Who Are The Seven Kings of Jinn? | (and their most famous Servants)

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In this video we will look at the seven kings of Jinn and explore their role, powers and more. Plus, we'll learn about the four terrestrial lords, also known as the four pillars of the earth. These powerful beings are said to rule over time, directions, and seasons.

And that’s not all! We will also get to know 10 of the most famous Jinn servants mentioned in Arabic grimoires and how/why they're used by magicians.

- Related videos:

- Video content:

00:00 Introduction
01:31 what is a Jinn – Recap

- Nature of Jinn
- Races of Jinn
- Types of Jinn

02: 53 the 7 Kings of Jinn
1- Al-Moddahb
2- Murrah
3- Al-Ahmar
4- Barqan
5- Shamhourash
6- Zawba'a
7- Maymun

11:15 the 4 Jinn Lords
11: 53 Jinn Servants

- This video is for educational purposes ONLY. It aims to study an important part of Arabic demonology by having a closer look into Djinns/Genies (Jinn) and the legends that surround them.

- The video has 3 main chapters:

1- A quick overview of Jinn: what are they (their nature, powers, races and types)
2- The seven Kings of Jinn: a look in depth into the rulers of Jinn-kind and the astrology and alchemy associated with them.
- The colors of these kings based on the color of the crown they wear.
- Each king rules over a day, planet, color and metal (as well as a geometric shape and symbol, but were not included in the video).
3- Jinn Servants: Here I covered the top 10 famous Jinn servants mentioned in Arabic sources.

- The information in this video is based on two main sources:

1- Arabic magic and occult books, mainly:
Shams al-Ma'arif or the sun of knowledge – شمس المعارف (written by Ahmad al-Buni 13th century )
Kitāb al-Bulhān or The book of wonders – كتاب البلهان (Complied by Hassan Esfahani – 15th century)
2- Arabic and Middle Eastern folklore, urban legends around the Arab world.

- If you have any questions or if there's a specific topic you'd like to see in future videos, feel free to leave a comment.

Thanks for watching!

#Jinn #Genie
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A lot of these jinn stories and theories come from pre-Islamic Arabic mythology. Islam has used the word 'jinn', which means 'unseen/invisible being', but that doesn't mean it refers to the same beings that pre-Islamic Arabs believed in.


Allah SWT is the lord of all days. From Saturday to Friday. Get that thing straight and clear!!!


Any sources (quran/hadith) as backup on what you are talking about?


The ring is the level of halo crown you can achieve. One ring to rule them all


There is stories about a ring. Think about it like the staff of Moses. It is all because of God. It is also those stories are kind of a mixture of Jewish, Arab and Islam stuff.


So... I have a question. Are jinn essentially the same as demon kings or the lords of hell or whatever? Like they sound a lot like kings and princes of hell like belial, asmodeus, etc. Not only that, but both hung out with Solomon. So forgive my ignorance, but idk they sound the same, and some have close to the same description.


Don't disinform people. Suleyman was a Prothet of Allah and he never used magic. Astaghfirullah
Allah gave him power of jinn, animals and birds.
They obeyed him only by permission of Allah.
If you upload something please learn the authentic information first.


The look like mortal kombat characters


Jinns angels demon 😈 s. Operate at a molecular scale an atom ⚛️ level. Bal smaller. Satan himself fears me once I understood it. I have imprisoned many ifreet boiled ♨️them after they multiply iam like malik of hell to the demons 😈 a gatekeeper of hell to them. Me the connected between the two oceans 🌊 the illiterate one.


There's was no magical ring prophet Suleiman granted these ability by God like prophet mosa prophet essa and your info about jin majority of it fals madeup 😂


Iam creating an animation where theres jinn war powers etc etc capuring jinns and using as a power source selling it etc etc i have imagined in my third eye


The names are a little bit funny 🤣...

Its quite educational but i doubt the authenticity...

Let us be good Muslims and not fall upon the traps of these evil beings. By the end even these jinns will appear before Allah, the Lord of the Universe to be judged according to their deeds.

Almighty Allah knows best..


Please pin Dealing with one of these beings involves shirk. While in one of the stories, the magicians say that they are Muslims, but the Muslim jinn are not summoned. If you are a Muslim, avoid these things so that you do not fall into a greater shirk. If you are a non-Muslim, know that one mistake in calling one of them will cost you your life, and their requests are impossible and reach the limit. They may ask you for a human sacrifice especially one close familymember, so you should never deal with them


Only Allah SWT has the power over all....no jinn....


The lord of all the kings-the owner of the day of Judgement ALLAH rains far superior

They ˹instead˺ followed the magic promoted by the devils during the reign of Solomon. Never did Solomon disbelieve, rather the devils disbelieved. They taught magic to the people, along with what had been revealed to the two angels, Hârût and Mârût, in Babylon.1 The two angels never taught anyone without saying, “We are only a test ˹for you˺, so do not abandon ˹your˺ faith.” Yet people learned ˹magic˺ that caused a rift ˹even˺ between husband and wife; although their magic could not harm anyone except by Allah’s Will. They learned what harmed them and did not benefit them—although they already knew that whoever buys into magic would have no share in the Hereafter. Miserable indeed was the price for which they sold their souls, if only they knew!


Who cares about their names when you cant remember the name of Allah in your prayer?
You dont need to learn about their name since it gives you nothing. Just remember the name of Allah so you can praise Allah in your prayer.


It's always nice to see an upload from you. Thank you, mate. ❤


The only information I believe is that which comes from the Quran and prophetic sayings of rasoolullaahie. The rest is a bunch of rubbish


This channel is amazing. Great source of esoteric knowledge.
It's clear that the one who create it is really expert into such matter.
I love it.


Why do you say “called upon”? Its haram to call jinns. Be careful what kind of misinformation you spread. You’re accountable for your actions
