Using IDbContextFactory and DbContext In The Same #AspNetCore app
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Sometimes we need to work with both the regular DbContext and with IDbContextFactory at the same Asp.Net Core app. Here are two popular use cases:
1️⃣ Blazor Server, when we need to have both components and controllers and Razor Pages in the same project
2️⃣ When running background jobs, like Hangfire.
❗❗❗❗There's however a nasty exception just around the corner. If we try to run the application, we'll get an exception saying that a scoped service can't be consumed in a singleton service.
🤔So, what's wrong? Let me walk you through this.
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Also follow me here (especially if you are a self taught developer):
1. Intro: 00:00
2. Do we even need this? 01:02
3. Throwing Blazor Server in the mix 03:52
4. Annoying exception: 05:13
5. C'mon. it's that simple?! 07:32
6. Conclusion: 09:37
My setup:
1️⃣ Blazor Server, when we need to have both components and controllers and Razor Pages in the same project
2️⃣ When running background jobs, like Hangfire.
❗❗❗❗There's however a nasty exception just around the corner. If we try to run the application, we'll get an exception saying that a scoped service can't be consumed in a singleton service.
🤔So, what's wrong? Let me walk you through this.
Join this channel to get source code access and other perks:
Also follow me here (especially if you are a self taught developer):
1. Intro: 00:00
2. Do we even need this? 01:02
3. Throwing Blazor Server in the mix 03:52
4. Annoying exception: 05:13
5. C'mon. it's that simple?! 07:32
6. Conclusion: 09:37
My setup:
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