TOP 20 Emma Goldman Quotes

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TOP 20 Emma Goldman Quotes.

“Politicians promise you heaven before election and give you hell after.”
— Emma Goldman (00:00)

“I’d rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck.”
— Emma Goldman (00:07)

“The most violent element in society is ignorance.”
— Emma Goldman (00:14)

“A revolution without dancing is not a revolution worth having.”
— Emma Goldman (00:21)

“If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal.”
— Emma Goldman (00:28)

“I want freedom, the right to self-expression, everybody’s right to beautiful, radiant things.”
— Emma Goldman (00:35)

“People have only as much liberty as they have the intelligence to want and the courage to take.”
— Emma Goldman (00:42)

“Life without an ideal is spiritual death.”
— Emma Goldman (00:49)

“Direct action is the logical, consistent method of Anarchism.”
— Emma Goldman (00:56)

“Out of the chaos the future emerges in harmony and beauty.”
— Emma Goldman (01:03)

“I believe – indeed, I know – that whatever is fine and beautiful in the human expresses and asserts itself in spite of government, and not because of it.”
— Emma Goldman (01:10)

“No one has yet realized the wealth of sympathy, the kindness and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to unlock that treasure.”
— Emma Goldman (01:17)

“Anarchism is the only philosophy which brings to man the consciousness of himself; which maintains that God, the State, and society are non-existent, that their promises are null and void, since they can be fulfilled only through man’s subordination.”
— Emma Goldman (01:24)

“Patriotism is a menace to liberty.”
— Emma Goldman (01:31)

“Real wealth consists in things of utility and beauty, in things that help to create strong, beautiful bodies and surroundings inspiring to live in.”
— Emma Goldman (01:38)

“I demand the independence of woman, her right to support herself; to live for herself; to love whomever she pleases, or as many as she pleases. I demand freedom for both sexes, freedom of action, freedom in love and freedom in motherhood.”
— Emma Goldman (01:45)

“What a strange development of patriotism that turns a thinking being into a loyal machine!”
— Emma Goldman (01:52)

“If love does not know how to give and take without restrictions, it is not love, but a transaction that never fails to lay stress on a plus and a minus.”
— Emma Goldman (01:59)

“Ask for work. If they don’t give you work, ask for bread. If they do not give you work or bread, then take bread.”
— Emma Goldman (02:06)

“Every society has the criminals it deserves.”
— Emma Goldman (02:13)

Music credit: Easy Day - Kevin MacLeod
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