Spotting tips from an experienced trail guide
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After our weekend at AOAA, I had two people suggest I make a video on spotting, and how to spot well.
Trail guiding and spotting can be tough work. I'm sure others will have more to say on the subject, but here's what goes into MY spotting techniques. Adjust accordingly.
Credit where Credit is due, I used footage from by friends Blaine, CPO, and JeepMomma. You can find their channels here:
Trail guiding and spotting can be tough work. I'm sure others will have more to say on the subject, but here's what goes into MY spotting techniques. Adjust accordingly.
Credit where Credit is due, I used footage from by friends Blaine, CPO, and JeepMomma. You can find their channels here:
Spotting tips from an experienced trail guide
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