The Mysterious Missing Dark Matter

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#darkmatter #mond #cosmology What are the implications of the discovery of a galaxy with NO dark matter? Does it spell the end of MOND or other alternatives? Watch the video to find out!
Back in 2018, astronomers led by Pieter van Dokkum discovered a galaxy that barely contains any dark matter, which actually proves that dark matter does indeed exist.
Van Dokkum, the Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Physics at Yale University, and colleagues used a telescope with over 40 telephoto lenses; effectively making the biggest refracting telescope in the world, located in New Mexico State. He developed the Dragonfly Telephoto Array together with Canadian Professor Roberto Abraham. Van Dokkum explains: ‘Regular telescopes are built to obtain sharp images, and significant sums are invested in them.
His relatively cheap telescope is made up of telephoto lenses for professional photographers. These lenses cannot produce such sharp images, but they can have lower background noise. As a result, his team can discover Extremely faint galaxies The newly discovered galaxy was named NGC 1052-DF2 and is at a distance of 60 million light-years from Earth.
It hardly contains any dark matter, unlike most astronomers expect based on models. The galaxy is the same size as our own. Up till now, it was overlooked because it contains fewer stars than the Milky Way, and is thus extremely faint. Alternative theories of gravity don’t work Such galaxies were already known, but they all showed lots of dark matter. Van Dokkum: ‘The discovery is relevant because some scientists assume that dark matter doesn’t exist, and is caused instead because gravity works differently at large distances. See my interview with Moti Milgrom on MOND.
To date, such theories could explain the observations surprisingly well. However, they do make the assumption that all galaxies must contain dark matter. This galaxy doesn’t, which makes it the first direct evidence that alternative gravitational theories cannot be applied to galaxies.’
The mysterious dark matter is manifested by galaxies that orbit around too quickly in relation to their mass; the amount of gravity is always more than what there should be based on visible matter. However, the new galaxy does not move fast. Van Dokkum: ‘All mass derives from stars and interstellar gas clouds within the galaxy.
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Scriptwriter: Taiqoor Ahmed
Please watch: "Neil DeGrasse Tyson: Plays the Race Card!"
Back in 2018, astronomers led by Pieter van Dokkum discovered a galaxy that barely contains any dark matter, which actually proves that dark matter does indeed exist.
Van Dokkum, the Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Physics at Yale University, and colleagues used a telescope with over 40 telephoto lenses; effectively making the biggest refracting telescope in the world, located in New Mexico State. He developed the Dragonfly Telephoto Array together with Canadian Professor Roberto Abraham. Van Dokkum explains: ‘Regular telescopes are built to obtain sharp images, and significant sums are invested in them.
His relatively cheap telescope is made up of telephoto lenses for professional photographers. These lenses cannot produce such sharp images, but they can have lower background noise. As a result, his team can discover Extremely faint galaxies The newly discovered galaxy was named NGC 1052-DF2 and is at a distance of 60 million light-years from Earth.
It hardly contains any dark matter, unlike most astronomers expect based on models. The galaxy is the same size as our own. Up till now, it was overlooked because it contains fewer stars than the Milky Way, and is thus extremely faint. Alternative theories of gravity don’t work Such galaxies were already known, but they all showed lots of dark matter. Van Dokkum: ‘The discovery is relevant because some scientists assume that dark matter doesn’t exist, and is caused instead because gravity works differently at large distances. See my interview with Moti Milgrom on MOND.
To date, such theories could explain the observations surprisingly well. However, they do make the assumption that all galaxies must contain dark matter. This galaxy doesn’t, which makes it the first direct evidence that alternative gravitational theories cannot be applied to galaxies.’
The mysterious dark matter is manifested by galaxies that orbit around too quickly in relation to their mass; the amount of gravity is always more than what there should be based on visible matter. However, the new galaxy does not move fast. Van Dokkum: ‘All mass derives from stars and interstellar gas clouds within the galaxy.
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Scriptwriter: Taiqoor Ahmed
Please watch: "Neil DeGrasse Tyson: Plays the Race Card!"