Anheuser-Busch Heir Billy Busch On Bud Light Collapse! | Tomi Lahren is Fearless

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BUY IT BACK BILLY!!!! Save your family's legacy


They turned Bud Light into a joke. Now it's the beer you hand your friends to mock them. In the effort to "get away from the Frat boy culture", they handed them their greatest joke as they insulted their current customer base. This is par for the course over the last decade from Star Wars to pretty much everywhere. "We changing it and if you don't like it YOUR the problem." Imagine if "new coke" did this in the 80s? Pepsi would gladly have accepted mantle of greatest American soda...that is until another idiot executive makes another senseless decision.


What they failed to mention also was the fact that the Dylan Mulvaney thing was also aimed towards children as well which is illegal since they got rid of Joe Camel.


Since Anheuser-Bush company is tanking the value of the company is going to be lower than originally was bought so the Busch family can buy it for cheaper price. This reminds me of Lucas film, Disney bought it for billions of something dollars and now the value is almost half of the original price and George Lucas can buy his old company back from Disney.


the interesting thing about Anheuser-Busch is the fact, the CEO is still the CEO! Sure the company let go its Diversity, Inclusivity, & Equity HR and Marketing VP's. But the fact is and still is, the CEO whom wrote them off to permit this warped vision of wonderful is still running the Corporation.
Shareholders will ultimately decide the fate of the Anheuser-Busch CEO, but man oh man, has the investors to Anheuser-Busch taken a beating on Stock Value this past year. Worse, it was the good ole hourly wage workers that got clobbered by the Ivy League MBA Business Marketing professionals. You couldn't be this stupid and breath.
I think the images that came from the motorcycle-fest Stugis said it all. NOBODY, and i mean NOBODY was at the Budweiser Pavilion at Sturgis.
You know, this is how out of touch Ivy League liberalism has gone. The Marketing VP for Budweiser joked about the "fratty" stigma of Budweiser products. So she took it upon herself to change the image of Bud to be more 'inclusive".
Problem is and was and still is. The LGBT Community is not the BIGGEST PURCHASER of common beers. Any Old School Marketing guru could have told this moron Ivy League MBA Marketing genius the facts of life. But nope, Campus liberal -- MEETS -- Reality off Campus. Goes BUST, really fast. Cost of liberal university Business & Marketing Courses, thousands of jobs lost, maybe $8 BILLION DOLLARS lost in stock value lost to investors.
All this to be progressively acceptable to what less than 1% of the population.
I'd bet, in total yearly Budweiser Beer Can sales to the LGBT Community specifically to the Transgenders of the LGBT Community. They don't buy a truck load of Budweiser per year!
Think about that folks. This Ivy League retard MBA genius bet $8 BILLION DOLLARS against $10, 000 bucks maybe of one truck 40 skids of Budweiser beer to prove LGBT.


IBEV purchase was in the long term a mistake for the organization and its people but $ ruled out. Buy back and make it all great again.


Everyone pay very close attention: if he buys back, and apologizes, that will be the time to investe in bud light stocks


I just thought the idea was absurd. We were supposed to accept that Mulvaney is a woman, not that he is pretending to be one. We are supposed to go along with humoring someone who has a mental problem by promoting his delusion. That's really quite twisted. And on an artistic note, that's not something that appeals to most men. I personally like advertisements that appeal to things that inspire me (such as actual beautiful women) or that are funny. The woke were pushing this as serious truth that we were all supposed to accept. It wasn't meant as a joke.

And I've heard some people say this indicates prejudice. Well, in fact, it's post-judice. It's an after the fact evaluation. It is not rational or good to push the notion that a man is a woman. It's seriously irrational.



Billy doesn’t realize that his company is tanking like the economy and he better get involved. Billy better get rid of the ESG bullshit or the company will end up like Schlitz which was a No 1 beer.


The Busch family cashed out. They did not care. All they wanted was the money. It's a little late to start waiving a flag around. It anyone wants to see what went wrong, Billie Bob need only look in a mirror.


If Bud Light becomes number one again then the boycott was pointless.


It was just the straw that broke the camels back...


Never going back to a brand who thinks men are women. No way.


Buy it for who, ? For the people who drink with one year old kids? Okay


Save your money Billy. Only a fool buys a dead horse. That brand is done no matter what they do next or who owns it.


No one is trying to push anything down anyone's throat. The hyperbole is part of the problem.


Mr. Busch, don't waste your money. The brand has been destroyed, and it tastes like watered down Bud. Open a high quality micro-brewery.


The homophobic boycott of Bud Light by low testosterone incels over Dylan Mulvaney was ignored by most Americans and has had no long term effect on the brand despite a Trump-style Big Lie campaign to the contrary.


I drink busch light yes I know same company, but I never drank bud light, all it did was make it cheaper for me to buy
