What Are Natural Treatment Options For Gastritis?

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Рекомендации по теме

Can you still eat Oikos yogurt which is sweetened with Stevia?


I'm already on a vegetarian diet gluten free diary free for the most part. I believe my IBS is due to gastritis because when I removed spicy foods like kimchi, most vinegar, acid fruits then the symptoms decreased by like 80 % in 1-2 days. I also cut on coffee and Zevia (carbonated beverage), chocolate and I drink low caffeine or matcha instead. I'm careful too with too much fat. Spicy food and coffee seems to be the worst triggers including crackers and toasts. What about these?! I tested negative for everything including H.Pylori but the gastro never did an endoscopy. I really want to find more info on healing gastritis on a plant-based diet but there is not much info available out there. Thanks for your video!


I have upper abdomen pain and it so much, pain lasts longer and my stomach hurts almost every day. feels like I've got alot of bubbles in my stomach


I had h-pylori and took antibiotics. It went away but I still have upper abdominal pain, especially after eating spicy food, alcohol, and not eating for long periods of times. The pain starts 5-6 hours after eating and specially at night time. Although I don’t have h-pylori, can I still have gastritis due to having it before. It’s been 1yr 1/2 since I took the antibiotics.


Gas coming too much what food too relies


I eat oatmeal every morning almost 2yrs..my stomach had scratch and my acidity is to much pain


What are the best food for GERD... Kindly make a video on this... Suffering from terrible acidity/GERD...feel like I cannot breath at times.


Bid farewell to gastritis discomfort with Planet Ayurveda's medicine and treatment, designed to help you live your life to the fullest.


Oatmeal is bad every day empty stomach
