The Search for Dark Matter: Uncovering the Universe's Missing Mass

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The Search for Dark Matter: Uncovering the Universe's Missing Mass

Dark matter is a mysterious type of matter that does not emit or interact with light, but it is believed to account for a significant portion of the total matter in the universe. Despite decades of research, scientists are still trying to understand its properties and unravel the mysteries surrounding it.

#DarkMatter, #MatterInUniverse, #Cosmology, #Astrophysics, #TheoreticalPhysics, #GalaxyFormation, #CosmicWeb, #GravitationalForces, #MassOfUniverse, #ParticlePhysics, #BigBangTheory, #UniverseComposition, #InvisibleMatter, #DarkMatterDetection, #WIMPs, #Axions, #Neutrinos, #BeyondStandardModel, #PhysicsMysteries, #UnsolvedMysteries, #ScientificResearch, #SpaceObservations, #DarkMatterTheories, #DarkMatterDebate, #CosmicDiscoveries, #SpaceMysteries, #CosmicQuestions, #UniverseExploration, #CosmicPuzzles, #ScienceCommunity.
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What a total bunch of crap. We waste billions studying nothing based on a false premise. Lets quit trying to prove gravity exists and start studying the effects of magnetic flux fields and plasma flow in Birkeland Currents.
