Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door Remake BADGE POWER

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Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door Remake BADGE POWER | Paper Mario TTYD Remake Remake Switch Reaction Walkthrough Gameplay garoshadowscale

#papermariothethousandyeardoor #papermario #garoshadowscale
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always raise badge points, then never use more than 3 badge points to stay at level 1 🗿


Upgrading only HP can actually make the game harder with a larger focus on item management. But if you have a lot of health and equip the Double Pain, Return Postage and Zap Tap badges. You can turn Mario into a counter attacking tank! The level scaling in this game opens up so many different gameplay styles and possibilities.


Danger Mario strategy always. All BP with 5 HP and run Power rush 6 times with 2 power badges and jump man badge. You won’t be disappointed


I would suggest upgrading health to 25 or 30 and fp to 20 or 25 and the rest to bp


So... It's basically the same as the og TTYD.


Or, alternatively, you could fight almost about 10, 000 battles to get to level 99, then you don’t have to worry about which one.


I always do HP, FP, BP in that order.


I’ve been balancing upgrading FP and BP, I’m also not using Health-upping badges and at this point I’ve died more times than I’d like to admit.


I personally went FP to spam yoshi’s stampede move


I heard "raise health" as "raise hell"


I agree. BPs are truly the focus when levelling up. garoShiny
One type of P is missing, though garoWink 😘🤗💗👌🏽🐉


My faincés uses danger Mario build and it's broken as hell me and him played the last chapter early today and he was always wanting on me lol because he killed everyone so fast even took out the last boss in two turns he does 26 damage each hit and is going to go through the pit of 100 trials again just to prove a point to bonetail he doesn't like her she killed him a ton before he beat her before the danger Mario build lol it's fun to watch him play but he has mastered TTYD hella fast compared to me and I've played the OG one and he didn't


Prince Mush is the HARDEST MARIO BOSS EVER! 😭😭


My stats when I beat the game were 15 HP, 15 FP, 93 BP. It’s worth noting I was overleveled due to having already done a couple runs of the Pit of 100 Trials


The happy badges are worthless, 2 fp for a random chance to restore 1 point. You know what restores health and fp more efficiently? Sweet treat. It's 100% garuanteed to restore several hp and fp in a single turn no coins spent no items or item slots used costs a single node to use normal appeals give like 51% of a node 1 super appeal badge makes that 76% you should just be hitting stylishes all the time if you played the original, and with practice unsimplifier gives you a ton while you set up or attack with your abilities. Really sweet treat is the most OP special move in the game since it invalidates every healing item aside from life shrooms, boo sheets and attack items but earth tremor which is gained by beating chapter 1 can deal 6 damage to all damagable enemies on perfect execution for 2 nodes. Stop bomb is situational and expensive on nodes at best. Power lift is excellent raising attack and defence by about 3 & 4 or 3 & 4 at the cost of 3 nodes and great for finishing off a charge spam session. Art attack costs double but can dishes out more damage and to single targets it can hit more times. Sweat feast is bad simply because its an excessive and pricier version of sweat treat. I know there's a star power which is just, kick all the enemies out of the ring and it's worthless. Then there's the final move which is straight dps but I forget if it's actually good or not.


I do the Danger Mario build: drop your max HP to 5 with Chet Rippo after Ch5, then go nuts with 48 Power Rush badges after I get the Gold Membership Card.


Charge P is what got me through me through Bonetail and Prince Mush.

And Zaptap is just too good.


I either go badge or FP. Always have since the original game :3 you can always get badges to up your health!


I haven't picked up the Switch game yet, but as someone who played it on the GCN when it first came out, I'm excited to see you can now fight Prince Mush the first champion of the Glitz


I always raise up Fp to like 20, and then pour the rest into Bp
