How to Survive being a Single Mother

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As a Widow with 5 children still at home I appreciate this talk. Sometimes I feel inadequate, but I try to keep moving forward. If I don’t know something, I look it up, or I ask others. I’ve lived this lifestyle for over 36 years and I wouldn’t want it any other way. My Husband and I were a team, now I carry on. Am I totally confident, no. I can learn though. I do worry about the security aspect, that was my Husbands department. So I have to learn that aspect and Im always thinking of security around my property. My neighbors are druggies, one just got sent to prison, so I have to worry about that. Would I like a man around, sure, you need a Head of the family, can I do without one, absolutely! I determine what is the best for my family now. But it sure is nice having found this group! I appreciate everyone here!


Single mom who raised kids in inner city here. I learned 2 weeks after my ex left to stand on my own and teach my children to stand on their own. We worked together. Everyone had a "jurisdiction" to take care of. Always had a 5 gln bucket of rice and extra cans because sweets and soda were a treat. My children understood $1 spent on a can of soup fed both while $1 spend on a soda did not. Used tax returns to buy extra clothes and food. Eventually made it out of the city and had to re-learn a lot but we are as self sufficient as we possibly can.


"Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
and he will deliver you"
         -Psalm  50 :15


I'm 83 and I can do most anything I want . Had a stroke at 61but I'm stubborn I can, dehydrate and have stocked up on everything I can think of, due to stroke no as strong as.40 or 50 . Love your channel


I am 61 and mom 89 live on our homestead. No help from other relatives. Worried how we can survive a long-term shtf. Two old women.


One bit of advice. “Self-size” your equipment. Ladies shovel, hammer, etc. 9mm not .45, 20 gauge not 12 gauge, etc. Same for us older people. Deal with stuff you can handle!


Hahaha no need to walk on eggshells for us women.
Thanks for this episode!


Was a single mom for years worked a full time job plus part time one. Many nights I cried myself to sleep because of exhaustion and worrying about bills but I had on my big girl panties smiled when I didn’t want to. Took the kids to church and brought them up the best I could. My biggest regret doing too much for them. Have paid off my house….nothing fancy but it’s mine a roof over my head. One more payment on my car. Proud grandmother now one 9 one 5. I have been teaching them about canning, making jam, how to pack the freezer. They love when I go get more canned goods….to change the numbers on the inventory cart. Last summer they helped me pick strawberries, raspberries and blueberries and put them up for the winter. My plan is to build a hot house this spring to grow vegetables. Wish I could have my whole backyard into a vegetable garden but have a major deer population in my area. Prepping as much as I can. My faith in our Father has what made me who I am today…as you say sir get your house in order mentally physically and spiritually. God bless from Nova Scotia


Wow, thank you Travis and everyone @ThePreparedHomestead for taking my suggestion into serious consideration and then deciding to make a video on the topic. I am AMAZED at how quickly you were able to make it happen! I am truly grateful. The suggestions and advice given are pure gold. I know a LOT of people will appreciate this and get so much out of it. Thanks again!


For those women that do have a spouse…be sure you have a plan anyways. If he is just away, ill or injured, you will need to step up and keep things going. Travis, this was excellent information for all of us! Thank you!


To all single and widowed women out there I’ve been where your at.I’m 69 now. But it shows how strong y’all are for being on this channel and others trying to learn. Praying for all of you. Stay strong ladies . This was a great video Travis. Thank you.❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


I agree with you on the Father creating us differently! That’s what makes the relationship between man/woman work so well!


I was so shocked to see this title come up. Thank you so much. ❤


Divorced single mom with a severely developmentally disabled child. Doing my best to do what I can, but we live with my parents, and I recently had to quit my landscaping job after rupturing a disc. It gets very lonely and depressing, but I am doing my best to bloom where I seem to have been planted. Working on a big garden and learning how things were done in the past, before electricity and indoor plumbing, grocery stores, et cetera became a sort of standard, is what gives me some peace of mind. Canning, and starting and keeping a fire going, are up on my Learn List. My son forces me to keep going. My failure will be his if I don't.


Travis you would be proud of me today I went and got some more stock food stuff but a young man had run off the road and me a Granny pulled over and got him out of his predicament. I could have done it better had I had a chain and not just straps. Made me feel useful 😃 I am not worthless since my stroke I felt worthless but I found I am still stronger than I thought


I was a diesel mechanic for a large trucking company. As a woman in a traditionally male environment, I learned a few things. There’s two directions to go. Regarding the things I couldn’t do well (brute strength tasks)- I joined a gym and worked toward becoming physically stronger. I also learned any trick I could to use what strength I did possess to the max (leverage, for example.)

The other direction you can go is focusing in the natural advantages a woman has. I have smaller hands and I’m smaller overall, so I could get into places the big burly guys couldn’t reach. Use those kinds of advantages in your favor.

Something to think about. I found no lack of men willing to help me when there was a task I just couldn’t do. And they would tell me it was because I helped them with tasks they struggled with, and also they knew I was trying to get better at the things I couldn’t do. I wasn’t sitting on my satin pillow saying, “I can’t do that because I’m a woman.” No one respects that.


Single mom & grandma for 29 years now. My whole ministry is to feed people. Moved out on a piece of property with a single wide that other people wouldn't consider living in. Worked my tail off. One of my daughters and her family joined me. Now three of my daughters live within a mile of me and 1 is a full time homesteader as am I. She has goats & chickens. I have sheep, turkey, quail, chickens, mealworms & red wigglers. I received my Permaculture Certificate in 2009 while working a full time job and my youngest still living with me. If I could do it anybody can. The best spinach I ever grew was on my bedroom windowsill.


Im not technically a single mom
My husband is a over the road trucker and is NEVER HOME. He is in denial. He thinks noone is dumb enough to.attack the us. Thats what he always says . He comes home every few months so when shtf good chance he wont be here. Will be me 3 teen boys and 8 yr old girl. Just now starting to prep. Need all i can. Im clueless


I'm a widow, been solo on my farmstead for 20 years. I tend the animals, grow the crops, home and structure repairs, hunt, fish, own and use guns, run chainsaw, split my firewood by hand, shovel snow by hand, work on the all mechanicals like vehicles. I find something I don't know, I learn it. I don't have family any where near here; life is tough sometimes but it's made me tougher.


When I was a young mother with 5 kids. I did so much. I put up fencing, built a storage shed and etc, plus did all the mother things. Now I'm older, and have custody of my 14 year old granddaughter, it's harder way harder for me now. Grandparents need alot of respect from others to take on child rearing again. I have 11 grandbabies and I love them all but I most definitely couldnt and wouldn't want to raise another set of kids, but if bad went to worse I know I would and could raise them. Just saying us older folk still are raising kids and some of us are widows.
