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Hey guys!!🙌 I hope you are doing well.😀 In this video I'm going to be showing you guys 12 hacks to stop multi-tasking. I hope you guys find these hacks helpful!🌈

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🌟Check out my video, Can't STOP PROCRASTINATING?? 15 Simple HACKS to Stop PROCRASTINATING
🌟Watch my previous video, 9 HABITS for a PRODUCTIVE LIFE | PART 2



The 1st hack is to Make a todo list. The reason why making a todo list is crucial when trying to not multitask is because when you have a list of things you need to do, you can focus on what’s important and and not be distracted. Since this is extremely easy to do, always try and make a todo list at the start of the day so you know exactly what you need to do.

The 2nd hack is to Try to do everything in the morning. It is actually proven that you are more focused in the morning rather than later in the day and when you are focused, you are less likely to multitask. So try to do as much as you can before lunch or before breakfast instead of during the night.

The 3rd hack is to Focus on starting rather than finishing. This is a great hack if you tend to multitask when you are overwhelmed with the amount you have to do. So basically what you do is when you are about to start a task, instead of thinking about everything you need to do to finish that task, only think about starting it so you don’t feel like you have to do a lot.

The 4th hack is to Try to pass responsibilities. So what I mean by this is if you have a long todo list, a good way to shorten it down so you only have to do the most important tasks is by going through and trying to pick out ones that you don’t necessarily have to do. So let’s say you have to remind the teacher something or even things like taking out the trash, you want to find someone that can do this instead of you, so you focus on the more important things.

The 5th hack is Don’t think about perfection. When you think about perfection, it could lead to you spending a lot of time doing one single task. This could lead to you trying to finish as much as you can causing you to multitask. And since multitasking actually leads to mistakes in what you are doing, not thinking about perfection can actually help you have a better result in your task, so try to think about progress rather than perfection.

The 6th hack is to Make a schedule. Just take 5 to 10 minutes to make a weekday schedule and a weekend schedule that you can follow everyday. This basically allows you to not fall off track which means that you will be less prone to multitasking. I basically allow myself time to study but also some time to eat and to chill out. Just make sure that it is reasonable and something that you can achieve and follow all the time.

The 7th hack is to Use the Pomodoro Technique. Multitasking is usually the result of you wanting to do something else like maybe YouTube or something that you actually enjoy while you do something that you dislike, maybe studying. So a good way to counteract that is by using the Pomodoro Technique. This basically allows you to have time to do what you need to do but also a reasonable time to have a break.

The 8th hack is to Give yourself rewards. A good way to put this to use could be after you do a whole set of the Pomodoro Technique, you could give yourself a reward like YouTube, social media, snacks, chill time, movie or money. This is a great way to keep you motivated and keep you less likely to multitask.

The 9th hack is to Clean your study area. This is one of the most important and easy thing that you could do. Just take 5 minutes everyday or even once a week to clean up your desk area. Try to get rid of any unnecessary things off of your desk and try to throw away as much rubbish as possible. I find this to be super effective because when your desk area is clean you are less likely to be distracted and therefor else’s likely for you to multitask.

The 10th hack is Don’t bite off more than you can chew. It’s important to be able to say no to things and that you don’t bite off more than you can chew because sometimes when you try to do everything you can end up multitasking in an attempt to do it all. Since multitasking leads to you making a lot of mistakes you will not be able to do either of the tasks well. So try to say no to things that aren’t important so you focus on what you really need to do.
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