Reduced Fetal Movement

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Went to OB triage the other day because baby was not moving as expected (little to none). First pregnancy. Really scary. The nurse or midwife didn’t explain the CTG or what she’s about to do. They just assumed I knew everything they were doing. And when they told me baby is good and everything and I’ll be discharged soon, it almost seemed like I just wasted their time.

Well, I cried a lot earlier that day thinking my precious baby is sick or something else. Every baby is precious. Every mother (almost every) is worried sick about their babies. I don’t know if it’s because of the color of my skin. God bless them anyway.

I’ve seen an OB doctor cry hard while in the hospital because she couldn’t breastfeed her baby (not latching well). Her husband is a Peds doctor but no reassurance from him to her can comfort her. First pregnancy also. We are all humans. Being compassionate is a key trait to these healthcare positions.


I went to the hospital today, I didn't feel baby move everytime I woke up at night and I usually wake up every couple of hours. So from 1am till 6am. All I felt was my stomach was hard and tight. Something felt wrong. Then I felt a very weak movement. Which was a little reassuring but i was scared something was still wrong. I was in tears woke my husband and we called the hospital. We went to the hospital and just as we were parking I felt the baby move a little more. They monitored me. I felt so silly because by then it seemed the baby had woken up and was moving normally. I did feel really embarrassed but the midwife were very kind and said I did the right thing and that they were happy I did call and got checked. They didn't make me feel bad and encouraged me to call them anytime if I felt reduced movements and never to leave it. Because so many woman lost their babies because they left it too long.


Midwife seems very calm nice and friendly


I wish the midwife who saw me last night at the triage was able to explain the situation as details as her. When I went in last night (9pm), the midwife just put me straight to the monitor, left me in the bed without any explaination. She came back after 30 minutes, took the reading, again without explanation then asked me if I am happy with the baby’s movement now ( as in I am wasting her time and I should be happy kind of manner). I told her that baby is not active as usual and I want to make sure baby is fine. She went without explaining what’s the reading about and said: “ since you are not happy, I will book you to a scan. Before the scan happen, you have to come in to check baby’s heartbeat every other day.” She booked me in and let me go. I appreciate she let me listen to baby’s heartbeats but as a soon-to-be mother, can’t she at least let me know if the reading is okay? Why is that so hard for a midwife to be more helpful in this situation???


Iam 31 weeks pregnant and i feel less movement and im really concern about my baby’s condition, but im not in my hometown right now and i cant wait to go home and have a checkup. When i watch this video and heard the baby’s heartbeat i just burst into tears because i miss hearing its heartbeat😭


This is very useful to see how exactly mummy and baby are being monitored with the CTG machine. I’m sharing this on my platform, so helpful!


Very helpful I am 30 weeks and I was wondering if I can get this place number to come in


I love 💗 watching birth vlogs and husbands being birth panthers for their wives on YouTube


Thank you so much for sharing this with us.


Very scary thing to happen. The shane happened me I’m 29 weeks pregnant and since 17 weeks he has been kicking non stop..But only 5 days ago I felt him stop kicking and more moving and rolling the midwife said this could just be his new pattern I’m constantly feeling him move and roll but not many kicks x


Fundal height measurement isn't an accurate representation of how baby is growing. Sorry but as a mom of 2 iugr babys fundal height usually shows normal when baby's growth had dropped below 10%


I wish I had Cassie as my stepmom forever


UCLH NEVER responds, will not talk to you on the phone and have ignored all my complaints. If anyone knows how I can report this and to who please let me know


I went to the hospital when I had my baby ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Am experiencing this 4 days now no movement felt am so scared 😢


Well i am 31 weeks pregnant I normally feel well but today been having very less movements my husband gets angry if I tell him that I am concern about the movement. I have 4 year old son and dnt have anyone else to look after. He thinks I am just making it up . And does nt want to rake me to hospital.


Anyone has this place number please let me know


The nerse looks like " Nancy belocy"


Anyone has this place number please let me know
