KICK COUNTS During Pregnancy | Feeling Baby Move

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Kick Counts During Pregnancy | Feeling Baby Move

KICK COUNTS DURING PREGNANCY \\ How fun is it feeling baby move for the first time in pregnancy?? Lots of moms, whether this is their first pregnancy or not wonder when do you feel the baby move which is just one of many questions to ask during pregnancy. Feeling baby kick is not just fun but is a great way to check in on the health of your baby. Since most care providers recommend kick counting in some capacity, this video will teach you all about fetal kick counting- how to do kick counts, when to start kick counting, what about baby hiccups during pregnancy, how an anterior placenta impacts baby’s movements, and how baby’s movements change throughout pregnancy.

Kick Counting during pregnancy doesn’t have to be stressful. Doing your kick counts during pregnancy can be used as time connecting to your baby and learning how to relax and tune into and quiet your mind and body- all things that help in preparation for giving birth.



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I know this is an old video, but I’m hoping my comment might help calm someone.I had an anterior placenta with my first and I never felt him kick. It was like a soft flutter once a week. My midwife kept telling me to kick count and it really stressed me out. He was a really calm easy baby, and now he’s 6 and thriving. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself those anterior placentas are not fun, but also we get more sleep so ha. I’m on baby #3 and I have it again, but I feel him all the time. Just depends.


I rarely do kick counts in a focused manner, I just sorta make sure I’ve felt baby move a lot at some point in the day (usually morning at breakfast or after dinner), and then relax from there. That being said, I agree that that time with them is so cool to get to know them.


I am 6 months pregnant and do not know where I would be mentally or emotionally without your channel Bridget!!!!


27 weeks tomorrow and definitely obsessing over kick counts! It was much worse a few weeks ago but now I that I feel her regularly I try not to obsess as much on her more quiet/relaxed days! Thx for this video!


Aw... I miss this... So thankful for my healthy, beautiful baby boy... He is now 2 weeks old, but I was very surprised just how much I miss carrying him inside... I knew I'd miss it but I didn't realize how much... Maybe because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt it was my last pregnancy... It truly is such an amazing experience... And no matter how many kids I have, I still have a hard time wrapping my mind around how the baby that is now in my arms was created and grown inside of me..


Thank you for changing to “parents” - it’s the little changes in language that make all the difference! Really appreciate.


I've discovered you three days ago and I've been binge watching aaaall of your videos, you are truly amazing!! You made me see the beauty of birth, and I'm as afraid as I was before ❤️


Thanks for the video! I am 27 weeks and just starting to learn how to do kick counts properly (didn’t do it for my first). I didn’t know that hiccups don’t count! 😂 I counted like 84 movement from one single round of hiccups today lol thanks for the educational video! It’s fun to do kick counts


Ah finally the intro changed into something that includes both parents 😊😊 thank you!


Right! I’m at the “roll” point in my pregnancy. I’m newly entering my 3rd trimester. At first, I was concerned because I didn’t feel as many “kicks” per se, but that quickly changed into rolls, as you mentioned! His feet are now up to my ribs lol, and I definitely feel that movement. I say all of this to say, it’s hard for me to count kicks when he barely does it. Just a whole lot of rolling and movement! He’s definitely active!


27 weeks with an anterior placenta and I started feeling my baby towards the end of 16 weeks. I suspected I had an anterior placenta because movements felt almost muffled. My sonographer was very surprised when I asked "I think I have an anterior placenta, can you see that?" and she saw that I was right. I definitely feel stronger punches and kicks higher up, and feel them become somewhat dampened if he's lower down. I find his kicks and punches are stronger at night and first thing in the morning, and can see him moving a lot more if I'm laying down on my side.

A very important thing to remember is that babies are unique and have different patterns, so relying on the 10 kicks in 1-2 hours isn't really recommended anymore (especially here in the UK). Here kick counts are recommended from 28 weeks when your baby has established a regular pattern, but it's something I've been monitoring around 21 weeks just so I was aware of what I was feeling/how kicks felt and it let me get used to noting what feels normal for us.


Hi, this was so helpful as I kept hearing about counting kicks and I had no idea where to begin!! However I’m having twins - is the process for counting kicks for twins different. How do I know I’m counting the kicks of the same baby?
Please try to include some information about twins in your videos. I love them and they are so helpful. Thank you Fatma, UK


I'm 34 weeks pregnant and it's been a struggle not to obsess over kicks. Baby is so irregular and inconsistent. Some days are like an ongoing party and some days, it seems to sleep all day and all night. That being said, I always feel some squirming here and there, but gosh it's hard to keep track!


I need to save this for my next pregnancy. Never could really feel many kicks with my current child. She had an anterior placenta. I felt her here and there but it was hard in the beginning especially.


Ooh, this is perfect timing, I'm 26 weeks.


wait. i may be out of topic but i love your house!


My baby girl moves so much lol ❤ she def gets that from her dad haha, I was a really calm baby but I think this one is going to be busy


thanks for the video. i am watching ur all video its helping me so much.i am 22 weeks first-time mom.


I had an anterior placenta as well with my third baby. It was so odd not feeling him til 19 weeks.
When I felt my other 2 at like 16.


In fifth month is it normal to feel movements one day and not feel so much the other day?
