The Mystical Experience

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"Mysterium tremendum et fascinosum" - Rudolph Otto

Join Jason Silva as he freestyles complex systems of society, technology, and human existence and discusses the truth and beauty of science in a form of existential jazz.

Featuring images by: TAS, BEEPLE, Cameron Grey, Mugwort
Music: Mahyar Bordbar (Fluxseeds)
Videography: Jason Elon Goodman
Associate Producer: Ben Jacobson
Post Production: Omid Pakbin
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Once you experience the Truth and awaken to the Real you, you are forever transformed. In that ultimate dissolution of identity, ego and perception.. no 'otherness' remains. You begin to see yourself as a part of everything, and everything in the universe reveals itself as a part of you. Beyond names, titles, categories, seeming separations, the Truth is the same. All atoms resound with the same vibration. As the veil of social conditioning lifts, you see that Oneness is all there is. What hurts the other, hurts you. By helping someone, you are helping your own self. It is all connected.

Love is Truth. Truth is All. You are Love.


And that's what I'm feeling everytime I watch a Shots of Awe video


I just wanted to thank you so much for this beautiful explanation. I’ve had 2 of these within the past few months and I’ve been struggling to put the experience into words, or find others (alive) who have had them. It was so nice coming across your video - you explain them very well. These experiences for me, while fleeting, felt like everything was in slow motion. I watched a leaf fall from a tree and I saw every movement as the most beautiful dance I’d ever seen. I walked into the kitchen and saw my man and my daughter laughing together and I knew that I was them - it was like I was my Soul and I saw that my Soul was also inside of both of them. Hard to explain, but after this video I have more confidence. Thank you so much!!!


tears rolling down my face. WOW. thank you for the reminder that life is a blessing not a curse.


Every shots of awe video is a mystical experience for me.


I discovered this guy 30 minutes ago and he instantly became my favorite YouTuber.His insight can even rival the depth of books.


I would say without a doubt this is your best video yet... stunning music stunning visuals and elegantly articulated with a level of passion that this topic rightfully deserves!


I've had one through an o.b.e (out of body experience). i had done my research as a kid on lucid dreaming/science of dreams and meditation. i finally took up the practice when i was 17 and after 3 months of meditating i decided i was going to try a method i had learned from a book called "wake back- to- bed". so i meditated for over 30 minutes and i felt a feeling of warmth come over me, which soon came out to be sleep paralysis. a feeling of panic emerged suddenly til i remembered that it's normal and comes on before the actual o.b.e. so i let everything go and as soon as i did i started seeing all kinds of bright colors come together to form one big blue light which turned into a spiral. i felt myself pulled upward into the spiral only to completely lose track of space, time and sense of self. i felt as if i we're disintegrated and reborn, and as it happens a feeling of unity with all living things as well as the cosmos emerging. and as you said "the doors of perception we're cleansed". right after this i "came out" of my body and look back down at myself. weightless and floating i realize I'm in my bedroom now so i fly outside my window. i walk down my street with this feeling still with me. i look at my hands and everything was incredibly vivid, as i walk i feel the grass grazing my ankles and feel the roughness of the bark from a tree. only to be suddenly shot back into my body in complete darkness and unconsciousness. minutes after i wake up only to still feel the same. unable to put it into words i try explaining to friends and family what had happened, only to be thought of as insane and going crazy (to be honest I'd think the same if i were them lol). it left me with a new perspective of the world and motivation to find out what i had experienced.I'm 21 years old now and ever since then i researched on all sorts of topics ranging from comparitive religion, psychedelic experiences, philosophy, depth psychology, and nueroscience. this experience definitely left a print on me that i will carry to the grave. to whoever read this thank you for taking the time and wish you luck on your journey of enlightenment.


Wow. After a long time a good awe inspiring video.


Whoever edited this video is just as brilliant as Jason Silva. Incredible work!


SHots of Awe really transcend my mind. Everytime I watched it I felt like I'm floating into a different universe


I saw a comment thread about LSD on here and I saw someone say that acid is just a peek into what is possible and can't get you all the way to a spiritual experience. I would like to say that I do not think that psychedelics should be used to do it by themselves, I believe that they are enhancers to experiences, the person I saw sited regular meditation as a better way to the experience, I would suggest micro-dosing and then meditating. Drugs are not bad things and LSD and mushrooms are some of the least toxic things on earth, they are meant to enhance our abilities not replace them, respect the things given to us by the earth and you can learn so many things about yourself. Don't be so quick to judge. #Psychedelicrevolution


The high tier Production quality is back. Truly this is cause for rejoice. Good work people who make this show.


I have had this experience when meditating. You described it perfectly


I'm blown away you guys are able to keep churning these out. Totally not complaining. Keep it up!


watching ur videos are always a mystical experience


love this ... i keep repeating this video for months ....and i have a hyper link for it in my electronic notes .... thanks a lot


I want to express my deepest gratitude towards Jason and his team. This video is very special to me since it's describing what I've been through and have felt during all those experiences.


Wowww, very intense!! The combination of performance and editing in this one is probably the best yet


This is so beautiful. I am feeling transformed just by listening to this beauty
