Koba’s Screen Time - War for the planet of the apes

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Despite Koba dying off before the events of war, he does make two cameos in the films as a sprit haunting Caesar. He first appears after Caesar accidentally kills Winter, taunting him with the “Ape not kill ape” rule. He later returns to tell Caesar to join him in the afterlife.
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Every time he appears in this film he looks like a Arkham death scene


This is how you bring back an iconic villain that you have killed off in a previous film, along with Killmonger in Black Panther 2, and Green Goblin in the Spider-Man trilogy. Having them showing up in the dreams of the heroes truly shows the long-lasting trauma they have inflicted on the hero and the storyline.


The hallucination of koba is far more innocent looking than he ever looked when he was alive. Despite all that koba had done ceazer still felt guity over killing him.


It's so eery (in a good way) seeing Koba haunt Caesar from beyond his grave, reminds me of Green Goblin haunting Harry in Spiderman 2


Toby Kebbell really got forth billing for 50 seconds of screentime and 3 lines lol


He was supposed to be alive since the end of Dawn Of The Planet Of the Apes, in the credits you can hear breathing and then the sound of rubble moving indicating that Koba survived the fall.


It’s very interesting seeing the one thing Caesar never wanted haunt him (ape no kill ape). Yet he killed an ape so he lives with that trauma/regret.


We actually have Koba to blame for putting every major problem of the trilogy into motion.

The Simian Flu got out because of Koba's small freak-out while taking the 113, which infected Franklin and led to a disastrous domino effect.

Then in Dawn, Koba's inability to forgive humanity for it's crimes against him caused the fighting. And he also attracted the attention of the Colonel and his men, which caused War.

Every problem in these movies is because of Koba freaking out, even if just for a second. Man has a natural talent for screwing everybody over.

EDIT: The fuck is going on in the replies, I can't even scroll past the 20th reply.


Am I the only one who’s so fond of the way Koba talks? Like his mouth movements / teeth are so satisfying to look at idk


The second confrontation has a lot of weight behind it. Caesar is at his lowest point. He is almost dying, he has failed his people, and he has been consumed by hate. So Koba appears to him, to tell him that apes die here. And at this moment, Caesar imagines Koba almost tenderly touching him and telling him to let go. Almost as if he is accepting Koba and that he was right. Caesar tried diplomacy, believed in humans, and where did that lead him and his people. They are at a human prison, many are dead and others are tortured. Koba was right about humans. And even if Koba didn't start the war, once the virus started to mutate, The colonel would have started killing both diseases people, and smart apes. But as always with these movies, everything isn't black and white. The Colonel and his unit are the worst of the worse. There are still people out there, who while not friendly towards apes, still aren't as evil as the Colonel. And some apes are working for the Colonel, so Caesar can't even claim all humans bad, and all apes good. And finally, it's the selfless, almost angelic act from Nova, that restores Caesar's faith in humanity, and while he still accepts the Koba like part of himself, in his final confrontation with the Colonel, he let's go of his hare, and most likely he spent the last few days of his life, free from Koba's ghost.


300 years later, he is reborn as Proximus


Seeing an iconic villain haunt and traumatize the protagonist is a sight to see 😮


I always wished a Mature transformers film on which Optimus has visions and Nightmares with Megatron


Looking back I think Cesar should've let Koba live so we could see what would happened in war


The jump in effects from one to three is insane


I like how Koba still speaks in broken English while by the time of War Ceaser speaks in full sentences


This reminds me of when rick was seeing Shane in his sleep


The reason why we see him is to show how scared is ceaser is becoming exactly like A selfish vengeful demon who cares nothing more than them self.


there’s a theory in part IV that the new villain “Proximus Caesar” is Koba’s descendant


I swear to God this ape is LITERALLY Scar from the Lion King franchise and I freaking love it! Even when the villain is actually dead and gone, he's never truly forgotten or lost to time because of all his great and terrifying deeds he has ever done that cause nothing but agony and misery through emotional psychological trauma that makes the hero not only to forever remember him but also makes him firmly believe that he's still there in the back of his mind! That SCREAMS nothing but PTSD for not just the hero but also everyone else involved, it happened with Robin, it happened with Simba, it EVEN HAPPENS TO THIS GUY RIGHT NOW JUST HE'S ABOUT TO LOSE EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE HE'S EVER FAGHT FOR! That's just how dark this is
