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I'm in looove with this video and Solange's new album A Seat At The Table. People need to watch this :)

I do not own the rights of course :)


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The song is about more than hair. It's about personal identity and expression. Don't touch like don't try to change or comment. It is not yours to speak on. It's my body and my life my personality and my pride.

But that's just one black woman's interpretation.


For many black people, hair is more than just mere hair. It is a form of self-expression of one’s heritage, emotions, and identity.


Nice reaction. To answer your question I believe the song refers to the culture of African American women/men and the pride they have for their appearance. People of other races often are curious about their hair/texture. They are often criticized for wearing "weave" and "wigs" or made fun of. Black men also take great care in their hairstyles. She is expressing that it's more then just "hair" it's an expression of their personal style, culture, and being... both physically and emotionally. Just my opinion... I'm not African American but I try to be culturally aware. ;-)


To the people literally thinking the whole song is simply about others touching her hair, are close but wrong. It's much much deeper than that. She is speaking to everyone, basically to society. Don't touch her hair, her pride, her soul because it's hers and it's sacred. Anything out of the norm (white, blonde or brunette, with perfect eyebrows, straight hair, skinny..etc) those are norms that solange and MANY women and men don't fit into, mainly people of color. They(society, schools, jobs, social media) want us to straighten our hair, be super skinny, etc, to be deemed worthy, she's basically saying don't touch that part about her, don't try to touch and change my soul, my crown, my pride, my hair, my being to he norm because it's mines and i own it. She's basically letting everyone know, that she will be her and that no one can touch that. it's such a deep song and makes me want to cry when i hear it because most of my life i have let society touch and even take those things of mine, as i grow i take them back.


The song is about black hair and black pride...Dont touch my hair is something black women say often. Its special to us. Its also saying don't touch my black pride and the emotion. It goes with the theme of the album


Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the song is referring to the fact that other races like to touch and pet black women's hair out of curiosity.


African American background / Culture. Our history pay attention to


I love how white people try to dissect and analyze everything that we do, its cute.


This is deep personal and painful, but beautiful. Its about the constant struggle is it to be ones true self and self love and appreciation in a society that says our features are unwanted and our hair is "offensive" "unprofessional" and "untamed" in order to keep us trying to fit in the mold of European standard of beauty features including the hair. Black people experience alot of self hate and not even liking ourselves the way we are because we are so subconsciously trying to fit in to society. But no more. This is about standing bold and proud in our natural beauty and owning it and finally being able to appreciate ones selves & that black is actually truly beautiful in a society that thinks less of us.


Solange is demanding that no one attempt to sanitize or regulate her Blackness. She is protective of her soul, her mind, her creations, and her identity. The statement draws a line in the sand figuratively and reaffirms the protection of the space she occupies not only physically, but culturally as well.


the aesthetic of the video are just like Italian Renaissance paintings, I agree . She's so dope.


It's basically expressing the beauty of African American hair


Black hair black pride ... don't touch our hair yes don't ask to touch don't ask if it's real or how we got it to grow so long ... basically people of melanin will go crazy on you if you mess with their hair


The song is about her embracing her natural beauty and sending a message out to other women that its ok to embrace your natural beauty. flaunt what you have and be proud


Cristy R. Your response was spot on. As a African American woman I find it frustrating and annoying with how we as black people struggle with our hair. Locs, braids and twists are how we care for our hair, but we can be asked to resign from a job if we have natural said hairstyles. Society wants to ban something they have no understanding about. Meanwhile, other cultures get lice infestations and laws aren't made against that. This world is crazy. If society wants to ban our hair then don't touch it. Stop making us taboo or exotic....we are from the United States.


hey Dylan, I am a black woman and I can explain to you what this song means and what it means to me. if you think about all the black women that you know personally, all the black female singers, all the black actresses that you know, think about how many of them who wear their naturally curly hair. Black women have been told for centuries that our tightly curled hair is not attractive. Look at all the black female newscasters. every black woman who is in the public eye wears her hair straight and not in its natural state. 5 years ago I shaved my head and I went natural. my hair is now in it's curly state. If you hover your mouse over my avatar, a picture of my curls will come up. I have a lot of white people coming up to me and touching my hair, often without asking. I understand that people are curious about our curly hair because we have hidden it for so long, But it doesn't change the fact that it feels weird when people who i don't know just put their hands in my hair, often without asking. this is a song that saying don't touch my hair it's more than hair, it's a feeling that I wear. I hated my natural hair for so long and I have finally embraced it but now people are treating me and petting me like a dog and I don't like it this is what the song is about.


“Don’t Touch My Hair” serves as a manifesto of sorts for women of color and especially Black women, celebrating their natural abilities, unique qualities, and their magic.


Black pride, is the meaning of the song.


It's about our culture, pride, dignity, and anti cultural appropriation


Our hair is a part of our identity as well as history. Many other races are so curious of us but aren't able to ask appropriately. There has been a long history of black women being put down for the texture their hair and not being proud of it but many of us are letting our hair grow as it was intended without being chemically straightened to appear as European and more acceptable.
