Near Infrared Light (NIR) Deprivation and Our Health

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The Impact of Near Infrared Light Deprivation on Our Health

This article demonstrates why the type of light is important for our wellbeing. Not only that, the time of the day when the light exposure is needed is even more important. Let's review this important article.

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Melatonin and the Optics of the Human Body | Melatonin Research

NF-κB Drives the Synthesis of Melatonin in RAW 264.7 Macrophages by Inducing the Transcription of the Arylalkylamine-N-Acetyltransferase (AA-NAT) Gene | PLOS ONE

Aralkylamine N-acetyltransferase - Wikipedia

Melatonin: A mitochondrial resident with a diverse skill set - ScienceDirect
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My Grandmother had it right all along. When we were sick she would say, "Go out and blow the stink off of you" She was ahead of her time.


One of the biggest crimes against humanity...they banned all incandescent light bulbs (in Australia at least), in the name of reducing electricity consumption. The houses, that were a source of love and well being, for body and spirit alike, with their warm glowing lights, became a shell of LED and fluro radiation. I remember my distress, because as an artist you couldn't seen the colors properly under the fake light ...the food didn't look the homes looked cold and uninviting


Got it! This is truly astonishing! 😜
My dog lies in the sun either in the morning or in the evening, never when the sun is high in the sky. She also likes to lie near the fireplace when we have logs burning in it 🔥 Animals are so wise.


I know a married couple in their mid-late 80s who have gone for hourlong walks outside every day for the last 30 years. They could easily pass for ten years younger. No cancer, no heart issues, no diabetes. I’m sure the regular exercise has something to do with it, and probably genetics to some degree, but now I can’t help wonder if the daily light exposure has something to do with it. Probably helps that they don’t smoke or drink, either.


I have been using near infrared photo biomodulation in my practice for going on a decade. I find it very useful in the treatment of auto immune/ulcerative conditions, temporomandibular joint/muscular pain problems, and general wound healing both osseous and soft tissue. I have also used it to recover function in damaged motor and sensory nerves provided they were not transected. I used it on myself following shoulder surgery. My orthropod was shocked at the speed of my recovery: weeks faster than the average patient. Simply put it works!


Isn't this amazing ! This should be all over the newspapers... and our children should go play outside iso staring at their tablets or phones. Thank you for sharing this Dr.Mobeen !


I got into researching red light/NIR therapy about a year ago and purchased panels that do two wave lengths in the red and two in the infrared spectrum and the results have been amazing. You do need to buy products from reputable companies that are being honest about the power (irradiance) of the devices or you won’t get any effects especially if you’re trying to reach beneath the surface of the skin. There are several great channels dedicated to testing and reviewing these devices from multiple companies to help you find good devices in your budget. Just because a device/bulb puts out red light does not mean you’re getting the right red wavelengths. It’s kind of like you can turn on a radio but you’ll only get music if you know how to turn to the right numbers on the dial where radio stations exist.


Excellent information almost as good as the autophagy one you did a few months ago. Thank you😊 Have a nice weekend🙂


I use and infrared light daily.. You can get one at Home Depot or Lowes for $10.97 per bulb. Use a workman’s 350 watt capacity lamp..another 10+ bucks!


Dr. Been, the was WONDERFUL!!! I am not a commenter very often, but this really blessed me. Love you videos!! Thank you for being on YouTube for us!!!


So happy Dr Been is telling us more about IR.


I ordered a full spectrum infrared sauna yesterday and now I see this. Feeling like a good purchase.


What a fascinating study.
Thank you...for explaining and joining up the dots regarding the link between melatonin and general well being. No wonder night-shift workers are on the wrong head of health


Oh wow ! So this light does not just warm the area but causes the cells to produce antioxidents to heal the tissue. When I went to the doctor for therapy they didnt tell me anything about it, they just shined my back, but the healing was there. Actually... I think I´m gonna buy an infrared lamp now 🙂 Wisdom is good, thanks Doctor!


Excellent presentation! Thanks Dr. S!


That was fantastic! 🔥🎙 That was so good I let an 18 minute ad run with the sound turned down! 👍


Ten minutes of NIR/red light therapy on my face and head every morning completely rid me of the dull headaches, grogginess and a general feeling of unwellness I'd experience if I didn't shower and get outside immediately after waking. Definitely not placebo effect as I was skeptical going into it. No idea what it's doing to my insides and cells, though.


In love with this sharing, thank you so much 💚🌱🐢


Thanks for this important information. Living in a rainy area I sometimes forget how important it is to get enough lite.


I just love the way you explain things! You have a real gift and I love you!
