an optimal choice for an applications development, be it at the alpha-design stages, prototyping or even the full development-cycle of some innovation.

In such cases, the leverage of time and output is essential, and so having the access to robust 3D rendering functionalities within the realms of managed C# code is attractive.

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Connect with me! LinkedIn: Williams Teddy-Jimoh

#viewport3d #3dinwpf #dotnetframework
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so WPF's Viewport3D is capable of mesh editing and displaying vertices and edges?


When defining the Positions, Normals and Indices, many other rendering API's support importing .fbx, .obj or similar mesh files. It would surprise me if WPF doesn't support this


IMPORTANT NOTE-- In the video I mention the use of Managed Direct 3D in the demonstration via the API I was utilising.
Managed D3D is a deprecated API, which it's legacy may be inherent within what the ViewPort3D relies on, I'm not 100 percent sure, but I wanted to clarify that if you want to know what API I was using for the 3D rendering, don't rely solely on what I said in the video, but do some research on the topic, as I don't want to spread mis-information!

Thanks again for watching! - Will

Managed D3D Artice at MS Docs -

ViewPort3D info at MS Docs -
