Quest: How to make digital work for, not against learning [ONLINE CONFERENCE]

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Quest: How to make digital work for, not against learning (ONLINE CONFERENCE)

6th June, 2024; Bratislava, SLOVAKIA

Moderator: Ľuba Voľanská, Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, SLOVAKIA


0:00:00 Ľuba Voľanská: Opening words
0:03:16 Jakub Žaludko [Impact Games]: Opening words
0:07:24 Anna Plassat Muríňová, Ambassador, Katarína Lomnická [Permanent Delegation of the Slovak Republic to UNESCO]
0:11:53 Denisa Frelichová [SK UNESCO Commission]: The Future is Here
0:16:30 Michal Rybár [Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic]: The True Role of Digital Technologies in Education
0:37:22 Balázs Dömsödi [NovaSphera Studio, HU]: Navigating the Challenges of Game Development with Limited Resources – A Case Study of Immersive Gamified Experience
1:00:11 Jakub Žaludko [Impact Games]: Heritage Quest AR
1:17:52 Discussion
1:33:34 Matej Gyárfáš [Soficreo, SK]: Soficreo - A New Path of Education in Emergencies
1:49:14 Öykü İnal [Food for Thought Media, DE]: Exploring the Integration of Video Games in Educational Settings - A Focus on "Sibel's Journey"
2:04:50 Tina Kržišnik [Development and Education Centre Novo mesto, SL]: GAMI.FI.RE. - Fostering Financial Literacy and Career Readiness through Gamification in Vocational Education
2:19:54 Discussion
2:41:10 Nneamaka Ajaegba [Federal College of Education, NG]: The Use of Digital Tools to Enhance Students' Mathematics Thinking Skills
2:47:27 Zuzana Danišková/Dana Masaryková/Lucia Nováková [University of Trnava, SK]: Analyzing Best Practices: A Gamification Model for Community-Based Heritage Work
3:01:48 Ayşe E. Coşkun [Kadir Has University/Birmingham City University, TR/GB]: Disseminating European Folk Art and Culture Using Digital Technologies
3:26:25 Fabio Viola [TuoMuseo, IT]: Playable Culture
3:45:17 Discussion
4:00:34 Conclusions from the groups and closing remarks

The conference was held under the auspices of the SK UNESCO Commission and the State Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, Slavomír Partila.

The conference was organized as part of the Erasmus+-funded "Exploring the Past in Peace" project. Impact Games (SK) is the lead partner, and the collaborating partners are the Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SK), CRHACK LAB FOLIGNO (IT), Enabler Ltd. (HU), and Art Rebel 9 d. o. o. (SL).

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