The Mysterious Missing Dark Matter

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#darkmatter #mond #cosmology What are the implications of the discovery of a galaxy with NO dark matter? Does it spell the end of MOND or other alternatives? Watch the video to find out!

Back in 2018, astronomers led by Pieter van Dokkum discovered a galaxy that barely contains any dark matter, which actually proves that dark matter does indeed exist.

Van Dokkum, the Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Physics at Yale University, and colleagues used a telescope with over 40 telephoto lenses; effectively making the biggest refracting telescope in the world, located in New Mexico State. He developed the Dragonfly Telephoto Array together with Canadian Professor Roberto Abraham. Van Dokkum explains: ‘Regular telescopes are built to obtain sharp images, and significant sums are invested in them.

His relatively cheap telescope is made up of telephoto lenses for professional photographers. These lenses cannot produce such sharp images, but they can have lower background noise. As a result, his team can discover Extremely faint galaxies The newly discovered galaxy was named NGC 1052-DF2 and is at a distance of 60 million light-years from Earth.

It hardly contains any dark matter, unlike most astronomers expect based on models. The galaxy is the same size as our own. Up till now, it was overlooked because it contains fewer stars than the Milky Way, and is thus extremely faint. Alternative theories of gravity don’t work Such galaxies were already known, but they all showed lots of dark matter. Van Dokkum: ‘The discovery is relevant because some scientists assume that dark matter doesn’t exist, and is caused instead because gravity works differently at large distances. See my interview with Moti Milgrom on MOND.

To date, such theories could explain the observations surprisingly well. However, they do make the assumption that all galaxies must contain dark matter. This galaxy doesn’t, which makes it the first direct evidence that alternative gravitational theories cannot be applied to galaxies.’

The mysterious dark matter is manifested by galaxies that orbit around too quickly in relation to their mass; the amount of gravity is always more than what there should be based on visible matter. However, the new galaxy does not move fast. Van Dokkum: ‘All mass derives from stars and interstellar gas clouds within the galaxy.

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Galaxies without dark matter are paradoxically the best evidence it actually exists because modified gravity would make all galaxies seem to be full of it.


First words of the video...."here are some interesting FACTS...". I love these discussions, but please don't represent anything related to dark matter as being factual. You know it is far from being a fact, and suggesting otherwise is intellectually dishonest.


There is an elephant in the room explanation for those abnormally high star rotation rates. We have all heard the phrase "mass becomes infinite at the speed of light" this phenomenon is illustrated in a common relativity graph with velocity (from stationary to the speed of light) on the horizontal line and dilation (sometimes called gamma or y) on the vertical line. Mass that is dilated is smeared through spacetime relative to an outside observer. Even mass that exists at 75% light speed is partially dilated.
Wherever you have an astronomical quantity of mass, dilation will occur because high mass means high momentum. There is no place in the universe where mass is more concentrated than at the center of a galaxy. 99.8% of the mass in our solar system is in the sun. 99.9% of the mass in an atom is in the nucleus. If these norms are true for galaxies than we can infer that there is 100's of trillions of solar masses at the center of common spiral galaxies. There is no way to know this through observation, there is far too much interference, dilation and gravitational lensing. If we attribute a radius to these numbers than we can calculate that relativistic velocities exist in these regions.
Low mass galaxies do not have enough mass in there centers to achieve relativistic velocities. Therefore they are not infused with dilated mass.
In the 1939 journal "Annals of Mathematics" Einstein wrote about dilation occuring in regions that would have less mass than that which would exist at the center of an average spiral galaxy. This means that according to Einstein's math the mass at the center of our own galaxy is dilated. This means that the mass we think of as being at the center of our galaxy is in some sublime way all around us because as the graph shows we are still connected to it.


(4.1×10^8 photons/m^3) = 1 photon number density of the cosmic microwave background


I like Rupert Sheldrake the so called scientific heretic !!! Morphic Fields !!!


Interesting video. But I think you'll find that Sabine has established copyright on using images of Albert Einstein, so prepare to be sued!


Someone call wardrobe! It's a 911 emergency!


Does 1052 have a blackhole at its center? Galaxies with blackholes at their center (which I thought were all galaxies) may exhibit dark matter effects from the blackhole itself. Maybe the blackhole is a doorway into dark energy and thus the effects we consider to be dark matter, or drag.


The Blooming Of The Galaxies;

The distinguished astronomer Vera Rubin was the first on Earth to discover the non-Einsteinian galactic sigma. The galactic sigma is the non-Newtonian relationship between the orbital velocities of stars at the outer edges of galaxies and those deeper within. Since Vera’s seminal discoveries and the subsequent discovery by others of supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies, a great debate has ensued. How to account for this strange discrepancy in what should be resolved physics. How does the central black hole fit in? The answers to these questions lie in understanding how galaxies form through the prism of the LINE hypothesis.

The LINE hypothesis suggests that it is only during phases of universal contraction that black holes liberate information as Hawking radiation. The final emissions of Hawking radiation released by surviving black holes in the latter stages of each universal transition event (UTE) mark the blooming stage of surviving black holes to become transitional primordial structures called galaxoids. The UTE phase compresses all particles into a free information state. Any free information not bound within the event horizon of surviving black holes degenerates back into the original information state of the SoS (solution of state) from which all information in this universe originated. Even the Planck Holes (PH) that normally define the scaffolding of normal space succumbs to this degeneracy. In addition to the free SoS, this compacting leaves only a background substrate consisting of the spatial entanglement channels which normally separates and binds together the PH in normal space. During the UTE, space as we know it is no longer normal as it degenerates into a very high rendering, extremely low latency information teleportation mode. In this mode, the barrier of space that normally separates the verses is stirred into the SoS carried by spatial entanglement channels.

A UTE produces an inflationary phase which approaches but is not identical to the original inflation phase of the universal instantiation event (UIE). Today both of these very different and pivotal phases of universal instantiation and transition are referred to as big bangs. This is because they are incorrectly thought to be one and the same. Each UTE phase initiates a new expansion phase when the vast amount of information liberated as Hawking radiation from all black holes within a contracting universe is compressed to a critical density, temperature, and state. This rebound is the hyper luminal inflation of the information liberated from all black holes during the entire contraction phase as black holes establish equilibrium per the surrounding universal information budget. During each UTE, some, but not all of the universal degrees of freedom (DOF) known as ‘constants’ which will inform the next universal expansion and reality, are uniquely initialized thereby probabilistically informing a unique evolution of information in the burgeoning universe. Black holes that do not completely dissipate are the only structures that may survive the UTE.

The primordial phase immediately following the universal instantiation event (UIE) called inflation, was first hypothesized by Alan Guth. The UIE and UTE inflation phases both imbue a certain homogeny to affected information within the new verse. However, only the UTE has the opportunity to inflate the information trapped within the WOF of black holes. This inflation is informed by the universal information budget. Consequently, a new universal expansion phase ensues. In the UTE this early inflationary phase grows or blooms the information released as Hawking radiation around every black hole into a dispersed homogenous (in substance and in kinetics) disc of gas which in time evolve to become nebulae, stars and all manifestations thereof in galaxies. Because the atoms in this transitional disc of gas did not migrate to their positions by Newtonian physics but by rapid inflation, the stars and other cosmological manifestations that emerge from these constituents also will not be observed to strictly adhere to Newtonian dynamics.

The blooming of black holes into new galaxoids, occurs during UTE inflation. UTE inflation occurs as a consequence of the severe contraction of space-time. This contraction destroys complexity universally at all scales and initiates a universal phase transition. Consequently, as a CPU’s rendering rate increases with the shutdown of all active complex processes therein, likewise, by destroying complexity, the UTE initiates a rebound of the decreasing universal rendering rate and with it an increase in the maximum universal speed limit. Additionally, upon this phase transition state, the spatial entanglement channels which normally bind the PH in normal space become dominant during the UTE. This degenerate state of space permits information to travel within this unfamiliar medium at a non-deterministically high velocity that is much greater than the familiar speed of light.

During each UTE, Hawking radiation accumulates around each surviving black hole. This accumulation forms the shell of information formerly described in normal space as the black hole’s wall of fire (WOF). During the inflationary phase of the UTE, the WOF shell around each surviving black hole also inflates. This WOF inflation produces a far more defused sphere of information around each black hole called the WOF halo. This inflated information bloom gravitationally encompasses each primordial transitional black hole. Together these manifestations compose a galaxoid. Galaxoids are the primordial seeds that evolve to become galaxies. Galaxies cannot gravitationally aggregate in normal space as planets and solar systems do. Galaxies evolve from galaxoids that are superluminally inflated during each universal transition event.

Like the free information that fills the new universe, the WOF halo is the material that, in time, condenses into particles and atoms around central black holes. These particles eventually gravitationally collapse to become stars and all of the manifestations which form galaxies, which may thereafter be circumstantially held together by dark matter. Hence, there can be expected to be a remnant of the blooming black hole remaining at the center of a typical galaxy. By transitional inflation during each UTE, the uniformity, distribution, and velocity of stars and other matter at the galactic edge become unexpectedly correlated with matter deeper within. So too is the uniformity, trajectory, and velocities of structures throughout the cosmos writ large informed by the initial inflation at the UIE and with each subsequent UTE inflation.

The LINE hypothesis suggests that transitional black holes bloom into galaxoids during the inflationary phase of the UTE. This is the process that forges the otherwise mysterious relationship between a galaxy and its central black hole. The Hawking emissions from black holes during all stages of universal contraction and particularly during the final stages of each UTE causes a verse’s inflationary rebound. This inflation disperses information at the then maximum universal rendering rate, a velocity faster than light as we know it. This circumstantially cyclic inflation accounts for the initial homogenous distribution of matter in galaxies. Moreover, the UIE, which sparked the initial, much different, universal inflation widely known as the big bang similarly accounts for this universe’s initial homogenous microwave background and distribution of galaxies.

So how can an ISMP black hole remain isolated through numerous UTE? Doesn’t a UTE cause black holes to become galaxoids with a WOF halo? Yes, but not all WOF halos are equal or substantial. It is important to remember that within the UTE, space as we know it does not exist and neither does distance or size. Black holes within the UTE is nothing like black holes in normal space. So, picturing black holes as regular black holes all bunched together is a completely false representation of the UTE state. Suffice it to say that the laws of conservation of information are maintained through each UTE. Hence, once the PH and space reconstitute after inflation and the next expansion phase ensues, black holes may maintain their prior information content within their enclosed regime and near the event horizon. Therefore, transitional black holes may not all become viable galaxoids. Many black holes may continue in their isolation in the new universe. A subset of these will maintain their significant isolation through each UTE to the present. While the majority become galaxies that hosts life, these relatively few become the tell tale ember black holes (EBH).


Kinda an “INTERESTING” use of a word at 7:25 considering its juxtaposition and being part of a group that would consider it inappropriate, but you always sprinkle some of these around as “insider jokes”.


3 question-Where is the dark matter we still haven't found it we just think it's there correct? And I'm still list give that space is flat but doesnt gravity cause warps around planet so is it flat with bumps everywhere? And why is space flat but planets are round? And ive always thought of you universe in 3d? Like a rectangular block bend in a circle all the way to the big bang? I guess I'm just a lil lost on somethings that still doesn't make since from the lil college I've had


@1:55, Real liquids like water have surface tension and viscsity preventing them from flattening out to a 1 molecule thick sheet. A better example for this thought experiment is placing a drop of cooking oil on a calm pond or lake; the resulting oil slick is 1 molecule thick floating on the water.


I hate the term "dark matter". The problem is "dark gravity". That's not evidence of matter. It's more likely our model of gravity is wrong than a whole other form of invisible mysterious matter.


Is this video intended for 6 years old kids? This tendency to treat grown up people as kids is very annoying. You can see this phenomenon again and again in lectures and talks and tv shows. It´s like being back in grammar school.


I am not sure if it wouldn't just be better to see you talking more and have less b-roll footage. I mean a scene for every subject in each of your sentences is a bit much. But I am not generation Tik Tok, so maybe they like it.


Your standard astrophysics is not working because the
"gravity does everything in space" assumption is wrong.


This video excited my globular clusters


Would be wonderful if WEBB led to a superset theory to resolve the issues of incompatible theories.


Hey when did Cenk Uyghur become an astrophysicists?
